Why Spider-Man’s Green Goblin is a Darker Villain Than The Joker

The Joker may be the gold standard of comic book chaos villains, but Marvel’s Green Goblin’s track record is good enough to help the Prince of Crime make money. In fact, the goblin can actually defeat the clown, considering all the horrible deeds the various lunatics have committed.

black cat number 4 Jed MacKay brings back the Cat Queen, aka Lily Hollister, a hero with a complicated past. Before becoming Elvis, Lily dated Harry Osborn, and after stumbling into one of Norman Osborn’s back rooms, she accidentally came into contact with an elf serum, turning her into Spider-Man, The tragic villain Menas. Menace then allied with Norman, who attempted to fertilize her with his offspring to create more spawning elves. Fortunately, the baby was eventually revealed to be Harry’s, not Norman’s, and Spider-Man was able to cure her leprechaun’s illness for Lily, despite the events that had haunted her for so long. to this day.

The effect of the goblin serum alone was much lower than the Joker’s usual calling card. Clown crime princes often use deadly laughing gas, and the Green Goblin’s serum can literally turn people into super criminals, giving them enhanced powers and masking their minds with magical powers. crazy personalities — not to mention giving them a creepy new look. On the contrary, laughing to death doesn’t seem like a bad way out. Then there are all the people they killed; Joker and Green Goblin have taken countless innocent lives, especially when there are multiple versions of Green Goblin and three different Jokers operating over the years. They even managed to kill a few that were very close to their enemies. The Joker killed Batman’s second Robin, Jason Todd, and the infamous Green Goblin murdered Gwen Stacy, and considering Jason at least a crime fighter, he knows and accepts that the risk of the job, is that a much more serious crime. On the other hand, Gwen is really just an innocent person killed just so Norman can hurt Peter.

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Perhaps the biggest difference between Green Goblin and Joker is their motives. The Joker has no real motives other than creating chaos and toying with Batman, and he has repeatedly stated that he never wanted their fight to end. The Green Goblin is certainly also chaotic, but Norman also has ambitions beyond the anarchy. In Marvel’s darkness reigns Osborn almost took over the world in Brian Michael Bendis’ series secret invasion events, creating a dark version of the Avengers and forming his own team of mutants. In general, Norman often competes for power more strategically than the Joker, who has little desire to rule or control anything – he simply sows chaos and indiscriminate destruction. In a way, the goblin is actually a combination of two of DC’s greatest villains – Norman Osborn as rich and ambitious as Lex Luthor and brutal as Joker, making him arguably a threat. greater threat than any of them. His twisted relationship with Spider-Man, somewhat like a father figure to Peter growing up, is also more personal and therefore more impactful than the Joker and Batman rivalry, Mainly on the street.

At the end of the day, Batman and the Joker and Spider-Man and the Green Goblin are perhaps two of the most iconic comic book rivals of all time. Their relationship is similar in many ways, but putting their profiles side by side, it seems like the Green Goblin might actually be the darker villain.

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