Why [SPOILER] Are So Important To Tony Stark

This article contains spoilers Avengers: Game over

Avengers: Game over A number of flashbacks to different parts of the Marvel Cinematic Universe are included, including one particular reference that will strike a chord with longtime fans. It’s hard to believe that after 11 years and 22 films to begin with, this generation’s flagship series has kicked off with a relatively solid and somewhat adventurous origin story. Iron ManStarring Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark, few would have guessed at the time that it would not only put Downey at the top of the A-list and make audiences fall in love with a new superhero, but would also completely redefine the series. Film industry in general.

It went on to gross over $18 billion worldwide, and Marvel Studios was in a position where they could go wrong with very little. original book Iron Man. As expected, Endgame There are some nods to that movie, most notably when Tony repeats “I’m Iron Man” Announced before he made Thanos defunct. But then there’s another interesting nod, directly related to Stark’s first steps toward becoming the great hero he wants to be.

After Tony’s funeral, youngest daughter Morgan and Happy Hogan sat on the porch. Happy asks her if she wants something to eat, and she innocently says she wants a cheeseburger. All Happy could do was smile and recall Tony’s love of burgers. Of course, this is a reference to the original Iron Manin which Tony requests a press conference and an American cheeseburger are the first two things he wants when he returns to America.

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Burgers are a popular food item, but they are contained in Iron Man It is not done randomly. Yes, joint advertising with Burger King may have something to do with that, but the burger (seriously) has had a hugely positive impact on Downey’s life. In an interview, he revealed that eating Burger King convinced him it was time for things to get back on track. In 2003, he ate a hamburger that disgusted him and accidentally threw the drugs in his car into the sea. In a bizarre example of the art of imitating life, Tony Stark makes some big, life-changing choices while eating a burger. Iron Man During the press conference, he announced that the Stark Corporation would stop producing weapons.

in every respect, Endgame An ideal end to the MCU’s first decade. The franchise begins with Tony realizing he needs to be more selfless, ending the first era with Tony sacrificing himself to save all living things in the universe. At the first step of his journey, he’s munching on a burger, so Morgan’s lines have a touching cherry on top of everything. No one can attribute Thanos’ defeat to the Whopper (burgers were probably not on Tony’s meal plan when he was imprisoned), but the connection will still be appreciated by those who attended. joined the MCU from the start.

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