Yoga Tips For Beginners – Know the Benefits of Practicing Asanas

If you’re new to yoga and looking for some tips, we’ve got you covered. Check out the tips and benefits of doing yoga for a healthy life here.

Yoga tips for beginners

Yoga is an old practice that is becoming increasingly popular. Many people do yoga as part of maintaining health. It’s great to have a good yoga teacher to help you get better at it and feel good mentally and physically. But it is also important to do yoga alone, in a space that suits you, so that you can connect with yourself and enjoy it.

There are many yoga postures that keep you fit and healthy. Practicing yoga also relaxes the mind. Therefore, both physical and mental problems are solved by practicing yoga. If you’re a beginner wondering how to start practicing yoga, scroll down and read our tips to stay fit and healthy.

1. Creating your own space for practicing yoga

If you have a spare yoga room, fine! Leaving your yoga mat out all the time makes it easy to get started whenever you want.

But if you don’t have room, you can still find a quiet place, and it’s useful to have a wall nearby.

You can do yoga anywhere, as long as you have enough space. So, get creative with your space, sit on your mat and start practicing yoga. Make it a regular practice and enjoy your yoga poses.

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2. Find a yoga instructor

It is important to start learning yoga with a qualified teacher. It will show you how to do each pose correctly and prevent injury. Some yoga ideas may be new to you, but keep an open mind to enhance your experience.

If you have any health problems, please inform your yoga teacher before starting. They can adjust your practice to keep you safe.

3. Practice yoga with a light stomach

Do not forget to do yoga on an empty or light stomach. Wait approximately 2-3 hours after eating before practicing yoga postures or meditating.

It is recommended not to eat an hour or two before yoga and drink only a little water before, not during, the exercise. Also, avoid alcohol, sugar or caffeine before yoga.

4. Focus on your diet

It is recommended to practice yoga on an empty stomach or at least 2-3 hours after eating. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, about three to four liters, to help your body flush out the toxins released during yoga. To stay healthy, avoid processed foods. Eat protein-based foods and plenty of vegetables.

5. Try to improve body flexibility

Don’t push yourself too hard. Do only what feels comfortable, then stretch a little more to improve flexibility. Pay attention to your breath. If it is light and long, the muscles relax. But if it’s uneven, you might be pushing too hard.

Try new poses and hold for a few seconds. You can achieve anything with practice, so be consistent.

6. Start easy

If you are a beginner, start with simple steps. As a beginner, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed by different types of yoga like Vinyasa or Ashtanga. But for starters, start with simple yoga poses and stretches.

Once you’ve mastered the basics, you can try more advanced poses with a qualified yoga teacher. They will help you understand the details of each pose and progress in the practice.

7. Exercise regularly

All the yoga knowledge you have gathered will not help if you stop practicing after a few days. To be fit and healthy, you should practice yoga regularly. Try to include yoga in your daily routine, so that it becomes a habit. Because doing yoga will cleanse our soul and mind. So make it a habit. Do this every morning.

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8. Finish with Shavasana

After your yoga session, finish with Shavasana, also known as ‘corpse pose’. Lie flat on the floor and consciously relax your body for five to 15 minutes. He is in no hurry to get up. When you are ready, turn onto your right side and slowly sit up.

If you’re new to yoga, you don’t need to buy a lot of equipment. A yoga mat is important to prevent slipping on the floor.

9. Be confident

Be aware of your body’s limits and vulnerable areas. This includes the knees, hips, spine and neck. If you feel pain, adjust, soften, or come out of the pose if necessary. Do not force or push yourself.

Warm up before trying advanced poses. Pay close attention during transitions between poses, as these moments can result in injury when we are less focused on alignment.

Start with Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar is an excellent exercise that combines different poses, making the body more supple with exercise.

The first step

  • Stand straight facing east, with feet together and knees straight.
  • Bring your palms together at chest level, as in prayer.
  • Exhale slowly.

Yoga tips for beginners - learn about the benefits of practicing asanas

Image source: Medium

Second step

  • Breathe in slowly.
  • Extend your arms above your head and gradually bend backwards.

Yoga tips for beginners - learn about the benefits of practicing asanas

Image source: Medium

The third step

  • Exhale slowly.
  • Bend forward from the waist, bringing your hands down.
  • Touch the floor next to your feet with your palms, forehead to knees.

Yoga tips for beginners - learn about the benefits of practicing asanas

Image source: Medium

The fourth step

  • Breathe in again.
  • Step your right foot back, bringing your knee to the floor.
  • Keep your chin up.

Yoga tips for beginners - learn about the benefits of practicing asanas

Image source: Medium

Fifth step

  • Hold your breath.
  • Extend your left leg back, forming a plank position.
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Yoga tips for beginners - learn about the benefits of practicing asanas

Image source: Medium

Sixth step

  • Exhale.
  • Lower your knees, chest and forehead to the floor, keeping your hips up.

Yoga tips for beginners - learn about the benefits of practicing asanas

Image source: Medium

Seventh step

  • Breathe.
  • Lift your head and chest off the floor, arching back like a cobra.

Yoga tips for beginners - learn about the benefits of practicing asanas

Image source: Medium

Eighth step

  • Exhale.
  • Lift your hips, forming an inverted “V” shape.

Yoga tips for beginners - learn about the benefits of practicing asanas

Image source: Medium

The ninth step

  • Breathe.
  • Extend your right leg forward between your hands, raising your head.

Yoga tips for beginners - learn about the benefits of practicing asanas

Image source: Medium

Tenth step

  • Exhale.
  • Pull your left foot forward between your hands, touching your forehead with your knees.

Yoga tips for beginners - learn about the benefits of practicing asanas

Image source: Medium

Eleventh step

  • Breathe.
  • Straighten your body, arms above your head, bending slightly backwards.

Yoga tips for beginners - learn about the benefits of practicing asanas

Image source: Medium

Twelfth step

  • Exhale slowly.
  • Straighten up, lowering your arms to your sides.
  • Relax.

Yoga tips for beginners - learn about the benefits of practicing asanas

Image source: Medium

Benefits of practicing yoga

Become more flexible and stronger

Practicing yoga helps to stretch the muscles. Standing poses stress your legs, and certain poses like downward dogs and hand balances make your upper body stronger.

Strengthen your muscles

Yoga postures can strengthen the muscles around the abdomen and back. This makes your core stronger, which helps you stand and sit with better posture, preventing back and neck problems.

Feel less stressed and anxious

Yoga involves breathing exercises that force you to focus on your breath. Deep breathing helps you relax quickly, reducing stress and anxiety.

Reduce back pain

Regular yoga practice can relieve long-term back pain, improve movement and make your life better.

Improves sleep

Studies show that yoga can help the elderly, people with arthritis, pregnant women and others sleep better.

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Categories: General
Source: HIS Education

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