You have a high driving IQ in the top 1% if you can spot the car breaking the rules in just 22 seconds

DO YOU THINK your driving IQ is just fine? Spot a car breaking the rules in just 22 seconds and prove you’re among the top one percent.

Start your engine because you’ll need plenty of fuel for this tricky puzzle that has baffled even the most seasoned puzzlers.


The clock is ticking! Try to spot the car breaking the rules in just 22 seconds Credit: Jagranjosh

The picture shows many cars moving in two different directions on the highway.

This is made especially difficult by the color scheme, as all the vehicles are different shades of blue and green.

This tricks your brain into seeing all the cars in the picture as similar and makes it harder to spot one sneaky driver breaking the rules.

Have you spotted a naughty driver yet? If you haven’t, don’t worry, here’s a tip.

Instead of looking for a blatantly obvious driving fault, look for something more subtle about one of the cars.

Still out of luck?

Don’t worry, we’ve included the answer at the bottom.

In the meantime, why not try some other puzzles while scrolling?

Try to spot the rabbit hiding among the cute cats.

Or try to find a cunning snail and prove that you have the high IQ of Sherlock Holmes.

The answer to the car puzzle can be found in the center of the screen in traffic moving to the left.

The car breaks the rules because it is the only car not using its indicator.

But if you haven’t found it, don’t get tired and give up, these puzzles can have excellent effects on brain health.

See also  Everyone sees the speedometer - but you have a high IQ if you can spot all 28 car movies in 30 seconds

According to ZenBuisness: “These visual puzzles can provide you with good mental exercise, which in turn can help you think more effectively and solve problems more easily.”

Why not try this fox puzzle and see if you have 20/20 vision.

Only the hawk-eyed can spot the five arctic mammals in this real-life illusion.

If you are a fan of animals and puzzles, then this is the puzzle for you.

There is also a mean driver, have you spotted them?


There’s a mean driver, have you spotted him? Credits: JagranjoshTry to spot the five arctic foxes in this picture


Try to spot the five arctic foxes in this pictureHere they are!  did you find them?


Here they are! did you find them?

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: HIS Education

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