You have the eyes of a genius if you can spot all seven cats hiding in this picture in under 10 seconds

CAT owners will know how easy it is to lose their pets when they are left to roam, whether they are climbing a tree or trying to scale a building.

The busy gardeners in this painting appear to have taken their eyes off the seven mogi exploring the exterior.


Can you spot the seven sly cats roaming around in this image? Credit:

But they’re too busy planting to notice, so it’s up to you to find all the cats playing hide and seek in this video.

The mischievous cats, who differ in color, managed to blend in cleverly with their surroundings in this peaceful scene.

The illustration shows a house in the country being pruned by two men accompanied by a variety of wild animals.

Butterflies can be seen floating in the air while a fox peeks out from behind a tree trunk to look at an innocent squirrel.

But clever cats don’t seem to be in sight in this puzzle until you take a closer look.

The seven kittens were clearly making the most of their outdoor expedition, but they got lost in the scenery along the way.

So, were you able to locate the cunning creatures in ten seconds?

Don’t worry if you haven’t because we’ve rounded up the answers below.

The moggies were able to avoid detection in this optical illusion because the color of each coat helped them camouflage themselves.

One of the cats can be seen watching the world go by on the window sill of the white cottage, while the other has ventured much farther towards the windmill on the hill beyond.

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The third one can be seen dozing in the well, while the second gray kitten has fun riding in the cart.

Two other cats can be seen frolicking in the orchard and one is seen sticking its head forward into a watering can.

The last elusive pet is located in front of the wooden fence on the right, which managed to fool some people due to the similarity of the shades.

If you enjoyed this challenge, why not try some more optical illusions?

The first animal you find in this puzzle will help you figure out your dominant personality trait.

On a similar note, whichever animal you see first in this mind-bending illusion can tell you if you’re a people pleaser.

Or test your eyesight by trying to spot a crowned corgi in a sea of ​​dogs in less than 49 seconds.

You might also have some really impressive sight skills if you can spot the strange rose in this sea of ​​prickly roses in less than 10 seconds.

And in this tiered-style brain teaser, you might have a smart mind and sharp eyesight if you can spot a fake word in less than five seconds.

Puzzle fans were baffled by this tricky brain teaser.


Puzzle lovers were baffled by this tricky puzzleCredit:

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: HIS Education

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