You Season 4 Ending Explained

The following article discusses suicide-related situations.

Warning: This article contains spoilers of the main content for You season 4.

this Friend The season 4 finale provided a series of twists and turns for all of its characters – and a few murders to ensure a fitting ending for the season. Friend Season 4 Season 2 wraps up with some big reveals from the show and Joe’s arc throughout the show. That said, the finale brings Joe back to normal in some ways, as he regains his old identity and begins to focus on his latest romantic goal.

joe spent almost all the time Friend Part 4 Fighting With Yourself. When the show explained that Joe was actually the killer Eat The Rich, and had hallucinated Rhys to discern his serial killer urges, it proved to be true. teaming up with Kate and getting on with his old life as Joe Goldberg – all of which makes Friend Season 4 ended on a completely dramatic note.

Why Joe wants to kill himself with you Part 4

this Friend The final season of Season 4 sees Joe – believing he killed Marianne and unable to control his murderous desires – attempting suicide. This is because he feels guilty that Marianne’s family would mistakenly believe that she died of a recurring illness due to his misbehavior, but it seems partly because he is hallucinating a his previous victims. The scene shows these women reminding us FriendJoe Goldberg says he simply took so many lives for his own sake, leading him to quickly believe that the only way to end his killing is his own death.

what happened to jo and kate in the season four finale

jo and kate in your fourth season

After Joe is rescued from a suicide, he and Kate discuss their history. First, Joe reveals his true identity and the fact that he has killed someone before. Kate then reveals that Tom Lockwood’s death has left her a considerable legacy and hopes to use it to make the world a better place – something she believes is only possible. with Jo’s help.

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After both agree to keep each other on the straight and narrow road Friend At the end of season 4, they used their new financial situation to shoot a PR story and erase Joe’s name with a convoluted version of events. In a sense, this gives Joe the most perfect ally he can imagine to get away with his crimes. However, the move also helps him open his eyes to a romantic person who seems intent on not only helping Jo live a more virtuous life, but who, if she turns against him, might be destroys him, sending the pair into a state of infatuation.

Why Joe hallucinated those victims in Season 4

You Season 4 Part 2 Trailer Love Quinn Returns

Of Joe’s many victims, viewers may be surprised to see Gemma as the first to appear when Joe begins to have hallucinations about the people he’s killed. However, this also makes sense, as in Friend Season 4 Joe hallucinates about Gemma, Guinevere, and Love — apparently both because he still feels guilty about their deaths and because they reflect his thought process about the serial killer’s actions. Joe’s desperation after this series of hallucinations suggests that these three characters brought him to life, so his subconscious allows them to continue influencing him after they die.

FriendGuinevere Beck was Joe’s first on-screen stalking victim, and the one with the most enduring mixed feelings for the character. As for Love, she might be there because she’s the most like him in many ways, and because she’s the most recent lover he killed. While Gemma may not immediately look like she fits the mold, Joe’s failure to realize he killed her until recently may explain why she’s at the top. on the psychedelic guest list, as she represents his perception. lose control.

Why Joe Hallucinates Reese (And Why Joe’s Reese Wants Them “Reuniting”)

Joe Rhys Killer You Part 4 Theory

Joe kills even more people when he hallucinates a version of Rhys – and ends up killing the real Rhys for no reason – which is the biggest twist in the plot. Friend Part 4 part 2. However, it also makes more sense than the original. Joe shows obvious admiration and respect for Reese, and since the two of them are like-minded people, it’s probably inevitable that he’s shown some sort of fantasy about Reese, when he does. imagine the mind of the woman he’s stalking.

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His broken sense of self was also affected by Joe’s hallucinating Reese, another of his characters, like Jonathan Moore – a way to convey a specific part of his personality. that. It’s just that Rhys becomes a part of Joe’s soul that makes him hate himself so much – his murderous and compulsive instincts – so he takes on those traits in the form of someone else to have can quickly blame others. That’s why the hallucinating Joe’s Rhys is looking forward to the two getting back together near the end Friend Part 4: Symbolically arouse Joe’s killer instincts and urges.

How Marianne managed to make Joe think she was dead

Will Marianne return in Season 4, Part 2?

Marianne seems to have met a tragic death at the hands of Joe. It was so convincing that even Joe himself, wondering about her death and his responsibility, he placed Marianne on an isolated bench so her body could be found and at least Her family will know about her fate. However, the ending reveals that it was a ruse, orchestrated by Marienne and Nadia to ensure that Joe would not be involved. Friend Season four is over.

Marianne – aware of Joe’s growing ignorance of reality – asked Nadia to send fake text messages from her daughter to disconnect from her mother and use these text messages to fake her suicidal motives. Instead, Marian takes enough beta-blockers to reproduce the physical symptoms of death without actually dying, so that when Joe gets her out of prison, Nadia can take the drug to counteract the effects of the drug. . That was arguably the biggest risk – in part because Joe could have found more violent ways to dispose of Marianne’s body if he thought she was dead – but the two seem to be leaning on Joe’s guilt. to prevent such situations from happening.

Why does Joe see Rhys in the mirror in “You” at the end of season 4

You Season 4 Part 2 Trailer Rhys

Although Joe is Friend At the end of season 4, episode 10, Rhys appears in the mirror as Joe’s reflection in the final scenes of the season. This may come as a surprise to some viewers, as the bridging moment appears to be an attempt to get rid of the character, for Joe to accept his bloodthirsty urges as part of him, and then symbolically severed ties with them by “killing” Rhys. However, the reappearance of Rhys in Joe’s reflection shows that he has reintegrated his bloodthirsty nature into his soul.

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Why Joe Killed Edward (and Framed Nadia)

you season four nadia

Nadia and Edward’s subplot has two changes Friend Season four is over. At first, the story seems to be intended to explain how Marian escaped from Joe’s clutches as he hunted her down again. Later, as the two investigate more of Joe, they seem to be preparing for the future. Friend Show a conspiracy and alienate Joe from enemies who have solid evidence of his crimes.

Instead, Joe killed Edward, threatened Nadia to silence her, and blamed her for Edward’s death. This moment confirms that Joe is back to his usual tricks – if not more sinister than before – while also potentially establishing another character that can take him down. Nadia has reason to remain silent, but her strong sense of morality and willingness to take risks to help others are revealing and could pose a real threat to Joe’s future.

How the end of season 4 helps you prepare for season 5


In spite of Friend The season 4 finale was satisfying in its own right and it served well Friend The same goes for season 5. Joe is more financially comfortable and free of confinement than at any point in the series where he’s likely to be – but he’s also got promising people. best to beat him. Both Nadia and Marianne knew his true nature, and despite their inability to move forward without a plan, the fact that they knew each other and each other about Joe’s crimes set the stage for real potential by Joe.

Also, even though Kate knew Joe killed him and accepted him Friend At the end of season 4, Joe left out details that might have made Kate think otherwise. The fact that Joe killed Kate’s father, the fact that he stalked and strangled his lover, the fact that his murderous instincts have not disappeared but remained, these are the key details that make Joe refuse to lie to Kate , it seems the strategist was reluctant to omit these details in his story. Confess to her. It seems Friend Season 5 could once again see Joe try to evade detection by someone he claims would open up to him and do anything for him.

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