10 DC Movie Cliffhangers We’ll Never Get Answers For

Due to the reboot, the canceled sequel and the final installment of the series, some post-production scenes and DC’s gripping ending will never be resolved. DC’s cinematic history includes many independent series and films, not just DCEU or Christopher Nolan films the dark Knight triangle. James Gunn’s New DC Universe Means Many DCEU Thrills, Including speedwill join other unresolved DC movie storylines.

The DCEU is DC’s first consistent live-action cinematic universe, seeing dozens of superheroes and supervillains. With the DCEU now rebooting in James Gunn’s new DC Universe, a large portion of the DC series will start all over again, which is why there are so many examples of DCEUs on this list. From Tim Burton’s Batman to speedhere are 10 suspense that DC will never solve.

10 Shazam! And Shazam!Wrath of the Gods Mister Mind

Shazam!The post-credits scene jokes that the humble villain “Mr. Mind” from “Shazam” will become the villain in the sequel. However, Shazam! wrath of the gods Basically skipping the “Mr. Mind” scene in the first movie and using the Daughters of Atlas (three non-comic characters) as the main antagonist. It means, wrath of the gods Indeed, admitted to Mr. Mind, he’ll be back with another post-credits scene. Both Dr. Sivana and Mr. Mind both appear briefly in “F”.Uri of the gods‘ Finally, tease that they will still act on Shazam. However, Shazam 3 That didn’t happen, and Mr. Mind wasn’t sure what it would lead to.

9 The Flash by George Clooney

George Clooney as Bruce Wayne in 'The Flash'

george clooney plays batman in the movie speedend. what a surprise speed The idea of ​​the cameo was that Barry Allen couldn’t go back to the very universe he left off at the beginning of the film. So George Clooney is Batman, not Ben Affleck. But what exactly is Clooney’s Batman? speedFor these characters and the DCEU as a whole, the ending means it may never be resolved. speedbox office bomb means Lightning 2 Didn’t Happen, The New DC Universe Begins With Superman: Legacy. speedThe post-credits scene, mocking the chaos of the multiverse, is the closest thing to an exact solution.

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8. Lynda Carter’s role in Wonder Woman 1984

Lynda Carter as Asteria in Wonder Woman 1984

Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman in Wonder Woman Wonderful woman Drama with brief but important cameos Great Woman 1984. Carter plays Asteria, a legendary Amazon warrior who once wielded a golden armor. Great Woman 1984In the flashback to Asteria later in the film, Diana wears a golden armor. However, Great Woman 1984The ending reveals that Asteria, played by Lynda Carter, is still alive. However, with amazing woman 3 That hasn’t happened yet, and with Gal Gadot’s future as Wonder Woman, it’s unlikely that Lynda Carter’s Asteria will return in an upcoming DC project.

7 Blake Plays New Batman In The Dark Knight Rises

John Black (Robin) in Batman: The Dark Knight Rises

Black John the dark Knight Robin’s trilogy version, who will probably be the new Batman at the end Graduate darkness hydrophobic rise. Nolan’s Batman movies focus on the idea that Batman is an icon and that anyone can wear a mask. John Black is a nod to many of Batman’s associates who use the name Robin, but he’s also a way for Nolan to summarize Batman. the dark Knight Inheritance information for triples. Bruce Wayne faked his death and retired, leaving the Batcave to John Black. Nolan has no plans to make another superhero movie, though. no christopher nolan Batman 4 In the process, Black would never become the on-screen Batman.

6 Michelle Pfeiffer’s Catgirls Are Still Alive in ‘Batman Returns’

Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman in 'Batman Returns' Finale

Catwoman appears to have died at the end of her final confrontation with Batman and Max Schreck. Batman is back. However, Batman is backThe ending scene shows Catwoman alive. The studio is impressed with Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman and wants to leave the door open for the character to return in another film. In fact, even then Tim Burton didn’t come back batman 3 Although Joel Schumacher has received the franchise rights, Burton still has plans to make a Catwoman movie starring Michelle Pfeiffer. In This Catwoman Solo Movie, Selina Kyle Is Going Through Batman is back.

Michelle Pfeiffer’s Catwoman Movie Never Happened, This project was remade into a 2004 film catwomen The film stars Halle Berry as the original character, Patience Phillips. catwomen (2004) had a Batman is back The Easter egg, what happened to Selena Kyle has never been mentioned in any of the DC movies. Not even Michael Keaton is returning as Batman. speed It tells the story of Catwoman.this experience Batman ’89 Comic series, based on some ideas by Burton batman 3witnessed Batman reunited with Catwoman shortly after the incident Batman is back.

Green Lantern’s 5 Sinestroh Ending Scenes

Senestro as the Golden Lantern in Green Lantern (2011)

Ryan Reynolds’ green lantern This film is considered the opening of the DC series. Not only that green lantern (2011) establishes DC protagonists as Amanda Waller, but it teases villains Green Lantern 2namely Star Sapphire and Sinestro.Mark Strong’s Sinestro, one of the best green lanternstill fighting for the Green Lantern Corps in the movie. green lanternIn the post-credits scene, Sinestro gains the power of parallax and becomes the Golden Lantern. Green Lantern 2 That never happened, and Mark Strong’s Senestro Golden Lantern has never appeared in any other DC film.

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4. Henry Cavill’s Superman scene in the end credits of “Black Adam”

Henry Cavill Plays Superman in 'Black Adam Post' Finale

superhero played by henry cavill black adamThe post-credits scene begins one of the most puzzling moments in recent DC cinematic history. Cavill played Superman for the last time in 2017 Alliance justiceand the actor’s future as the Man of Steel is being decided. Cavill returns as Superman after years of rumors black adamIn the post-credits scene, Amanda Waller summons Superman to deal with Black Adam. However, right after that black adam Following the premiere, the new DC Universe was announced. DC Studios is working on Superman: LegacyCavill will no longer play Superman in the Superman reboot. Likewise, Dwayne Johnson’s Black Adam will not be returning.

3 Lex Luthor Forms Legion Of Doom in Justice League

Lex Luthor and the Justice League

Alliance justice (2017) ends with Lex Luthor forming the Legion of Doom to counter Superman’s return and establishing the Legion of Doom. JUnion of Ustis. In both versions, Luthor escapes Arkham and hires Deathstroke Alliance justicedramatic Alliance justice The cut sets up a very different sequel to Snyder’s cut. The idea is for the next DCEU movie Alliance justice (2017) Continuing to build the Legion of Doom Alliance justice 2. However, Alliance justice Box office failure, Legion of Doom project canceled, Alliance justice 2 never happened.

2 Deathstroke learns about Batman’s identity in Zack Snyder’s Justice League

Deathstroke's Encounter with Lex Luthor in Zack Snyder's 'Justice League'

Scene of Lex Luthor in Deathstroke Justice League by Zack Snyder A standalone Batman movie with Ben Affleck was made, but ultimately never materialized.forward Alliance justice Following its release, Ben Affleck tweeted about the Deathstroke costume test and revealed that Slade Wilson would be the villain in his Batman movie. The idea is for Deathstroke to take revenge on Batman and take everything from Bruce Wayne. It all started when Slade learned from Lex Luthor that Bruce Wayne was Batman. Alliance justice. However, Affleck’s Batman movie never appeared and Joe Manganiello never played Deathstroke in the DCEU.

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1 Darkseid Will Come to Earth in Zack Snyder’s Justice League

Superman and Darkseid in Zack Snyder Justice League

Perhaps the biggest suspense DC will never get over is Darkseid getting his fleet ready to invade Earth. by zack sdale Alliance justice.Snyder’s Alliance justice this movie should be the first Alliance justice The trilogy will include Darkseid’s invasion of Earth, Superman’s fall into the Anti-Life Equation, and the Nightmare timeline. Darkseid will defeat the Justice League as teased in the robot vision of the future Alliance justice 2; Lois Lane will be killed and Darkseid will use the Anti-Life Equation to make Superman one of his generals. However, Zack Snyder Alliance justice The sequel didn’t happen.

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