10 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up The Rings Of Power

Warning: This listing contains spoilers for Rings of Power. Amazon’s high-budget prequel series ring of power It may have ended with a memorable ending, but the show’s fan base is as strong as ever when it comes to discussing their conflicting thoughts about the series. Although admittedly it got off to a slow start, many people Lord of the Rings Fans are pleased with how the season ended.

As is usual with any popular TV show, there are tons of hilarious memes on the internet that accurately summarize viewers’ reactions to that show. Tolkien’s work has a rich history explored in the show, so the internet has no shortage of material to supplement its memes.

Sauron’s puzzle

from start to finish ring of powerThe mystery of Sauron’s true identity is one of the most intriguing, and the internet has gone to great lengths to decipher which of the show’s many characters is the Dark Lord in disguise.

Almost every character on the show fell prey to crazy theories on the internet, and while the finale proved that some viewers’ predictions were indeed right, look no further. ring of power There are fans throughout the show.

Galadriel’s Journey

The show didn’t create much buzz, but Galadriel’s shocking decision at the end of the film surprised many viewers. ring of powerThe first episode of . Not only does she refuse to return to Valinor, but she tries to swim back to Middle-earth – which is practically impossible.

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It is this bold and puzzling decision that has made Galadriel one of the best elves in the world Lord of the Rings Franchising. She’s totally uncompromising and unpredictable, which leads to many great moments in the show’s first season.

missing husband

When it was revealed that Galadriel would be one of them ring of powerAs the main character, many longtime Tolkien fans were excited to see the character’s relationship with her husband, Celeborn. The character’s absence left many viewers confused and it seemed that Galadriel’s story had been rewritten.

A brief scene at the end of the season seems to address this issue by revealing that Celeborn is presumed dead, making room for his return at a later date. That’s certainly not the only detail in the book that changes ring of powerBut this is what confuses fans the most.

Sauron’s Story Development

For those who only have previous experience Lord of the Rings As Peter Jackson’s trilogy, the show’s portrayal of Sauron will be a very jarring experience. In the movie, he’s a total demon whose only real motive is destruction and power. Version the audience watched ring of power Much more complicated.

Fans have a lot of theories about it ring of power The character may be secretly masquerading as Sauron, and while many people guessed right, the series managed to keep his identity a secret until the final episode. This makes it very difficult to hate Sauron because audiences already have a relationship with the character.

“Welcome back” to the fans

undeniable ring of power Facing much criticism from some viewers, it’s good to know that many Tolkien fans are embracing the project as a much-needed return to Middle-earth with a new, original story.

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easily removed ring of power An unnecessary addition to an already dense series, but if you can enjoy the show as a completely self-contained project, it’s a great experience, packed with suspense. – like Lord of the Rings.

familiar lines

Although the identity of Daniel Weyman’s The Stranger is still unconfirmed, there is a line in it ring of powerAn ending that evokes the return of familiar faces. Like Gandalf in the original film, the stranger tells his hobbit-like friends to “follow their noses” to get to their true destination.

This is with Gandalf in Association of the Ring, said during the group’s journey through the Moria mines. This is one of Gandalf’s most iconic quotes, clearly implying that he and the Stranger are one and the same.

Celebrimbor .’s reputation

Elf Blacksmith Celebrimbor may not have the most screen time ring of power, but his personality and charisma still shine through. In particular, in this scene at the end of the season, Halbrand talks about the blacksmith’s popularity.

fan Lord of the Rings The books will know that Celebrimbor was instrumental in making the famous Ring of Power, so this scene between him and Halbrand really carries a lot of weight when you consider what those two characters have in store.

Increase Balrog

Fans will be excited to see how Durin and his men will deal with Balrog in ring of powerThe last part… until the last episode completely ignored this side story, put it aside and let part 2 take care of it. It’s a nasty teaser that leaves Durin’s (and Khazad-Dum’s) fates hanging.

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The rise of Balrog is one of the core questions fans want answers to in the game ring of power ending, but it looks like they’ll have to wait a few more years to see how the plot plays out.

Halbrand’s Secret

After much discussion and theorizing, finally ring of powerHalbrand after all… not Halbrand at all. He was actually Sauron, who took the man’s identity after his body was found. The shocking turn was a big surprise and it’s impossible to watch the show again the same way.

halbrand is one of them ring of powerBest character ever, this dramatic turn just makes his character all the more interesting. The themes that run throughout the story ensure that the turning point is truly meaningful and set the stage for an interesting second part.

Sauron to Mordor

Episodes 6 and 7 ring of power As Adal and his dark army gradually took control of the Southlands, it was quickly realized that this was the very foundation of Mordor, the land Sauron would eventually call home. During the season finale, viewers catch a glimpse of Sauron arriving at the fallen city.

If there’s one thing viewers have to look forward to in season 2, it’s the rivalry between Sauron and Adair for control of Mordor. Of course, fans know how this controversy will end, but Sauron’s first day in Mordor is sure to be thrilling.

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