10 Things That Already Haven’t Aged Well About Vikings

History Channel’s Vikings has had unbelievable success during its 6 season run. So many memorable characters and out of this world plot twists made it a television mainstay.

Although the characters were charming, none of them were sinless or blameless when it comes to the choices they made. Sadly, as time progressed, it became hard to look back at some of the plots and characters on the show and not be disappointed.

Floki’s Character Arc

When it comes to the ebb and flow of popularity of favorite characters on Vikings, Floki always managed to keep his head above the water. He was funny and just crazy enough to keep fans wondering what he would do next.

Unfortunately after the death of his wife, Floki went a bit off the rails and hadn’t found his way back. He has always been a zealot wanting to spread his religion to others, but not until recently was he babbling suicidal rants and starting cults of personality.

Björn’s Infidelities

Judging by his actions, Björn shares many of the worst characteristics that Ragnar had to offer. The one difference being is that Ragnar never let his wandering eyes affect his overall character arc.

Sadly, the same cannot be said for Björn’s character progression, as his indifference to any of his many love interests has resulted in fans not being able to root for him. His mistreatment of his many lovers along with many of his children makes it hard for fans to relate to him anymore.

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Ragnar’s Drug Use

It can always be said that in every TV series there are some hit and miss moments that sometimes leave fans bewildered. However, as long as these moments advance the story, fans will usually forgive bad storytelling.

But in season 4 of History Channel’s Vikings, Ragnar’s character took the plunge into full-scale drug addiction, a scenario that completely fought with the main plot. In fact, it actually did irreparable harm to the character of Ragnar in many fans’ eyes.

Björn’s North Africa Plot

Fans of the series are very familiar to side plots that should have been cut in pre-production. Especially when it comes to a show as beloved as Vikings.

However, after fighting in Paris, Björn’s thirst for adventure wasn’t quenched, as he along with Halfdan traveled as far as Sicily, where somehow they ended up captured and almost killed by a North African warlord, and a very unlikely set of events involving a sandstorm that saves the group from a very bloody execution.

Ragnar And Rollo’s Rivalry

The animosity between Ragnar and Rollo always appeared to be almost at a boiling point. Fans just couldn’t wait for it to finally boil over. Yet, in hindsight, this rivalry doesn’t look very much like a rivalry at all.

Since it was always Ragnar who held the power and Rollo brooding about wanting it. There was never a moment, even during their final confrontation, that made it feel like there were real stakes in who wins or loses. Ragnar was always going to be the victor.

Sex Scenes Over Character Development

Show writers have learned they can hide weak storytelling behind sex scenes. Too often, these writers are not held in contempt by fans for this lazy way of filling up space that could otherwise be used to develop characters and strengthen story arcs.

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In earlier seasons of Vikings, sex scenes were held to a minimum so fans could get to know characters they would come to love. Sadly, starting in season 4, sex scenes filled more and more precious time in each episode.

CGI Blood

There is just something primal about seeing bloody battles on our television screens. It adds a sense of realness to otherwise scripted scenarios in shows.

With the advancements of CGI blood on the show, it went from being used in only the most meaningful and saddest of moments, to being in every other scene and done so without the least bit of moderation. As each season of Vikings progressed, the authenticity factor of the spectacles of battle went from being a strength to a glaring weakness.

Forgettable Side Characters

Vikings has always had a strong cast of characters, especially when it comes to the main characters. Though, occasionally a side character will capture fans’ imaginations enough to warrant a few more scenes or possibly even another season of that character’s presence.

Unfortunately too often in Vikings, side characters become faceless blobs whose names fans shortly forget along with the remembrance of that character’s existence. If only more time was given to these characters, their faces would be remembered past the initial episode they were in.

What Exactly Was Ragnar’s Goal?

When Vikings first aired on the History Channel, Ragnar Lothbrok had a clear, defined goal. He wanted to explore in directions Vikings had feared to go. After introducing his companions to the shores of England and France, Ragnar’s goals changed to wanting to cultivate those lands for his people.

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After that, his main focus was getting high. At one time, he desired many sons, so much so that he left his true love Lagertha to accomplish this goal, only to then abandon those sons to their fates.

Ivar’s Descent Into Madness

For the most part, Ragnar’s sons by Aslaug failed to live up to his expectations for them. None of them had that same drive, that same passion for exploring that he had.

However, before his death, Ragnar noticed a hint of himself in Ivar, enough for him to take notice. Ivar was at first a tragic figure, shaped by his deformity and molded from others’ spitefulness. Unfortunately, as the show progressed Ivar’s descent into madness made him a less understandable and likable figure.


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