Star Wars Confirms The Identity Of A Mystery Inquisitor Two Years After Their Debut, Creating New Ahsoka Continuity Problems

two years later Star Wars: Jedi Legend, Star Wars The identity of the mysterious Inquisitor hunting Ahsoka Tano has finally been confirmed – creating even more continuity issues. When Dave Filoni’s Jedi story The show centers on Ahsoka Tano, but episode 6 raises questions by adapting a beloved part of E.K. Johnston’s novel Ahsoka. This statement seems to erase one of the Star Wars Canon’s first LGBTQ+ character, while also featuring a completely different design for the Imperial Inquisitor.

new copy Star Wars Encyclopedia Coming soon, as one attentive reader Gem shared, the book confirms the identity of the mysterious new Inquisitor. according to Star Wars Encyclopediathis is the official first brother. Biographical information remains sparse, but the reference is particularly important as it relates to Ahsoka. There, the Inquisitor was clearly identified as the Sixth Brother. This can only mean Jedi story and Ahsoka They are not a simple retelling of the same event; rather, they are two different stories of similar events.

What this means for Ahsoka Tano’s story

This is a clunky fix that works, but doesn’t quite fit

disney reboot Star Wars Back in 2014, Canon promised that everything was now equally important; the Lucasfilm Story Group was formed to oversee continuity and minimize issues. Sorry, Star Wars Television doesn’t always seem to follow this rule. Dave Filoni doesn’t seem to mind contradicting earlier stories if he wants to tell a different version of the story. This caused some controversy Star Wars Canon is broken, but – same as the old one Star Wars Expanded Universe – Reference books such as Star Wars Encyclopedia An ideal opportunity to try and fix it.

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As far as fixes go, this is a clunky one. This means that a similar story happened twice before Ahsoka Tano decided to become an active Fulcrum agent against the Empire; she had twice settled on an agricultural planet or moon under the alias “Ashla” until she Tracked down and defeated by an Inquisitor in combat. Nonetheless, this at least has the following advantages: Jedi story and Ahsoka Also a classic, thus reviving the image of Kaeden Larte, an LGBTQ+ potential rebel.

Our thoughts on Ahsoka’s continuity

Details determine success or failure

I admit, it’s been a while since I’ve read EK Johnston’s excellent novel, which meant I initially missed the significance of this reveal. Recon reminds me of some of what I saw in the old days Star Wars Expanding the universe, the author attempts to make subtle tweaks to the lore to resolve inconsistencies or glaring plot holes. It’s a bit of a shame that this is necessary, though.

Of course, not all continuity issues have been resolved.
Jedi story
Both describe Ahsoka’s first meeting with Bail Organa, when she came up with the “Fulcrum” codename, but they’re too different.

Returning to the Inquisitor, I was fascinated to see that he is now referred to as “One Brother”. empire story It is implied that he was one of the first Imperial Inquisitors, so his name may indicate that he was among the first recruits of the Grand Inquisitor. Recent retcon has revealed that the first Inquisitors actually joined during the Clone Wars and even participated in Order 66, and the same could very well be the case for this mysterious character. Star Wars: Jedi Legend Maybe his story is over, but hopefully not long after Star Wars Reveal more information about him.

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Source: Gem

Ahsoka Tano

Ahsoka Tano was Anakin Skywalker’s Padawan, an accomplished Padawan who served during the Clone Wars. Ahsoka left the Jedi after becoming disillusioned with the Jedi Council, but returned at the end of the Clone Wars for the Siege of Mandalore. She survived Order 66, became a Rebel agent during the dark days of Imperial rule, and her adventures continue in the New Republic era. Ahsoka was last seen stranded in a distant galaxy, unable to prevent Grand Admiral Thrawn’s return.

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