Twenty years after Star Wars: The Prequel Trilogy: Revenge of the Sith, one of the most important events in the Prequel Trilogy, Order 66, has been completely reimagined to make the story even more exciting. The Clone Wars were the perfect Jedi trap, orchestrated by Palpatine to sabotage and destroy the Jedi. As Matt Stover puts it revenge of the sith Novelization:
The Clone Wars has been Revenge of the Sith since the beginning.
They are irresistible bait. They take place in remote places, on planets that belong primarily to “other people.” They are fought by expendable agents. They are built for a win-win situation.
The Clone Wars is the perfect Jedi trap.
Through combat, the Jedi lost.
Order 66 was the climax of the Clone Wars. The clones attacked the Jedi in an instant, gunning down the Jedi who had served as their general for the past three years. It’s one of the most powerful and iconic moments in history revenge of the sithBut it’s amazing how many times it’s been reinterpreted and revisited over the years.
7 Clones forced to obey Order 66… via Inhibitor Chip
George Lucas found a way to have his cake and eat it too
Let’s start with the biggest retcon, the one that came about because George Lucas wanted to raise clones into heroes Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The problem he faced, however, was that the audience knew how the story ended; They knew their favorite hero would inevitably betray the Jedi and become the template for the Stormtroopers. How could they possibly break through Order 66 and see the clones as heroes again?
The answer lies in clever reconnaissance: the clones have no choice. clone wars It was eventually discovered that the Kaminoans had implanted inhibitor chips in the clones; when Palpatine spoke “Order 66,” the inhibitor chip was activated and the clones lost all free will. They simply did not choose to be enemies with the Jedi because they lost the ability to choose. Chillingly, this technically means that Anakin Skywalker – a former slave – actually led an army of slaves during the attack on the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.
Audiences love this Clone Wars Reconnaissance
Image via Disney+
many Star Wars Scouts have been controversial over the years, but this isn’t one of them. It’s a clever way to solve George Lucas’ biggest problem; how to make clones sympathetic when their heel turn has already been seen on screen? Even better, the Inhibitor Chips created some incredibly powerful narrative arcs, in which Clone Trooper Five came very close to discovering their existence.
It all ends in a dramatic finale clone wars Season seven. The last few episodes with revenge of the sithcentered on Ahsoka Tano as she was the clone’s target for death. It’s a powerful emotional climax to the clone story—and they deserve it.
6 Star Wars explains why some clones resisted Order 66
Explanation of bad batches
Both Star Wars There are clones in both lore and canon who have violated Order 66. In the lore, these clones just thought it was an order they wouldn’t choose to follow; On Canon this is a bit trickier because of the added inhibitor chip. Explanation provided Star Wars Book Dawn of Rebellion: Visual Guidewhich reveals:
“Order 66 Command’s secret weapons were encoded into each clone’s genetic makeup and required complete, unified obedience to function. Up to that point, execution of the order had been largely successful, but there were some strong-willed clones People resisted.”
Order 66 appears to be encoded on a genetic level – although strong-willed clones can resist. this is a good fit Star Wars: The Bad Batchwhich revealed that the mutated clones of Clone Force 99 all resisted Order 66 to a certain extent. The Kamino genetic experiment inadvertently compromised the efficiency of the inhibitor chip.
5 The effectiveness of inhibitor chips diminishes over time
Cody proves it
surprisingly, Star Wars: The Bad Batch revealed that the inhibitor chip’s effectiveness diminished over time. in the following months revenge of the sithAfterwards, the clones began to slip quietly into the shadows, abandoning the Empire. Some are actively resisting, pushing for investigations, refusing to obey further orders – and potentially facing a grim fate.
The final example is Obi-Wan’s close friend Commander Cody, who betrayed Obi-Wan in “Obi-Wan.” revenge of the sith. as seen bad batchCody feels guilty for his actions and struggles to connect what he did to his past friendship with the Jedi Master. He was unaware of the inhibitor chip’s existence, found the conflicting emotions and emotions difficult to deal with, and left his post.
4 The 501st also sacked other Jedi temples
The attack on Coruscant was just the beginning
Now let’s look at the Rodney Barnes and Ramon Rosanos situations Inquisitor #4, recently revealed a surprising change Star Wars Knowledge. The film begins with a flashback to the planet Sundura, where the Jedi Temple continued to function throughout the Clone Wars. After Order 66 was issued, the 501st continued its mission across the galaxy, sacking other active Jedi Temples and killing the Jedi there. Order 66 was less a one-time event than the beginning of a process that could last for months.
This is actually a major change to the Order 66 story, bringing together multiple scouts at once. Prior to this comic, we were led to believe that the Jedi had closed down all other temples during the prequel trilogy era, and that the order was solely based on Coruscant. Still, the addition of the new Jedi Temple opens up some fascinating story possibilities, and it’ll be exciting to see what they lead to.
3 Some Inquisitors were involved in Order 66
A shocking change that rewrote the history of the Inquisitors
This isn’t actually the first shocking retcon by Barnes and Rosanos Inquisitor miniseries. Another major event occurs in a brief flashback Inquisitor #2, showing the fifth brother working with clone troopers, is clearly an image of Order 66. This confirms what many have long theorized; that Palpatine laid the groundwork for the Imperial Inquisitors during the Clone Wars, turning Jedi to the dark side and secretly training them.
Why haven’t we seen any sign of the Inquisitor’s involvement in Order 66 until now? Very simple because Star Wars Stories tend to focus on Jedi who are particularly sensitive to the Force (or their equally sensitive masters). Palpatine would not dare send Inquisitors close to the likes of Yoda or Obi-Wan Kenobi because they would sense the dark side approaching and they would be tipped off.
2 How Palpatine recruited Inquisitors
He knows which Jedi must survive Order 66
Excellent book by Delilah S. Dawson Inquisitor: Rise of the Red Blade It tells the story of Iskat Akaris, a violent Jedi destined to become one of the Inquisitors. The novel reveals that Palpatine had spies within the Jedi Temple who helped him identify Jedi who would make good Inquisitors. Palpatine appears to have arranged private meetings with each candidate to evaluate them.
If they don’t turn around, then they die.
When Order 66 was issued, the clone troopers made a list of Jedi who should be given a chance to survive – Jedi who might have been swayed by Palpatine’s lies about the order, and who he believed could become Inquisitor. They will then be taken to Coruscant, where they will be imprisoned and evaluated by the Grand Inquisitor. If they don’t turn around, then they die.
More Jedi survived Order 66 than we thought 1
How many survivors of Order 66 are there?
revenge of the sith It seems to be implied that only a few Jedi survived Order 66. We later learned that this was not the case; Disney canon introduced a surprising number of Order 66 survivors, including:
Cleran Baker
Caleb Doom (Kanaan Jarrus)
Carl Kestis
Sere Junda
Jocasta Nu
It’s worth noting that George Lucas himself intended for there to be quite a few survivors of Order 66 out there; his original plan for the sequel trilogy was to have Luke join 50-100 people who had risen from the shadows of the galaxy The Jedi cooperated to help him rebuild the Jedi Order. To be fair, the idea that Palpatine managed to kill every Jedi instantly seems unlikely, especially given the additional Star Wars Reconnaissance of other Jedi Temples.
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“Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith” is the sixth film in the Star Wars series and the third film in the Skywalker Saga chronologically. Taking place three years after the events of Attack of the Clones, Anakin Skywalker is tasked with spying on Chancellor Palpatine as other Jedi fight across the galaxy. However, behind the scenes, a mysterious Sith Lord begins to take action to eliminate the Jedi once and for all.
Ewan McGregor/Natalie Portman/Hayden Christensen/Ian McDiarmid/Samuel L. Jackson/Christopher Lee/Anthony Daniels/Kenny Baker/Frank Oz/Ahmed Best/Temuera Morrison