2021 First Timers Guide: Syrcus Tower

Syrcus Tower is the second raid in the A Realm Reborn Tower Alliance series of raids. In my opinion, this is the quickest and easiest of the three levels when timed, which means you’ll see a lot of high-level players farming it during certain steps of their Shadowbringers stamina weapon quest.

For new players eager to take the pressure off, the old guides they read or view will contain a lot of irrelevant information, with experienced players safely ignoring specific combat tactics or skipping high DPS boss stages.

My goal in writing this series of guides is to provide you with the most relevant information on how content currently plays, as well as tips to help you continue to significantly contribute to the success of raids. For each section, a few notes tell you everything you need to know about playing the encounter as your chosen character. Below these, I’ll add other notes about the battle.

Dungeon Mob: Clear the ascending ladder


– Pick up some mobs and group them together for AoE damage.


– Huanglong will do some raid damage, and watch out for DPS with aggressive or cleave damage.

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– Avoid standing in front of Huanglong’s cleavage attack.

Battle Boss – Sira

– The Purple Lightning Tether must be tied to the nearest pole to avoid damage from attacks. There are up to three per pillar, indicated by colored rings around them.

– The blue ice rope will freeze you. Make sure you are not standing in a puddle, or you will also freeze the players around you.

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– Red Fire Tether must be placed on frozen players to unfreeze them and form puddles.

– During Scylla old sparkler cast, you can stand in puddles to reduce its damage (not strictly necessary if you’re horizontally synced).


– The main tank occasionally has an unmarked dent.


– Party members may be outside of their team’s healing range when moving to distant pillars and avoiding various AoEs.

– Keep an eye out for the frozen teammate pool list and add extra regeneration or shields.

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– Scylla has a melee AoE where you can avoid attacks at max melee range while still attacking.

The fight has a lot of mechanics that are completely skipped at this point. The only mechanism you need to learn is the ball tether. Scylla is usually in old sparkler throw.

Dungeon Mob – Transparent Braid

– After killing the first group of monsters, a green dragon will land in the center and knock down nearby players.


– After the green dragon lands, watch out for the Doga and Unei clones that appear and gain aggressiveness at the end of the row.


– Green dragons are slightly poisonous.

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– Stunning Doga clones and Unei clones added leg sweeps to mitigate damage while waiting for tanks to gain aggression.

Boss Fight – Gracia Laborras

– Ignore the watchmaker when he appears. Don’t stand on the electric bubbles that surround them or you will freeze.

This is another boss where you won’t see many primitive mechanics. The addition of Clockwork Wright can be completely ignored, as the boss dies very quickly. Standing in the circle around the ad puts him in stasis, so if someone appears next to him, be sure to step away.

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Dungeon Mob: Complete the Golden Vestry.

– The first few mobs die quickly, then the red dragon will land and spawn two more mobs.

– Large green markers on players indicate that Red Dragons will dive-bomb them for AoE damage in a lane.

Boss Fight – Amon

– Slime mobs will spawn on the edge and need to be eliminated as soon as possible.

– Purple Grasp Orbs need to be placed on Kum Kum Adds to shrink them.

– If you have a bomb debuff, stay away from other players until it wears off or dissipates.

– If you turn into a frog, stay away from basilisk mobs when other players kill them.

– Break the view by hiding behind blocks of ice. take a bow throw.


– Main Tank has Amon facing north because he has a cleavage attack.

– Offtanks Pick up the Kum Kum mobs and kill them.

– Amon has a simple AoE that you have to dodge.


– If slimes are added to the boss, the raid can be silenced, so help kill them and maybe pre-cast a swarm regeneration or shield. oGCDs like Benediction, Lustrate, and Essential Dignity can still be used silently.

– Keep an eye out for your party debuffs and use Azuna to dispel bomb debuffs on party members.

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– You can stun slime creatures with a leg sweep or slow them down with a leg rub so you have more time to kill them.

– Amon has a simple AoE that you have to dodge.

– Bards can use Warden’s Hymn to help remove the bomb debuff on players.

When you first go through it, the combat seems a bit tense, but it’s very fast. Take out the slime mobs before they reach Amon, otherwise the party will suffer annoying inconvenience (silence or appeasement). Players who have purple orbs should try to take them to the Kum Kum plugin to knock it out, otherwise it will knock the player out on contact.

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The bomb’s debuff can be especially surprising because you might not even notice when it falls on you. Technically, the frog can attack with a fire AoE, but it will damage allies (and break ice blocks), so it’s safest to stay away from the snake and wait for the morph debuff to wear off.

Boss Fight – Xande

– When yellow circles appear on the ground, have a player in each circle to avoid raid damage.

– If purple AoE is marked, share the damage with other players.

– The purple AoE leaves a floating platform that you can stand on for cover old quaga throw.


– Xande has a direct AoE, you need to get out.


– If the player does not move to the hoverpad, you can rescue him on the hoverpad.

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– Ranged players should be ready to run away from the yellow circle of the boss.

– There is a melee AoE melee DPS that needs to be moved.

The most common cause of death in this fight is not standing on a floating platform in combat. old quaga Attacks that do a lot of damage. Just go to the purple AoE and stay there. After you are back on the ground, a large circle of AoE will run out. In general, it is easy to find.

As you’ll see when most players sync up, this is actually a pretty simple raid. There are only about 5 mechanics that need to be known during duty, the rest are standard “don’t get into bad stuff”. You’ll get the hang of it after just a few games and you’ll keep seeing it on roulette until time runs out.

Categories: Gaming
Source: HIS Education

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