21-Year-Old Star Wars Poll Explains Why Mara Jade’s Return To Canon Feels So Inevitable


  • Mara Jade is the most popular character in the Star Wars expanded universe and a possible candidate for a comeback in the classic story.
  • A 1998 poll conducted by Star Wars Insider magazine ranked Mara Jade among the top 20 characters, even though she never appeared in a movie.
  • Mara Jade’s popularity and her connection to Luke Skywalker make it possible for her to return to the canon Star Wars timeline, possibly as an Inquisitor or to fight alongside Thrawn in an upcoming project.

in all roles Star Wars Expanding the universe, this poll proves that Mara Jade is the favorite and most likely to make a comeback in the classic storytelling.Mara Jade first appeared as a character in heir to the empire, a now-non-classic novel published in 1991 by Timothy Zahn. Jade, the Emperor’s chief secret enforcer known as the Hand of the Emperor, hated Luke Skywalker, and a vitriolic, funny friendship developed between the two as they learned to work together to fight Grand Admiral Thrawn. relation. Over the next ten years of knowing each other, Luke and Marla fell in love.

This resulted in Marla becoming a popular addition Star Wars Universe – a major study proves it.the magazine Star Wars Insider has become the main Star Wars Cosmos since 1987, as the official magazine Star Wars Galaxy, which is still published today. Issue 38 from 1998 featured the top 20 poll results Star Wars Characters, voted on by readers of the magazine. Among them is a character who never appeared in the movie: Mara Jade. Such popularity made her return to canon seem inevitable.

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Internal Star Wars poll confirms Mara Jade’s legendary popularity

watching Insider Polls show that it’s clear that Mara Jade is significantly higher than the other characters. Star Wars books.She showed many people the power of the stories told on the page Star Wars The universe and its true impact. After marrying Luke, she became very close to the original trilogy trio, essentially becoming a new addition to the core cast of characters when they faced the Yuuzhan Vong in the New Jedi books.Marla Jade can transcend Star Wars The movie is in the eyes of the hardcore audience, not in the movie.

Mara Jade eventually appeared in her own comic series, Star Wars: Mara Jade – From the Hands of the Emperor Performed by Timothy Zahn himself, he was even played by model Shannon McRandle in a special “reality” set. Star Wars Trading cards, cementing the character’s iconic look in a non-illustrated format for the first time. This not only expanded her popularity but further bridged the gap between the books and movies, choosing a real person to represent the Jedi character in the universe. With such popularity and scope, Mara Jade felt like something was missing in the market. Star Wars Canon timeline.

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How does Mara Jade return to Star Wars canon?

Bringing former Imperial assassin and Luke Skywalker’s wife into canon

Due to her huge popularity, it’s obvious that Mara Jade is all Star Wars Legendary characters should be included in canon. The main problem is that the sequel trilogy and its tie-in material already exist, and there’s no mention of her in the context of Luke Skywalker – but that doesn’t mean she can’t be integrated into the canon. Mara’s previous role as the Emperor’s Hand in Legends would make her a perfect opportunity to become an Inquisitor in Classic. She could then become romantically involved with Luke, but never fully marry him, resulting in her not being mentioned in the sequels and related stories.

This becomes even more likely when you consider Thrawn’s return to the galaxy, as was the case for Ahsoka The second season is loosely based on the original work Thrawn Trilogy, Mara appears for the first time. She could appear alongside the Chiss Empire warlord and even fight against him alongside the heroes of the New Republic in Dave Filoni’s upcoming film. Star Wars Movie. either way, Star Wars There are plenty of options to finally bring this beloved character into canon.

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