7 Times The Humans Actually Defeated Godzilla

This is rare, but in god zilla Humans really get the franchise’s best monsters. Ordinarily, Godzilla is seen as a force whose human characters have little hope of stopping his rampage. For this reason, it’s often his fellow monsters — not the military — who pose the biggest challenge to the pop-culture icon.

The battle between man and Godzilla dates back to his 1954 theatrical debut. However, they are mostly not the center of attention for most people god zilla story. Often, their struggles give way to other problems. Sometimes humans consider Godzilla the less evil of the two and decide to help him. But when Godzilla isn’t busy playing the hero, their efforts are often focused on defeating him. They had some near victories in the past, such as when they almost killed him Godzilla versus Mechagodzilla II. In other cases, the military did more than come close to stopping him. On seven separate occasions, humans have accomplished the impressive task of defeating Godzilla.

7 Godzilla (1954)

Although 1954 only As his first film, the story ends with Godzilla meeting Grizzly. In the movie, scientist Dr. Daisuke Serizawa invented a powerful weapon called the Oxygen Destroyer. Created as a device that can destroy oxygen molecules, the Oxygen Terminator is considered the only weapon that can take down Godzilla. However, Dr. Serizawa hesitated to deploy it because he feared what might happen if it fell into the wrong hands. But feeling that Godzilla had no other choice, Dr. Serizawa decided to use the Oxygen Destroyer to destroy the monsters.

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Dr. Serizawa sacrificed himself to ensure that no one else could recreate the technology behind it, ensuring humanity would defeat Godzilla by activating it in the ocean. The explosion destroyed all oxygen in the nearby area, causing Godzilla’s entire body – including the bones – to dissolve. It was that moment that cemented the place of the Oxygen Terminator in Godzilla mythology, as it is now famous as the only man-made weapon that can kill the King of Monsters.

6 Godzilla Attacks Again

from Gojira The finale left no room for this particular version of Godzilla to return, and its first sequel confirmed the existence of a second Godzilla. Released in 1955, Godzilla attacks again Defeat the film’s main antagonist against the Japanese army and a new threat in the form of Anguirus. The film begins by acknowledging that, this time around, killing Godzilla is not an option, as they have no known replacement for the Oxygen Terminator, which is gone forever. Instead of killing him, the humans end his attack by luring him into the mountains and causing an avalanche. Buried under the rubble, Godzilla was eventually removed from the mission – but did not die.

5 Godzilla is back

Godzilla Ready for a Snack Nuclear Reactor in Godzilla Returns

After years of using Godzilla as humanity’s ally, Toho returned to the formula of the first two movies when he hit the franchise reset button in 1984. Godzilla is back!the first part of the Heisei Era once again places the war on humans at the heart of Godzilla’s story. Considering the time frame of the movie, the military’s technical equipment is much better Godzilla is back!but still feel at a disadvantage. They built a machine called Super X to fight him, and when it couldn’t stop him, humanity trapped him in an erupting volcano. He managed to get out Godzilla vs ViolanteBut Godzilla is back! The finale at least saved them from Godzilla’s constant attacks.

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4 Godzilla (1998)

Godzilla 1998 Roland Emmerich Edition

When Sony came up with its own story in 1954, the Godzilla-human storyline became the basic premise for Sony’s adaptation. god zilla classic. In addition to making a bunch of major changes to Godzilla’s design and origins, the 1998 film also dramatically reduced his power levels. By reducing Godzilla to such an extreme, the film eliminates the need for an oxygen terminator. A strategy not found anywhere else god zilla The film proves successful when Godzilla gets entangled in the cables of the Brooklyn Bridge and is killed by a fighter rocket.

Godzilla vs Mecha Godzilla

Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla 2001

exist Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla, the Japanese government built MechanoGodzilla – referred to as Kiryu in the film – to stop Godzilla from reaching the mainland. Controlled by humans, the mechanized monster struggles to take on Godzilla for most of the film, but excels in the final battle, which ends in a draw. The machine Godzilla did not win on its own, but the human achieved his goal when the wounded Godzilla abandoned his current course (which brought him to Japan) and changed course. Through Kiryu, the army succeeded in driving Godzilla away.

2 Godzilla Tokyo SOS

Godzilla and Kiryu stand in Godzilla: Tokyo SOS

Humanity’s victory over Godzilla was short-lived as they competed against Godzilla in Godzilla: Tokyo SOS, This is a direct sequel to the 2002 film. They managed to arrange a rematch with Mechanical Godzilla, but the outcome of the battle made it very clear that despite what happened in the previous film, Godzilla is the stronger of the two. Godzilla may have won, but Mothra’s entry into the conflict turned everything against him. Godzilla, bound by the threads of the Mothra larva, couldn’t stop Kiryu from ending the fight and throwing him somewhere in the ocean far from Tokyo. Although they received help from Mothra at the end of Godzilla: Tokyo SOS, the humans were eventually able to save their home world from Godzilla.

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1 Shin Godzilla

Godzilla towers over a cloud of smoke in New Godzilla

Toho’s latest addition to the series ditches Godzilla’s anti-hero status and reimagined him as an almost unstoppable killing machine. Able to adapt by changing the entire body, the monster was seen in 2016 New Godzilla Forcing Japan to work with other world powers to develop a way to stop Godzilla from spreading further destruction. Bigger and scarier than most versions of Godzilla, the film’s interpretation of the monster seemed to have no weakness, until Japanese military officials and scientists hatched a plan to freeze it. It. It works, even though Godzilla isn’t dead yet. The beginning of the fifth form is more eerie in the ending scene attribution sets up the comeback, but Toho never moves forward New Godzilla next part.

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