A nine-year-old boy lived alone in an unheated apartment for two years while his mother and her boyfriend stayed in France.

The boy lived a life of neglect and isolation, which went unnoticed because he attended school, got good grades and kept his room tidy.

Barbara Couturier, the mayor, noted that the boy seemed to put on a facade, giving the impression that everything was fine. “I believe he protected himself by assuring himself that everything was fine,” she added.

At first, when neighbors noticed something was wrong, the boy’s mother dismissed their concerns, insisting that she was taking care of her son and asked them not to interfere in her personal affairs. Because the boy seemed able to take care of himself, the community ignored the neglect.

During two years of solitude, the abandoned child stole tomatoes from a nearby balcony and asked neighbors for food. Eventually, concerned neighbors contacted the authorities, which led to the boy being placed in foster care.

According to a classmate, the boy rarely left the house, spent most of his time at home, often ate and rode the bus alone.

Contrary to his mother’s claim that they lived together, mobile data revealed her infrequent presence in their apartment, undermining her testimony. The boy admitted to his friends that he manages his own meals and transportation, sometimes leaves home, but rarely hangs out.

Categories: Trends
Source: HIS Education

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