Adam Bies Was Arrested For Threatening To Kill FBI Officers

Adam Bies was taken into custody on Monday, August 14, 2022, for threatening to kill FBI agents. Bies was outraged when investigators raided former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate. Adam Bies attacked the FBI and police in a social media post, writing:

“My only goal is to kill as many of them as possible before I die…”

According to another post:

“You deserve to die if you work for the FBI.”

Adam Bies, 46, of Mercer, Pennsylvania, is charged with one count of influencing, obstructing or retaliating against federal law enforcement personnel. If he is convicted, he faces at least ten years in prison. The FBI’s domestic terrorism watchdog highlighted posts from his “BlankFocus” account, according to a criminal complaint filed in his case.

One of his several aggressive posts read:

“Every moron that works for the FBI, from the director to the janitor who cleans their fucking toilets, should be killed. You declared war on us, and now everything is bursting.”

Adam Bies would rave about the demand for masks and vaccines against the coronavirus.

Adam Bies compared the FBI to the Nazi SS and Soviet-era KGB. He expressed his ideas on Gab, a microblogging and social networking site popular with far-right extremists. His professional website, as a self-described photographer, emphasized his displeasure with the forces changing the American economy. Gab supports the QAnon conspiracy theory and does not regulate its material so strictly. Several opponents have spoken out against the platform, arguing it could incite violence.

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According to the arrest document, Gab provided federal officials with information about Adam Bies’ private conversations and posting history in response to an emergency disclosure request. Federal authorities are concerned about the rise in right-wing violence, particularly in Pennsylvania. According to reports, about 70 extremist organizations participated in the violence at the US Capitol building on January 6, 2021.

Officials described Bies’ texts as “unprecedented”, pointing to the amount of violence and his calls for “civil war” or “armed rebellion”. In light of threats to law enforcement on social media, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security released a joint intelligence briefing last week. It was a reaction to the “dirty bomb” planted outside the FBI office in Washington. A Pennsylvania man named Ricky Shiffer, 42, tried to enter an FBI facility in Cincinnati with a nail gun and an AR-15-like weapon in one such incident. However, he was killed after a confrontation with officials.

Adam Bies wrote a few hours after Shiffer’s death:

“I already know that I will die at the hands of these scumbag cops. My only goal is to kill as many of them as possible before I die.”

Adam Bies mar-a-lago

He continued:

“I refuse to spend a single second of my life in their captivity.”

According to the official press release, the prosecutor in this case will be Assistant US Attorney Jeffrey Bengel. Meanwhile, the case is being investigated by the FBI’s Pittsburgh Field Office, the North Country Violent Offender Task Force, the Pennsylvania State Police and the Pennsylvania State Attorney’s Office.

Categories: Entertaintment
Source: HIS Education

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