After the death of her dog, a woman drove from Georgia to Ohio to adopt a German shepherd from a shelter

Losing your favourite dog by accident is very difficult period of life. The owners of prts suffer because of the loss of their beloved pets.

That is why it is very important to adopt anew pet to overcome the loss. The new pet helps the owner very much.

In this case a woman lost her German shepherd. The dog passed away. She suffered much and was in grief.

She decided to drive her car across the country and adopt a dog from a shelter in Ohio. She adopted a 6 years old dog named Delgado.

The woman saw the photo of the dog in the social media and thought this was the dog she looked for. This was a right dog for the right person in the right time.

This woman was in Georgia. The dog was in Ohio. The woman decided to do everything possible to achieve his destiny. The woman’s  name is Kristi.

The woman drove 9 hours to reach the dog. She adopted the sweet dog. Now they are inseperable. The dog fills the woman’s day with joy. They were meant to meet each other as they wereeach other’s destiny. The dog gave a new sense to Kristi’s life.

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Categories: Trends
Source: HIS Education

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