Bihar Board Admit Card 2023 10th 12th Exam Hall Ticket, Slip

Bihar Board Admit Card:- The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) is the governing body responsible for conducting the annual state board exams for students in the state of Bihar. Every year, students eagerly await the release of the Bihar Board admit card, which allows them to appear for their exams. This year, the Bihar Board admit card for the 2023 exams will be released by the BSEB in the month of February.

Bihar Board Admit Card 2023

The admit card is a crucial document that must be carried by the student to the examination center. It contains important information such as the student’s name, roll number, exam center, and subject codes. Without a valid admit card, a student will not be allowed to appear for the exams.

To obtain the Bihar Board admit card, students must first register for the exams by filling out the necessary forms and submitting them to their respective schools. Once the registration process is complete, the BSEB will release the admit cards, which can be downloaded from the official BSEB website.

In addition to the admit card, students will also need to carry a valid photo ID proof to the exam center. This can be a school ID, PAN card, or any other government-issued ID.

Students are advised to carefully check all the details on the admit card and inform their school or the BSEB if there are any discrepancies. It is also important to reach the exam center on time and follow all the guidelines and instructions given by the invigilators.

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10th 12th Bihar Board Exam Hall Ticket

One of the important documents that students need to carry to the exam center is the Bihar Board Exam Hall Ticket. This hall ticket serves as an entry pass to the exam center and contains important information such as the student’s name, roll number, exam center name and address, and the dates and timings of the exams.

Students can obtain their Bihar Board Exam Hall Tickets from their respective schools. In some cases, the BSEB may also make these hall tickets available for download on their official website.

It is important for students to check their hall tickets carefully and ensure that all the information on them is correct. In case of any errors or discrepancies, students should inform their school authorities immediately.

Students must also note that it is mandatory to bring their hall tickets to the exam center, along with a valid ID proof such as an Aadhaar card or a passport. Without these documents, students will not be allowed to enter the exam center.

How to Download Bihar Board Slip?

Every year, thousands of students appear for the BSEB exams and it is important for them to stay updated about their exam schedules and other important details. One of the ways to stay updated is by downloading the Bihar Board slip, which contains all the necessary information about the exams.

If you are a student appearing for the BSEB exams, here is a step-by-step guide on how to download your Bihar Board slip:

  1. Visit the official website of the Bihar School Examination Board (
  2. On the homepage, click on the ‘Results’ tab.
  3. Under the ‘Results’ tab, you will find a link for ‘Examination Slip’. Click on it.
  4. You will be redirected to a new page where you need to enter your roll number and select your exam year.
  5. After entering the required information, click on the ‘Submit’ button.
  6. Your Bihar Board slip will be displayed on the screen.
  7. Download the slip and take a printout of it.
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It is important to keep your Bihar Board slip with you at all times as it contains all the important details about your exams such as the date, time, and venue of the exams. It is also necessary to carry your slip to the exam center as it serves as proof of your identity and helps the invigilators confirm your identity.

In conclusion, the Bihar School Examination Board provides a convenient way for students to download their Bihar Board slips online. It is an essential document for all students appearing for the BSEB exams and should be kept safe at all times.

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