Brain IQ Test: Can you spot which Emoji is different in the picture within 7 seconds?

Brain Teaser IQ Test: Brain teasers make a simple puzzle more interesting as these fun games are solved by creative thinking. These types of IQ tests are a fun way to find out your IQ. Such brain teasers will help you test your level of intelligence based on the decisions you make while looking at the problem. It would help if you thought a little differently when coming up with the solution to these types of puzzles, because the answer will not be immediately in front of you. While solving these mind puzzles, you have to analyze the problem and come up with the answer by using analytical skills. Therefore, we have designed an interesting puzzle in which you have to spot which emoji is different from the others in the picture.

Brain IQ Test: Can you spot which Emoji is different in the picture within 7 seconds?

Image source: Bright side

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In the image above, you need to identify which emoji is different among several similar-looking emoticons. The puzzle challenges you to spot the unusual emoji by asking “Spot the different colored eye emoticons“. The image shows multiple smiley face emojis. However, there is one emoji that stands out from the rest in some ways.

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You have to look carefully at the picture before answering the question because the answer is quite simple but tricky. As a side note, the answers to this puzzle are given right below the questions, so be careful not to scroll too far and cheat!

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The answer to the puzzle

If you look carefully at all the emojis, you will notice that there is a very slight difference in one of the emoticons. All emojis have green eyes. However, if you see the emoji located in the 1st row and 6th column, you will see an emoji with blue and black eyes.

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Image source: Bright Side

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So the answer to this fun puzzle is that the black and blue eyes emoji is different from other emojis.

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The above brain teaser is a simple test of your intelligence and observation skills. Solving the puzzle in the allotted time requires lateral thinking. However, you will be satisfied if you figured out the answer in a few seconds. This brain teaser is just another fun way to test your IQ. However, taking an actual IQ test is a good way to find out your IQ level.

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Categories: Trends
Source: HIS Education

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