Buffy’s Replacement for Giles Will Blow the Minds of TV Show Fans

Warning: Spoiler for The Last Buffy the Vampire Slayer Special #1 The Future of Buffy the vampire slayer Spike’s unexpected choice to replace Giles in his previous Watchmen role makes him look bright. Set in a post-apocalyptic future, buffy the ultimate vampire slayer Witness a much older Buffy Summers spend years almost alone in a dark world where nearly all of her friends and family (including Giles) were killed. With all the killers going to be killed in the same tragedy, Buffy thought for years that she was the ultimate killer in her family until she met Thessaly, a young girl who was his daughter. Tara and Willow, and set to be the next killer.

To rebuild the Observer Council from scratch under her supervision, Buffy reunites with Spike, who assumes the role of Thessaly’s (unofficial) Observer. The Last Buffett The Vampire Slayer From Casey Gilley and Joe Jaro to Maria Keane and Lea Caballero, one can see Spike patrolling graveyards with a young Thessaly, just as Giles did with young Buffy Summers decades ago. Spending so much time with the teenager made Spike understand why Giles was always so crafty.

Spike is the Warden of the future

Spike was a very different man in that era cushion Let’s perform better than him in this future. When first appearing in the series, Spike is a chaotic villain who loves to destroy anything in his path or everyone in front of him in a split second. After his TV debut, Spike gained a soul and was patient enough to qualify as Buffy’s Watchman. On the show, Spike would scoff at the idea of ​​training anyone, let alone completing a follower quest. Spike often quarreled with English Giles, but this Spike was a different man.

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What makes Spike’s latest development so great is that it delivers his story in its entirety. He’s spent decades breaking things, but in a post-apocalyptic society where vampires run rampant, it’s all gone. His soul search on the show has been predicated on Spike’s desire to repair the damage he’s caused. Now he is atone for his sins by helping to rebuild the future. Even more impressively, he is nurturing new hope for the future in the form of a new killer.

There is no better trainer than the old evil forces to train them against the killers of the evil force. For Spike, who boasts of killing more than one killer before the series begins, atonement by training one is both ironic and the perfect twist on his criminal origins. Buffy the vampire slayer.

The Last Buffett the Vampire Slayer Special #1 Available from BOOM! current studio.

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