Chainsaw Man’s Anime Made An Uncomfortable Manga Scene Even Worse

Warning: Spoiler for Episode 8 of The Saw Man

this chainsaw man The anime manages to take one of the most disturbing scenes from the manga and make it even more upsetting. In episode 8, after a night out in public safety, Himeno takes the drunk Tatsumi back to her house and prepares to seduce him, despite being a minor and appearing drunk.

chainsaw man Known for combining scenes of indiscriminate violence and bloodshed with more disturbing scenes that show the darkest sides of human emotions and behaviour. Due to a tragic and isolated upbringing, the main character, Tatsumi, is driven by basic desires such as eating delicious food and having sex with women. Denji’s main targets are Makima, a high-ranking demon hunter and charming woman who manipulates Denji to follow his orders. However, the boy also attracts the attention of demon hunter Himeno, another charming woman who promises him his first kiss as a reward for slaying the Evil of Eternity.

After the witcher went out to celebrate his victory, everyone got drunk except for Muqima. Himeno ruined Denji’s first kiss by vomiting into his mouth in a very disturbing scene, but the anime controversially censored the scene. in episode 8 chainsaw manIn “Gunshot”, Himeno brought Denji back home. Both were drunk, but Denji could barely move, and he was only 16 years old. In a very disturbing scene, when Himeno is about to go to bed, she actively tries to seduce Senji and convince him to have sex.

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chainsaw man You don’t need blood or violence to worry

What makes the anime scene even more annoying than the manga scene is that viewers knew from the end of episode 7 that Himeno was going to ask Denji.”DO‘. However, Episode 8 opens a little earlier, and when the two arrive at Himeno’s apartment, it follows the women’s bedtime routine. Thus, viewers are watching an adult woman prepare to sexually harass a drunken prospective Adult. In the end, the lollipop that Denji finds in his pocket reminds him that Makima is the real object of his desire and convinces him to turn down Himeno’s offers, but this is just another example of submissiveness. Adult females manipulate and take advantage of children.

Despite his apparent lack of moral character, Denji is a unique character because he can represent a beacon of innocence in a deeply corrupt world. Fans of shounen manga and anime tend to forget that their main characters are almost always underage children. chainsaw man Again to use this very annoying scene, the anime subtly adapted it and made it even more disturbing.

chainsaw man Currently streaming on Crunchyroll.

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