Choose a cookie in this visual quiz and learn how to describe yourself perfectly

Bryan’s Campos 19.09.2023 12:45. m.

You know how to describe yourself, for some people today it can be a matter of life and death. If you are here to determine what your strengths are, I tell you this is it visual test It’s perfect for you, so make the most of it. All you have to do is look at the main image of the note and choose one of the six cookies you’ll see there. Trust me. As long as you are 100% honest with your decision, it is evidence you won’t be disappointed.

When we need to describe ourselves, it is often difficult for us to find the right words. Whether you’re interviewing for a job, writing a resume, or simply wanting to get to know yourself better, knowing how to describe yourself perfectly can be a challenge. In this sense, we share with you a visual test which will be of great help to you.

See the image of the visual test

At this point, I tell you that one of the first steps is to describe yourself perfectly to know your strengths. Think about the skills and abilities you excel at. Are you an organized, detail-oriented person? Do you have leadership skills? Are you creative and have an analytical mind? Identifying your virtues will help bring out the best in you, so you know now. Which cookie do you choose?

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Choose a cookie in this visual test and learn how to describe yourself perfectly (Photo: Namastest).

See the results of the visual test

If you choose cookie #1…

  • If you chose this cookie, it means that you have a creative nature, everything arouses your curiosity and you are easily inspired. Your spontaneity makes you stand out in the social sphere, creating trust in those around you. Difficulties hardly discourage you, as your innate curiosity constantly pushes you forward.

If you choose cookie #2…

  • If you liked this cookie, you may have a reserved personality and face challenges expressing yourself. You tend to avoid risks and prefer to go slowly. You tend to reserve your energy for certain moments, which can make your thoughts an enigma to others. However, when you trust someone, you give your friendship completely.

If you choose cookie #3…

  • You are prone to opportunism and have many expectations from life. An outstanding feature of your personality is your strong desire for progress, which others perceive as a great initiative. In addition, you tend to always look for the simplest way and avoid too many complications.

If you choose cookie #4…

  • In general, you are someone who maintains a facade and adjusts your mood depending on the situation. You have an exceptional ability to assess your surroundings and are rarely surprised. You are an unpredictable person and only those who know you well can understand your motives and emotions.

If you choose cookie #5…

  • You tend to place your hopes and trust in others quickly and generously. You see yourself as someone who is ready to help others without expecting reciprocity. Appreciate what life gives you and don’t settle for the bare minimum. You are always looking for new experiences that allow you to grow physically and spiritually.
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If you choose cookie #6…

  • You are likely to be someone who inspires others, a natural leader by nature. You enjoy sharing with people, but your true calling is to teach others. They perceive you as an example to follow and you inspire admiration in the environment. Your achievements, endless energy and kindness are the qualities that attract people to you.

Do you know what a visual test is?

Let me tell you, a visual test is a tool used to assess a person’s ability to perceive, interpret and process visual information. That’s why they have become so popular on the Internet because, depending on the type, they will define various characteristics that we may not even have known about. In addition, these tests can be used in various fields, such as psychology, neurology, ophthalmology and graphic design.

Why are tests important?

  • Early detection of vision problems: Visual tests allow the detection of vision problems or disorders in the early stages, which facilitates timely diagnosis and treatment. This is especially important in children, as untreated vision problems can affect their development and academic performance.
  • Visual health assessment: Vision tests help assess a person’s general eye health and vision quality. This includes measuring visual acuity, color perception, depth perception and other visual skills that are critical to everyday functioning.
  • Customization of visual fixes: Vision tests allow us to determine the type and degree of vision correction needed, such as glasses or contact lenses, to improve a person’s vision. This ensures that corrections are appropriate and suit individual visual needs.
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In short, visual tests are important because they allow us to detect visual problems, assess visual health, personalize visual corrections, improve safety and performance in visual activities, contribute to research and improve knowledge about the visual system, and assess cognitive abilities. visual perception.

Other tests you need to solve

  • In this personality test, find out if you are an emotionally stable person
  • The figure your eyes see in this visual test will reveal what type of person you are
  • Discover what the future holds for you based on the first thing you notice in the visual test
  • Know whether you are spontaneous or organized here, depending on whether you see a face or some trees

I recommend watching this video

Personality test in pictures: What do you look at first in this visual test?These four pictures will reveal your personality traits according to your interpretation. Follow the instructions and you will discover what you didn’t know about yourself. ABOUT THE AUTHORBryan's CamposBryan’s Campos

The journalist graduated in digital marketing from the Federico Villarreal National University. Digital coordinator in Depor. Web editor in the specialized sections of Depor México, Colombia and the United States. SEO by vocation. Football, basketball and tennis, my passions.

Categories: Trends
Source: HIS Education

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