Community: The 10 Saddest Things About Dean Pelton

Movies and TV have explored the trials and tribulations of school life for decades, but none quite like Dan Harmon. Community. Set in Greendale Community College, students and teachers alike embark on many high-concept and emotional adventures that are furthest away from education. If anything, it was Greendale who became the embodiment of a dung dump that dumps anyone and leaves no one alone.

Responsible (and to some extent to blame) for this impact is none other than community college principal Craig Pelton. Most would say that Craig is not the ideal man for the job, but he is the ideal man for the Greendale chair. After all, it’s fitting that he’s proven that he’s just as flawed as anyone else.

people are undermining his position as dean

Although the Dean is at fault, he is the chief executive officer of Greendale and he works hard to maintain a school that has been rejected and abandoned. Despite his admirable efforts and high status, Craig earned little respect.

At worst it’s more of a nuisance, at best people are constantly undermining his authority, if they don’t laugh at it. Deputy Dean Layburn, played by John Goodman, could easily take over his school and force Craig to shave off his new beard. His new admin in season 6, Frankie, even offers a passive-aggressive attitude that insults his stupidity.

his incompetence

dean cried

As well-intentioned as Dean Pelton is, he deserves some criticism. While Greendale’s problems may have preceded his tenure long, many of the school’s current and long-term problems are a direct result of his overspending, poor leadership effective and destructive ideas. His paintball game ruined the school many times.

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He wastes money on things like elaborate school commercials and meaningless giant fists. Don’t forget how he keeps rehiring Ben Chang without a teaching degree and many threats to the school. If someone challenged him for a role at school, they wouldn’t hesitate to take his job away.

his work history

Dean looks sad

The Dean is notoriously bad at running Greendale. While many may be quick to point out the inherent limitations of the school itself and the quality of its students, there is some empirical data that shows Craig never deserved his job right from the start. head.

The dean casually mentioned that all the schools he had worked at had mysteriously closed. It seems the common thread here is Craig Pelton himself, whose résumé is not a list of accomplishments but a memorial to the organization he destroyed.

his insecurities about greendale

Dean is currently working on the apocalypse

Not that Dean was ignorant of Greendale’s condition. Craig is an educated man who can gather insights from time to time. His insecurities about school are fully expressed in the episode “Making a Documentary: Definitive Edition”. Here, the slim hope of getting Luis Guzman to perform in his own Greendale commercial led Dean to embark on a hauntingly perfect, all-round performance.

It was soon revealed that he was just trying to tweak the project as much as possible and not look like Greendale. Like most of the other characters in the series, Craig has always felt better than Greendale, mainly due to his own higher level of education and never really appreciated the school that took him in without. anyone else.

his financial troubles with greendale

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While Craig Pelton may be responsible for some of Greendale’s financial burden, there are also systemic problems that have left his school under-resourced. With little funding from the city or his own, the principal had to make some famous cuts throughout the series to keep the school alive — such as the time he relied on numerous outside investors. to keep the field alive.

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This includes the time when Subway personally enrolled his school and the time he let app developers turn his school into a backward nightmare. With few initial resources, Craig has been doing the impeccable job of holding Greendale together with duct tape.

his dance

fat dog dance

Greendale Community College may not have a successful football team, numerous academic awards, or a proud student body. But if Craig did anything, he brought more dance to the school than any other school was willing to support. In the documentary episode His Little Spiral, the principal reveals that he only does so many dances because he cannot provide more for his students.

Instead of trying to fix Greendale, Craig is trying to cover the cracks with a wave of dances, proms, and events, hoping that the idea of ​​fun will make him forget his failure.

His hobby for study groups

dean sings for troy and abbed

There are few characters in it Community Need help as much as Craig Pelton. With a slightly low self-esteem as an administrator and a lackluster academic record, the Principal’s primary focus throughout Greendale is on a team that always makes school fun.

Filled with the variety he loves to see, the old lawyer he has a bit of a crush on and the people who really don’t mind talking to him (too much), the group drives a lot of characters crazy with the same a positive energy. Given that the Dean was harassing other students to try to support the study group, Craig really needed to find some new friends.

his obsession with clothes

Dean's Good News New Bad News Outfits

if anyone watches an episode Community, it’s clear that Dean has a penchant for role-playing. Always arriving at the lab in some theme outfit to promote an event that’s hard to justify, and it’s rare to see a dean wearing the same outfit twice.

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In “Modeling of Human Memory” and “Analysis of Virtual Systems”, the Dean has to accept how stupidly and often he dresses to talk to the research team. What made this situation sad, however, was that the dean felt that with them he could only be himself. As “virtual systems analysis” corroborated, he was completely surprised that he had never been abused when he went to the bank in his costume. He thought he would be rejected by anyone outside of Greendale. It just makes fans wonder what other insecurities he’s hiding.

people define him by his gender

gay dean magazine

While it’s a joke in the series, Craig Pelton enjoys the freedom that comes with his gender ambiguity. Craig wasn’t ready or willing to define himself in a strict term, and he was rarely ashamed of who he was, that is, until his colleagues got their hands on it. The Dean has been repeatedly insulted because of his sexuality, such as the entire slander against him by Vice Dean Laybourne.

In “Queer Studies and Advanced Waxing”, the principal’s famous fanfare is even used to gain sympathy from the school board. Unfortunately for Craig, there’s too much about his personality that can be reduced to one dimension.

his obsession with jeff

dean and jeff

One-sided love is something sitcom characters often struggle with. Obsession is quite another reason when it comes to Dean’s relationship with Jeff Winger. Whether he just had a crush on the head of research or just wanted access to his charisma, the Dean brought out the worst in Jeff.

He abused his management skills to read Jeff’s e-mails, bought an apartment next to him, and had a long “secret” relationship with several Japanese children posing as Jeff, not once. suspect that their politeness is a ruse. In the fantasy scene where he kills the team, he even tries to connect his feelings with Jeff.

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