David Beckham leads ex-Man Utd stars at funeral of Sir Alex Ferguson’s wife Cathy as their son gives emotional eulogy

“FIRST, I just want to start with a few thanks. To Father McKenzie and everyone here for such a beautiful service.

“To Willie Haughey for all his help in organizing today and making sure we are here in this amazing place.

“My dad is probably the best place to start, married to my mom for 57 years. They got married on March 12, 1966.

“To celebrate my dad immediately went to play for Dunfermline against Hamilton.

“And my mom went to organize a party.

“It really set the tone, that’s not a criticism because my mum wasn’t interested in football, because all she wanted was for him to be good.

“She supported him as a player and it’s been said a million times that my dad couldn’t have achieved what he has without her.

“She wasn’t interested in football, she never went to games, apart from cup finals where she would sit with my aunt Bridget and just chat through the game completely oblivious to what was going on.

“For other games, she had teletext on the TV set in the kitchen and was checking in at half-time and full-time.

“So my dad continued with football, and my mom raised the children. I heard my dad say before that it was a sacrifice, for my mom it wasn’t. It was what she wanted to do and what she was good at.

“She had three boys, me, Mark and Darren. Darren was fine, all he wanted to do was play football and eat.

“Me and Mark, all we did growing up was fight and fight. And you would get a classic, wait until your dad gets home. Sometimes she would tell him, but most of the time she wouldn’t.

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“She loved being a grandmother. She couldn’t get past the clothes shop and hid all the bags from my dad in the downstairs room.”

Jason revealed that his mum had been in poor health in her final weeks.

He said: “My mum has had a hard time in the last few months. But she kept fighting, fighting through each set until it was too much even for her.

»I’m sure many of you have been in similar circumstances. Doctors try to prepare you little by little, and then the inevitable happens and you think you’re ready, but you’re not.

“For my dad and all of us as a family, the most important thing today was to honor my mom and honor her.

“Today, this place is a big part of that.”

And he told how the family welcomed a new life since his beloved mom passed away.

He said: “Last Saturday, two days after my mum died, a baby girl was born in Aberdeen, my granddaughter, my mum and dad’s great granddaughter.

“And that little girl’s name is Isla Cathleen, and it’s a confession, a perfect confession. And believe it or not, right before we walked in here today, my son’s wife went into labor. You couldn’t reconcile.

“That’s what my mom was all about, she was family oriented, you know. I wondered about Mom and Dad, if they were really simple, basic people or if they were actually very complicated people.

“I think the answer is that they are both the same. They are complicated people based on simple core values.

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“As a family, we’re obviously devastated, but I’m standing here right now, I’m happy, I’m happy that she got the send-off that my dad wanted.

“I’m happy she got the send off she deserves and I’m happy she’s at peace.

“Dad said to me the other day, which I thought summed it all up.

“That ‘Girl from the Gorbals has come home’. God bless you mom.”

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: HIS Education

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