DC’s Swamp Thing Movie Has 1 MCU Obstacle To Overcome

Upcoming swamp thing The film faces a possible setback in the form of the MCU’s Man-Thing. One of the characters involved in the first chapter of the DC Universe, “Gods and Monsters”, is Swamp Thing, the embodiment of Green. Although the creature had a series of short-lived live-action films in 2019, DC’s swamp thing The film will mark Alec Holland’s first appearance on the big screen since Kemp in 1982 and 1989 swamp thing And Return of Swamp Thing B-movies try to bring DC characters to life.

Swamp Thing is a strong but kind hero inspired by nature. A monster turned scientist, Swamp Thing generally stays away from humans unless humans threaten his habitat, at least until other imperfect heroes need his help. These traits make Swamp Thing a very unique DC character, but his resemblance to the Marvel villain could become an issue for his upcoming live-action adaptation. ta.

DC’s Swamp Thing and Marvel’s Human Thing may be too similar

Like DC’s Swamp Thing, Marvel’s human monster is a scientist whose experiments fail, turning him into a terrifying Swamp Thing. These two creatures are nearly invulnerable due to their regenerative properties and their connection to nature that allows them to reappear in different places within seconds. Swamp Thing and Man-Thing are reclusive but heroic. However, unless the Earth is really in danger, they don’t care too much about the superhero problem.

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The Man-Thing debuts in the MCU in 2022 werewolf night, DC Universe will launch Swamp Thing in the next few years. On top of that, there’s a chance the MCU’s Man-Thing could join a group of Marvel’s anti-heroes – the Midnight Children – and swamp thing can be set Dark Justice League, a group of dark DC characters dealing with the paranormal. Swamp Thing and Man-Thing are inherently similar, and the timing of their respective series releases only brings them closer together.

How is the swamp creature different from the human creature

Alec Holland and Swamp Thing from DC Comics

Fortunately, DC has a few differences swamp thing The movies can emphasize that Alec Holland is different from Marvel’s Man-Thing. Swamp Thing is the guardian of nature, while Man-Thing is the guardian of the Knot of All Things, a portal to the multiverse. Unlike Man-Thing, Swamp Thing is always powered by nature, no matter how long he’s been out in the swamp. swamp thing There’s also more screen time to develop Alec Holland’s plot and Grimm’s lore. Although Marvel still beats DC when it comes to bringing in a dark team, swamp thing can set a Dark Justice League More live movies.

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