Destiny 2: How To Get Eyasluna Hand Cannon (& God Roll)

destiny 2 Players can now obtain the Eyasluna cannon and its scroll. Eyasluna is a fan favorite comeback King is stolen expand in destiny. Eyasluna is one of many weapons destiny 2 Coinciding with Bungie’s 30th anniversary event. The big event has a number of free features that players can take advantage of, such as the new Eternal six-player matchmaking mode.

Although Eyasluna retains the shape of an eagle moon destiny 2joins the Marauder Marksman range of weapons as a stagnating weapon. Legendary stasis weapons share a spot with Kinetic weapons in the Guardian’s gear menu, and they were introduced for the first time in lost season Use weapons like Vulpecula and Fractethyst. Additionally, since Eyasluna is a stationary weapon, the Legendary Cannon can use the Tombstone perk, allowing Eyasluna to spawn stagnant crystals on enemies after a precise final hit.

Unfortunately, Eyasluna is only available to players who own the 30th Anniversary Pack. This is the case with some of the weapons brought here. destiny 2 Along with the 30th Anniversary Pack, there’s the Matador 64 Pistol, the 1000 Yard Gazing Sniper Rifle, and the Sword of the Age of Heroes. Additionally, the return of the Gallarhorn Rocket Launcher in Destiny 2 will only be available to players who purchased the 30th Anniversary Pack. This is because the Eyasluna and these other weapons are only usable in the new Greedy Grasp dungeon.

Destiny 2: Eyasluna Hand Cannon (and God Scroll)

For comparison, the Eyasluna handgun has some of the same stats as the Palindrome. Both weapons are 140 RPM handguns, but the Eyasluna has better range, stability, and reload speed. In addition, the Eyasluna also carries one more bullet than the Palindrome in the standard magazine. Some great skill options in both PvE and PvP destiny 2because Eyasluna has the flexibility to fit both types of activities.

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PvE God Roll perks for Eyasluna:

  • Hand stabilizer HCS
  • Pierce
  • Lucky move vien
  • headstone

PvP God Roll perks for Eyasluna:

  • Hand stabilizer HCS
  • bouncing
  • Lucky move vien
  • moving target

New permanent motion perks included in destiny 2 There are also some weapons in the 30th Anniversary Update. The perpetual motion machine improves stability, handling and reload speed while the user is in motion and works perfectly with moving targets, rebounding and stabilizing the HCS. Desperado is usually the ability to use to speed up reloads, but since it requires an accurate kill first, it lags behind Perpetual Motion. The fixed Ricochet and HCS bullets add to Eyasluna’s handling and stability stats, making this cannon a top choice for any PvP Defender looking to stay mobile, as they are deadly in the Forge.

destiny 2 Available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and Google Stadia.

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