Destiny 2: How to Get Lubrae’s Ruin (& God Rolls)

disciple oath assault destiny 2 Finally released over the weekend, it’s packed with new weapons and armor for players to use. The weapon dropped during the encounter with the Disciple Pledge is easily one of the best new weapons in the world destiny 2 And probably the best weapon set of all raids. However, one of the rarest weapons in this raid is the legendary “Lubrae’s Ruin” sword. Not only is this one of the coolest-looking weapons in the game, coming from the clutches of Rhulk, the final boss of the Oath of Discipleship, but it’s also the only other legendary Glaive out there. destiny 2.

Lubrae’s remains can only be dropped from a single encounter during the Oath of Disciple (VoD) raid. Because it’s the only other legendary Glaive destiny 2, it is sure to be a sought-after weapon. However, players will only have a chance to get this weapon after defeating the VoD final boss battle. Unlike the other weapons in this raid like destiny 2Lubrae’s Ruin’s “Salvation” Kinetic Combo Rifle can only drop once in VoD, while other weapons have a two or three chance to drop. Technically, this weapon cannot be equipped; however, this amount of weapons can be purchased from the last VoD chest after defeating the boss, earning “trophies of conquest” which can be obtained from the Secret Raid Chest and the Raid Encounter after finishing. In order for this weapon to drop from a Secret Chest or be purchased from a Final Raid Chest, the player must get lucky and get the Lubrae Ruins from the Final Raid encounter.

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compare to destiny 2 Only the other legendary blade, Lubrae’s Ruin can roll with special blade-specific attributes, while its rival, the legendary blade “Mystery” cannot. Additionally, Lubrae’s Ruin is also a Solar Glaive, which means it’s useful in Nightfall/Lost Sector when using the Match Game modifier and enemies shielded by Solar. In terms of glaive-specific traits, weapons can roll with an attribute called “immobilized objects”, which increase the weapon’s energy when the player is stationary and their shields increase on impact with enemy bullets. This means that the player can block the flames for as long as they like, as long as they don’t move.

Lubrae’s god of ruins rolls around in Destiny 2

  • Glaive Haft – Light launcher.
  • Magazine – Light Weight, Swap or Alloy.
  • Feature 1- Tomb Raiders or Immovable Objects.
  • Trait 2- Vorpal Weapon, Swashbuckler or Surrounded.

Lubrae’s Ruin, besides being a great weapon, can also be used destiny 2 New crafting system. After the player has sampled the weapon five times, the weapon will be unlocked at the crafting table. Players must be lucky enough to drop a weapon with a “Deep Vision Recon” to unlock it to craft a weapon. Luckily, it looks like you can buy a raid weapon with Deepsight Reconsance with 20 conquest loot in the final raid chest.

destiny 2 Available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and Google Stadia.

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