Every Brent Spiner Star Trek Character Ranked

Star Trek: The Next Generation Actor Brent Spiner is best known for his role as Lieutenant Commander of droid Data, but he has also played many other droids and members of the Song family. Spiner pioneers data in natural gas companyThe pilot episode, “Encounter at Farpoint,” instantly became a fan favorite. Created by mysterious cybernetic doctor Noonian Soong (Brent Spiner), Data possesses incredible physical and computing power, but his only real desire is to become like a human. than.

Spiner’s performance as an stat is one of the best of all interstellar travel. Thanks a little Star Trek: Original Series Spock’s spiner (Leonard Nimoy) notably lacks the extroverted emotion of Data, but his subtle, innocent portrayal of 24th-century Pinocchio can easily cause laughter or tears in an audience. in any episode. However, Data isn’t the only robot Soong has created, and Noonian isn’t the only member of the Soong family to appear on screen. The Spiner will feature all the Soons and their robotic creations. Spiner has never had a few bad games, even if their story is sometimes less than excellent interstellar travel Movies and series.

Adam’s 7 songs

Dr. Adam Soong is a 21st century geneticist obsessed with his legacy.Introduced in Interstellar Travel: Picard In season 2, Adam Song is ostensibly trying to cure his daughter Song Keer (Isa Briones), who has a genetic defect and severe allergies to unfiltered air and sunlight. In fact, Kore is just another science project for Adam, which he hopes will fulfill his mission as one of the greats of mankind. He volunteers to join Q (John de Lancie)’s elaborate plan to alter the timeline and make Adam a historical hero in a nightmarish parallel future where Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick) Stewart) was tasked with making adjustments.

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6 Aric Songs

Arik Soong Enterprises

introduced in Star Trek: Enterprise In season 4, Arik Soong is a geneticist who goes to prison for researching enhancement techniques, a practice that was banned by the federal government after the Eugenics War. Arik rejects the notion that enhancers like Khan Noonien Singh (Ricardo Montalban) are inherently evil and considers his genetic engineering experiments as his own. Recruited by Captain Jonathan Archer (Scott Bakula) to regain his enhanced creations, Aric is shocked to find them violent and unstable. After they were defeated, Arik gave up genetic engineering to devote himself to a new science – cybernetics. Aric is a major turning point in the Soong saga.

5 Altan Inigo Soong

In Picard, Altan Soong talks to Jean Luc Picard

After the Federation banned synthetic life forms following a catastrophic attack on Mars in 2385, the Federation’s top cybernetics, Dr. Bruce Maddox (John Ayres), escaped from Earth and transferred traveled to Ghulion IV with Dr. Noonian Soong’s son, Altan Inigo Soong, aka Coppelius Planet, continuing his research into composites. As fickle and intelligent as his father, Altan places too much faith in his creations and is horrified when his robotic community is manipulated by a murderous syndicate named Sutra (Isa Briones). The terminally ill Altan corrected his misbehavior by transferring the consciousness of the dying Jean-Luc Picard to a new synthetic body called the Golem.

4 B-4

Brent Spiener as B-4 in Star Trek: Nemesis Pet Point

A prototype droid that predates Data and Lore, B-4 was introduced in the finale natural gas company Movie, Interstellar Travel: The Enemy. The B-4 is much less complex than its cousin and easily manipulated. Data tries to transfer his memories and knowledge to B-4, but the plan seems to fail, until the final moments of the film, when he begins to sing a song that Data was playing on. Will Riker (Jonathan Frakes) and Deanna Troi (Marina Surtees). ). ). Interstellar Travel: Picard It will be confirmed that B-4 never developed his toddler behavior and that he was removed following the aggregate injunction. It was a gentle performance, a bit sad interstellar travel Movie.

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3 Nunian songs

Brent Spiner as Dr. Noonian Soong in Star Trek: The Next Generation

The leading cybernetic in the galaxy in the 24th century, Dr. Noonian Soong was a mad scientist who created what would eventually become known as the Song Robot. After his planet was attacked by crystalline entities, the Noonian was presumed dead, but in natural gas company Episode 4 “Brothers”. Spiner did a great job as an elderly scientist, full of pride in Data and regret for Lore. Noonian was mortally wounded by Lore and eventually died in the arms of Data, who admitted that Noonian was his father. It’s an exciting time, especially since Spiner is literally playing with himself.

2 legends

Brent Spiner as Lore in 'Star Trek: The Next Generation'

Lore, Data’s sassy, ​​emotional twin brother has threatened the Enterprise-D crew more than once. Lore is very jealous of Data, who is clearly the favorite of their creator. His most famous plan took place in natural gas company The two-part episode “Descendants”, in which Lore manages to manipulate Data and a damaged set of Borg drones in an attempt to overthrow the Federation. Data eventually regained control and was forced to disable and destroy its evil brother. It was hinted to be permanently disabled, but Lore somehow returned from the dead Interstellar Travel: Picard Season 3.

1 data

Phaser launch data in 'Star Trek: The Next Generation'

Lieutenant Data is the undisputed Executive Officer in all seven seasons of Enterprise-D natural gas company and four movies natural gas company throw. in some ways he is natural gas companySpock’s version, an alien trying to reconcile his humanity, the most popular type of character interstellar travel Programs will be reviewed in one form or another. But Data is his own unique creation, an emotionless machine that ironically stirs a lot of emotions among his friends and colleagues. His lifelong journey to become more of a person than a natural gas companyThe most coherent and rewarding plot.

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The beloved robot ended abruptly when Data sacrificed himself to save Picard Interstellar travel:arch enemy. He is Interstellar Travel: Picard In the season 1 finale, he and Picard meet in a virtual simulation created by Altan Inigo Soong from the memory remnants of Data in B-4. The data made Picard feel guilty about the robot’s death and the men were finally able to express their love to each other. This is one of Spiner’s best performances in the role, if we actually watch the final one. Star Trek: The Next Generation Icon, he must at least play in good form, along with his beloved captain.

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