Elden Ring: All Flame Pillar Locations In Siofra River

When going to Siofra River Bank Site of Grace Elden’s ringIn the underground area of ​​the Siofra River, players will notice a nearby central staircase lined with columns. Stairs led to a long path, at the end of which was the corpse of a monster. These relics act as portals, taking the Impures to the boss battle arena, where they will confront the spirits of their ancestors. Elden’s ring. Killing this optional boss will reward the player with 13,000 × Runes and Ashes of Ancestors Followers.

Ashes of the Ancient Follower is a powerful summoning spell Elden’s ring Summons the soul of Ancestral Follower, an NPC that wields a heavy bow and takes down enemies from afar. Such spells can prove to be of great use on all types of buildings, especially melee structures that benefit from fire cover. So, defeating ancestral spirits in battle is certainly a difficult thing, but the reward is well worth it. To face this formidable foe, the player must first light all eight pillars of fire that line the stairs with the entrance to the boss’ lair in the Siofra River.

The first pillar of fire is located right between the ruins of Grace and the stairs on the banks of the Siofra River. To ignite it, Tarnished simply interacts with the brazier at the base of the tower. To find the second pillar, turn left, run past the giant hostile crab and up the hill. Flame Pillar is located on top of a hill, players should be careful when approaching it, as angry Minotaur spirits will guard the area.

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Guide to the Siofra River Fire Pillar in Elden Ring

The third Pillar of Fire on the River Siofra is located northeast of the first Pillar of Fire. Fortunately, there is no Minotaur protecting it. From here keep going northwest until you reach the border of the area. The fourth rack will be on the ledge. However, this time, there will be two ghosts patrolling the surroundings. Players should try to lure enemies while riding Elden’s ringThe stream then rushes to the brazier and sets it on fire.

Next, the player can find the fifth pillar of fire to the west of the fourth pillar of fire. After lighting it, cross the water to the next memorial, which will spawn enemies as the player approaches. To find the seventh pillar, follow the path east to the northeast point of the map. Obelisks can be found on the side of the road. The last Pillar of Fire is located west of the previous Pillar of Fire, but the player must turn north and head south on the left side of the forested area to find it. After the player burns all the fire pillars in the Siofra River map Elden’s ringthey will be able to visit the ancestral boss.

Elden’s ring Available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and PC.

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