Elden Ring: How To Get The Godfrey Icon Talisman

The Godfrey Icon is a Legendary Talisman in Elden Ring that increases the damage dealt by charged Sorceries, Incantations, and Skills. The Talisman’s boost can be incredibly beneficial for high-FP, burst Sorceries such as Comet Azur or buffing Incantations such as Blessing of the Erdtree. In particular, Tarnished, whose setup revolves around the one-cast-kill builds, will find the Godfrey Icon Talisman in Elden Ring to be of extreme value.

The Legendary Godfrey Icon Talisman is located within the Atlus Plateau, the northern region between Mt. Gelmir and Leyndell, Royal Capital. Tarnished travelers will need to activate the Grand Lift of Dectus or complete the Ruin-Strewn Precipice Dungeon to reach this area. The Grand Lift requires the player to find two halves of the Dectus Medallion, and the Ruin-Strewn Precipice has a mandatory boss, the Magma Wyrm Makar. Furthermore, adventurers will be ambushed by Ancient Dragon Lansseax as they make their way to Erdtree-Gazing Hill. Alternatively, the player can be teleported to the Volcano Manor in the Atlus Plateau by being trap-killed by an Abductor Virgin beneath Raya Lucaria. However, this method is the least optimal means of getting to the mountainous region.

Once Tarnished have made their way to the Atlus Plateau, they must travel south of the Grant Lift of Dectus. After descending a small ridge, the player will encounter the Golden Lineage Evergaol, a pocket dimension gauntlet where challengers must face Godefroy the Grafted. Once defeated, this boss will drop the Godfrey Icon Talisman.

Godfrey Icon Location In Elden Ring

Before adventurers can confront Godefroy, they must break the Evergaol’s seal by using a Stonesword Key at the Imp Seal Statue nearby. Afterward, head into the center and summon the boss. Mechanically speaking, the battle against Godefroy the Grafted functions identically to the fight that takes place in Stormveil with Godrick. Godefroy is equipped with the same moveset and abilities from Phase 1 but will not enter Phase 2 with a dragon-head arm. Instead, the boss will occasionally perform attacks similar to what Godrick in Elden Ring used in his second stage.

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To defeat Godefroy and obtain the Godfrey Icon Talisman, Tarnished must have an understanding of the boss’s general moveset. Godefroy will naturally perform regular attacks, but occasionally, he will execute a five-strike combo ending with a finishing, Poise-breaking slam. Dodge away during the first three attacks and then dodge into him during the final two. Next, the boss has a whirlwind charge attack where he will either roll and perform a leaping smash or hurl two tornadoes. Both are easy to dodge, but the player must carefully watch for which one he will cast. Finally, he has a slamming earthquake attack, which is best avoided by keeping one’s distance. Once Tarnished have a grasp of Godefroy’s simplistic abilities in Elden Ring, they can take him down without issue.

Elden Ring is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC.

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