Far Cry 6: Parting Gifts Treasure Hunt Solution

The MGL-6 grenade launcher is designed for Far Cry 6 During gameplay, it can be easily picked up by completing the Farewell Gift Treasure Hunt. Explosives have many convenient uses Far Cry 6including blowing up Far Cry 6Anti-aircraft guns are loaded with precious depleted uranium. Explosives can also be used to destroy enemy units while accomplishing many other objectives Far Cry 6Having a unique explosive weapon like the MGL-6 benefits Dani as they work to free Yara.

Far Cry 6 The MGL-6 Grenade Launcher is a revolver-style weapon that fires a grenade that can wipe out anything or anyone in its path. The only way to obtain this unique weapon is to complete the Farewell Gift treasure hunt. As a reward for completing this treasure hunt, you will receive progress Far Cry 6 Achievements for solving all problems.

To begin the Farewell Treasure Hunt, Dany must head to the Coco Connuco Oven in the Este Connuco region. There, they can read the note, and Dany will get the goal: “Go to the storage in the Cocoa Furnace.” To get into the Cocoa Furnace and solve the treasure hunt, Dany must first extinguish the fire blocking it.

How to solve a parting gift treasure hunt Far Cry 6

similar to Far Cry 6 GDP Oil Platform Crane Puzzle, the parting gift treasure hunt prize asks Dani to move some objects. In Coco’s Conuco Oven, there will be a warehouse in front of Dani. They will need to go inside and disconnect the two machines. Then they had to get out of the warehouse and find the blue truck with the trailer attached. Dani should disconnect the trailer, then get on the truck, go back to the orange generator and connect the truck to it.

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With the generator hooked up to the truck, Dani was able to drive to the cabin near the blast furnace. The generator must be brought into the car by turning it upside down or by disconnecting the power and then pushing it into position. It will start powering a nearby green water pump.

The player can open the valve on the pump that is now powered, allowing water to flow and extinguishing the fire in the cocoa kiln. After the fire went out, Dani was able to safely climb into the furnace and peer through the fan at the orange lock on the roof hatch. They should shoot, then go outside and climb the ladder to the roof. Finally, Dany can fall through the trapdoor on the roof to find a key in the room. This key will open the locker Far Cry 6 MGL-6.

Far Cry 6 Available on Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and PC.

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