FFXIV Challenge Log Tasks and Rewards

The FFXIV Challenge Login is a collection of weekly quests to complete (resets on Tuesdays) that reward you with additional gold, experience, and other resources. These challenges cover a variety of activities you can do in the game, so there should be something for everyone.

You can certainly complete them in a short amount of time, but they can easily be completed in a week, simply by completing your daily quests like Roulette, Beast Horde, and Retainer Adventures. This works best if you plan to play most of the time.

In this post, I’ll detail what you can get from the Challenge Log, how to unlock it, and what activities are included in the weekly missions.

How to unlock the challenge log

To start using the Challenge Journal, you need to unlock it by completing the “Fulfill the Challenge” quest given to you by I’tolwann in “The Drowned Girl” in Limsa Lominsa. After unlocking the airship journey, you will pass it in the main stage quest and will be asked to speak to the Drowned Maiden boss Badlon. I recommend picking it up right away, as it’s a very short side quest that doesn’t even require you to leave Limsa.

If you completed your first dungeon (Sastasha) but didn’t unlock the challenge log (you can find it in Logs > Challenge Log), do that sidequest as soon as you have time. When I started the game, I didn’t even know it existed until I got to level 20 or so. oops.

Unlocking the challenge journal benefits you passively, even if you don’t open it or don’t think about it, since some of these quests you’ll probably do anyway, like dungeons. That’s why it’s so good to pick it up right away, especially for new players who are still at a low level.

Challenge Registration Category

There are 12 categories in total, but you can only unlock one category after unlocking the relevant content. For example, you won’t see the Gold Saucer tab until you unlock Gold Saucer. The same goes for Treasure Hunt, Eureka, etc.

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Combat: Complete dungeons, guild hideouts, or fantastical queues. Earn coins and experience for your combat job and chocobo companions.

PvP – Play or win different PvP modes to get extra wolf marks.

FATE – Complete a series of the most attractive FATE to earn combat experience and coins.

Levequests – Complete levequests for agility and experience.

Crafting and Gathering – Craft, gather, fish, and unenchant items, and complete custom deliveries to earn gold and XP for your crafters, gatherers, and anglers.

Treasure Hunt – Obtain maps, open treasure chests, and delve into treasure dungeons for additional gold.

Beast Horde – Complete Beast Horde missions for bonus money.

Great Company – Deliver items for supply and supply missions, and lead your squad through commando missions to earn additional company stamps.

Employers – Send contractors on adventures and get gold rewards.

Gold Disc – Participate or win various Gold Disc related games and activities to earn a large amount of additional MGP. This is the main tool if you want to grow MGP.

Eureka – Defeat specific elemental or monster type enemies in the Eureka area to gain additional elemental experience (eureka level).

COMPLETE – Complete some unique challenges in other categories to get great rewards.

Challenge Registration Rewards


By far the most common reward in the journal is the gil, found in almost every category. In theory, you could get 108,000 gil from the weekly challenge registration rewards alone, but it’s unlikely you’ll get them all, as some of them aren’t worth it if you’re not going to do them.

Most of the gil comes from the “Complete” section, which means completing unique challenges from other sections in the registry. You can easily earn a lot from this gil by just doing a little bit of a few categories.

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For example, let’s say you did the Roulette Dungeon quest 5 times in a week (comraising someone each time). You have also completed 5 daily quests from FATE and 2 from Beast Horde, some of which you can complete while queuing for these quests.

These activities are enough to earn 6,000 gil from the challenges, but on top of that, you can also earn another 10,000 gil by completing categories through mixed activities. Obviously, if your playtime varies a bit from week to week, you’ll have no problem earning a steady stream of gold. You can earn up to 55,000 gil by completing categories. I usually make 20,000 or 30,000 of these without it specifically being my main goal.


The challenge log really shines in helping you level up, as challenges that give experience will grant you 5-15% of the experience needed to reach the next level. This varies by challenge, so some pay more than others.

Remember that experience will be awarded for the job you are currently doing when the challenge is completed. If you award your fifth Commendation of the week at the highest level of work, the challenge will be marked complete and you will lose potential XP, so if you want to get as much XP as possible, do it on return. attention later.

The categories of interest to earn XP in your combat activities are Combat, FATE or Levequests. Tier quests for combat jobs are only available in the ARR area, and I personally prefer using these challenges to level up crafters or collectors.

Of particular interest here are your chocobo companions, who can gain a lot of experience in two challenges in the combat category, where you can win battles against you while calling your fellow chocobo Enemies whose occupation levels differ within 10 levels.

For Crafters and Gatherers, you’ll need to complete either the Levequests or the Crafting & Gathering section of the challenge. If you want to level up specific jobs with the “give it to me” challenges, you may want to do other leveling tasks for different types of jobs first.

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For example, if you want to get the crafter experience bonus, you can first complete the Mercy, Sincerity, and Mercy ranks with the Collector, then switch to the crafting job you want, and complete the rank with the Perseverance and Charity rank boards to complete the challenge.

Finally, if you’re working on leveling up items in Eureka, that’s obviously the tab you want to check out to keep track of your progress this week. This experience only affects your elemental level, so it will only level you up in Eureka and has nothing to do with your work on completing challenges.

other currencies

You can earn other coins from challenge records. These are the Wolf Seal from the PvP Challenge, the MGP from the Gold Disc Challenge, and the Company Seal from the Grand Company Challenge. If you’re trying to purchase some PvP Amulet gear, or if you haven’t finished ranking up your Great Company yet, check out these sections to help you get there.

If expensive mounts in Gold Saucer are your thing, the challenges in this section can really help you win the MGP. If you’re looking for more tips on efficient MGP growth, check out this article.

in conclusion

The challenge log helps me a lot when I’m adjusting alternate work, or when I’m online and not quite sure what I want to do. I just turn it on to see if any activity sounds interesting at the moment. The game gives you a lot of free experience, gil and other resources just for very simple tasks. If your gil hurts or you’re trying to level up another job, be sure to check your challenge log progress so far this week.

What challenges do you make sure to complete regularly? Let me know in the comments.

Categories: Gaming
Source: HIS Education

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