What is a Fête event?
Fêtes is described as a “big game” consisting of five FATE-like missions that take a few minutes to complete. Most of the quests involve interacting with NPCs and items to earn points, basically small fetch and drop quests, but surrounded by lots of other players in a celebratory and festive setting.
You will get some rewards: First, you will get Fête Gifts, which contain various cosmetics or Fête Tokens that can be exchanged for rewards.
You can also earn Skybuilders’ Scrip with these little activities. Although the amount is small, it can help you save money to buy the items you want.
In the end, you’ll only get negligible experience for whatever crafting or collecting you make. Not much at all, so it’s not really a leveling event.
How to participate in Fêtes
All parties are held in The Firmament in Ishgard, so you must first unlock that area through the level 60 side quest “Into the Firmament”.
Then, talk to the nearby Augebert (marked with a narrow yellow side quest) to start a series of side quests that will introduce you to NPCs of interest in the area.
This will unlock the next quest in the Firmament quest chain, as well as the chance to participate in Fêtes. You can teleport to the Firmament by interacting with the Aetheryte in the Foundation Aetheryte Plaza.
A set of Fêtes occurs every two real-world hours during a twenty-four hour period. Then there is a delay of a day or two before they start again. When you’re in Firmament, you can check the time remaining until the next Fête on the screen at the top of your task list.
When the party starts, simply switch to Disciple of the Hand or Disciple of the Earth and click the “Join FATE” button when it appears. There are no degree requirements.
vacation tips
Parties tend to draw a lot of players, and trying to take advantage of an important NPC in a sea of characters will quickly test your patience.
First, I suggest you go to System > Shortcuts > Target and search for “NPC target or nearest object”. This is the button you’ll press in most Fêtes to aim at shiny objects on the ground and talk to NPCs. By default I think it is set to numpad 0.
Under System > Shortcut > System, at the top of the list is “Confirm.” After aiming at an object, this is the button you press to interact with it. For NPCs, you can simply send this button to advance the conversation and even deliver your items.
If you are late and the time bar is almost full, don’t panic. For delivered Fêtes, once completed, you have an extra 1 minute to earn points, so even if you’re a bit late, you can still get a Gold rating.
Instead, don’t feel obligated to play in all five games. If he only has a few minutes, he can jump in early. Be sure to wait for the current Fête to end so you can win gifts for the events you attended.
A Twist of Fête (Gold Ranking: 6 points)
This is the first Fête in the series, held at Bright Ballad’s Passage. The closest etheric crystal fragment is probably the Western Risensong Ward. You will have a minute or two to reach the area. [11.4, 8.1] Before the big Fête indicator appears on the screen.
The first and most important thing you need to do for this game is to click the “Join FATE” button in the task list. This will place three emotes on your hotbar, which are required to earn points. Sometimes you’ll see emoticon messages in chat from players who didn’t click the button. Remind them to join FATE so they can access the buttons they need.
Watch the pets closely, when they make an expression you will want to point at them and respond with an expression. Usually there will be a large group of them, but you should be able to click on the NPCs on their platforms. You can also run up to them and use your hotkeys to target the nearest NPC.
They will perform a total of 11 actions, but you only need 6 points for your gold rating.
Made of softest material (Gold Rating: 3 points)
Head south to the second Fête in the chain, which is in Mattock. [11.7, 13.2].
Interact with a box of stuffed materials to create toys. Then interact with the Big Moogle plush to pick it up. Then run and interact with the wagon to drop the toy, earning you a point. Simple enough, but sometimes I still forget that I have to pick up the toy before running to the car!
Sprint cannot be used while carrying a toy, if you sprint before picking up the toy, the sprint buff will drop immediately when the toy is picked up. So the best use for running is when you come back from Wain to sew another empty-handed toy.
Shear-a-Yak (Gold Ranking: 4 points)
Returning to the Bright Ballad passage [11.4, 8.1] The third festival, where you will see a giant yak.
Clicking the “Join FATE” button will place an action on your hotbar to use the Aeteromatic Clipper. Aim for the Wooly Yak and fire the scissors, then pick up the three nearby stacks of shiny Yak Wool. You have to search for them, but there are limited places where they can spawn. Try to see where other players are kneeling on the ground.
Once you have all three, give them to Chirpy Chocobo for points. Pressing the “confirm” hotkey when delivering an item will scan the text very quickly and even select the delivered item if it’s at the top of the key item list.
Toy Hunter (Gold Ranking: 4 Points)
Follow the crowds to the fourth annual Abacus Party [9.4, 11.2] On the west side of the Firmament, then click the “Join FATE” button when it appears.
You will search the boxes to find toys and exchange them for points. There is a flower pot in the middle of the courtyard, and a flower pot on the left and right sides.
If you check a box and there is no lucky toy, you will briefly turn into a pig. Run to the next box while in pig form, and when it disappears you can keep looking for the next one.
Remember to use the “Confirm” key combination when you hand over the toy to the NPC. Assuming you don’t have other mission-critical items in your inventory, I’ve found that it’s faster than delivering them with the mouse.
Gifts of the Mind (Gold Ranking: 6 Points)
The last Fête of the chain is back in Mattock [12.2, 11.9].
Click the “Join FATE” button and you will be able to claim a gift and give it to one of the waiting NPCs. You will be able to interact with a stack of gifts twice, then another color will be available for both gifts, and so on.
Pink “Kids Gifts” for Sky Girls and Sky Boys.
The yellow “Merchant’s Gift” is given to foreign merchants and merchants from Ishgard.
Orange “Craftsman’s Gift” to Tiangang Engineers and Jamel Mason House.
Since you only need 6 points, as long as you give each NPC’s gift once, you’re done.
Rewards – Party Favors
The full set of 5 Fêtes takes about 25 minutes to complete, and if you achieve Gold ratings in all areas, you’ll earn a total of 10 Fête Presents.
As each Fête is completed, you must remain a Disciple of the Hand or Disciple of the Earth to receive the reward. If you are doing combat work when the time is up, you will not receive anything, no matter how many points you earn.
Most of the Fête gifts I’ve opened offer Fête tokens, but you’ll also find a variety of decorations, including house items, emotes, hairstyles, vests, orchestra scrolls, clothing, dyes, minions, and an antelope stag mount. .
u/maglen69 on the ffxiv subreddit provided his results for opening 500 gifts. You’ll mostly receive tokens, but it’s also fun to occasionally receive random cosmetics, especially if you don’t already have one or if it’s worth buying from the market.
In particular, the dyes you can get seem to be limited to the rarer ones, like the more vibrant dragon blue, cherry pink, canary yellow, etc., or those under the generic rainbow label.
spend party tokens
In Firmament, you can meet Enie at The Mendicant’s Court Use your party tokens together [12.0, 14.0].
The most expensive items are the Peace Lover’s Outfit Chest (charm set) for 50 tokens and the Antelope Deer Horn (mount) for 30 tokens.
An antelope deer mount and outfit for peace lovers.
I highly recommend checking your server’s market dashboard before spending your tokens. Mounts can be very cheap, and charm sets can also be purchased in complete cases or individually.
These are much larger than I expected.
You can also trade tokens for two balloons for outdoor decorations and three glowing dyes for your charm needs.
metallic black tint
pearly white dye
metallic brass tint
If you’re not interested in any of these, you can spend the tokens on non-combat premium materials of your choice.
Finally, you can buy Magic Prism if you like it. Is that someone’s business?
Spend Skybuilders Tokens
You get 100 Skybuilders Scrips per gold rank, for a total of 500 Scrips per game. It’s not enough to buy expensive items right away, but it’s still a nice bonus.
Skybuilders’ Scrip can be spent with the same provider, Enie in the court of mendicants [12.0, 14.0]. She has more goods for this coin, so if she wants a lot, she may need to use Diadem to grind for them outside of these Fêtes.
If you only get Scrips de Fêtes, I recommend keeping them as prohibited items on the market, since you can’t buy items with gil from other players.
Some options are Pegasus mounts, Dress-up Estinien or Pegasus Colt followers, or Lizbeth or Ehll Tou Triple Triad Cards.
If you’re not saving up for anything in particular, there are a variety of brilliant dyes available for sale on the Market Board, each available for 100 Skymaker Tickets.
Summary: Are the Fêtes worth it?
While the actual gameplay of Fêtes isn’t very interesting, it’s low effort, low investment, and gives you a decent non-combat experience and some cosmetic bonuses to enjoy or sell on the market.
Among the rewards that can be exchanged for tokens, dyes and non-combat materials have the highest price on the market due to their consumable nature, so some gold coins can be easily crafted.
If you’re a collector, you’ll want to get exclusive mounts and charm sets. Of course, these are commercially available, so you don’t actually have to run Fêtes to get them. In fact, you should definitely check the prices in the market before buying those expensive items.
The price of the mount has dropped so much on my server that it makes more sense to buy it for gil and spend the tokens on other things.
If none of the above sounds appealing, like GATE on a golden record, if you happen to be in the area at the right time, I highly recommend attending at least one to experience the content.
Categories: Gaming
Source: HIS Education