FFXIV How to Glamour

If you’re new to the game, you’ve probably noticed that sometimes you end up wearing really weird clothes. As you get stronger armor, swapping out different parts at different times means your clothes will look completely different. On top of that, some individual items are downright eye-catching.

To look like a daring adventurer, you must learn to use amulets. That’s all.

unleash the charm

To unlock the Charm system, players must complete the level 15 quest “If I Was Charming” in Western Thanalan. This will also unlock the Charm Dresser in your hotel room and in the squad headquarters.

fascinating article

Charm means to apply the aspect of an element to another element of the same type (body, hands, legs, etc.)

There are three restrictions:

1 – “Charisma does not stack.” This glamorous piece cannot be glamorized like anything else.

2 – “Cannot use Charisma due to work restrictions.” Amulet pieces must match your class and level.

3 – “The level of the base item cannot be lower than the cast level of Charisma.” The charm piece must be at or below the same item level as the item level of the team you cast it on.

There are two ways to charm, both of which require at least one spellcasting prism. You can use a Charm Prism directly with an item in your inventory, or you can spend a Charm Prism to put an item on your Charm Dresser.

Using Glamor Prism directly

You can spend Charm Prisms to make a piece of gear look like another (prettier) piece of gear. Right-click on the ugliness you want to cover up and choose “Cast Glamour”. You can then choose a part of the same type from your inventory. Items that violate the above rules will be grayed out.

This method allows you to instantly apply the amulet no matter where you are, as long as you have both the amulet part and the amulet prism in your inventory. Some people prefer to do this when doing quests or leveling up, so they can reapply spells to new equipment without going back to town.

Use the Glamor chest of drawers

You can place a piece of equipment on a Charm Dresser at an Inn or Squad HQ. Doing so costs a Charm Prism, but you can apply it to any number of items, an unlimited number of times, as long as you are in an area where a Charm Plate can be used. w

The item you place in the amulet dresser must be fully durable, lose any crafting signature, materials, other amulets, and (mostly) ether bonuses. It also resets the mental link to 0%, and when you remove it from the dresser, it becomes linked to you.

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You can dye an item in your charm rack (right-click > “Dye”), or dye it on a separate charm plate for use with the game. If it’s an expensive dye, I recommend dyeing the item in Charm Dresser. If it’s cheap, you can dye the Glamor Plate with confidence without worrying about removing the Glamor Plate later.

If you want to cast a charm from your charm hutch without setting up a charm board, simply go to the charm hutch, right click > “Apply Charm” and it will cast the charm to your currently equipped device for free on top. No need for a glam prism.

You can remove items at any time by right-clicking Charm Dresser > “Restore Item”. You can even delete parts that are currently being used on Glamor Plates.

use charm board

To set up a Glamor plate, simply assign any part of your favorite Glamor dresser and/or cabinet to the plate. Glamor Plates can be applied to each of the main “hubs” of the expansion: Limsa Lominsa, Ul’dah, Gridania, Foundation, Idyllshire, Kugane, Rhalgr’s Reach, The Crystarium, and Eulmore. Glamor Plates are also allowed in residential areas.

Glamor Plates can also be linked to Gear Sets. In the gear set list, right click > “Link to Dashboard”, when you switch to that gear set, the dash board will be applied automatically.

You can also do this through a macro using the /gearset or /gs command. For example, “/gs change 1 3” will equip you with the first set of gears, and then apply your third charm board.

common source of charm

It all comes down to your personal preference, depending on what you’re looking for. The xivstyle file is a great resource for finding armor mods for many of Hyur’s characters. If you want to try on your character in-game, here are some places to start looking for cool outfits.

market board

The easiest way to get something shiny right away is to pay for it. Check out the marketplace dashboard and sort by jobs and teams to easily browse through tons of gear to see what you might like. Remember, you don’t need to buy high-end gear if you’re just wearing it to look good.

Many items on the Marketboard are sold by NPC vendors around the world, so check the store’s sale price tag on the item in case the price on the Marketboard seems too high.

Gear “artifact” or “work”

If you’re looking to really capture the work-specific fantasy, check out your work-specific gear, as it’s designed for a specific purpose. If you drop it, you can get it back for a small amount of gold from Calamity Salvagers in the starting town. You can find the level 50 and level 70 sets here.

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Some working sets were repurchased elsewhere. You can get Kakalan’s second level 50 set in Revenant’s Toll [22, 5] For ancient items obtained in level 50 dungeons. Yolaine in basics [13, 11] Sell ​​the Centurio Seals level 60 set.

The level 80 set can be obtained (and reacquired) from Grenoldt in Tempest [34, 26]. All of these sets have dyeable versions, but the level 80 dyeable version is not yet available.

gold plate

Gold Saucer has some outfits you might want to check out. Go to Gold Plate Waiterplace [5.1, 6.7] for most of them. These are general equipment and can be equipped by all professions. Some of it is ridiculous, so if you like people to stop to look at you, you’ll want to check it out. You will need to earn a decent amount of MGP to purchase all of these.

Xia [7.2, 7.3] Assuming you’ve done enough fashion reporting, there’s another outfit for some gils.

Test equipment

These outfits are designed to make you look and feel like a full-fledged boss as a reward for completing difficult end-game content. Ultimate Trials rewards you with fancy weapons, while Assault ranks have a full set of armor and weapons available.

Normal and Brutal armor sets are the same model, but Brutal gear can be dyed. You will need to collect tokens to exchange for equipment by playing the battle multiple times, unless you get lucky and the item of your choice drops.

If you have a max level character, you might be able to do the level 50 and 60 tests alone, but you’ll probably have to post an unsynchronized run to Party Finder for the higher level tests and raids. These battles can appear in your Wondrous Tails book, giving people an added incentive to join you.

You can sample most of these things from vendors, so check them out in Idyllshire (level 60), Rhalgr’s Reach (level 70), and Eulmore (level 80). The level 50 stuff is a special case because it’s actually made with drops, so you can try it out on the market board.

tombstone kit

While not always as impressive as armor sets in raids, Tomestone sets were released at the same time as end-player alternatives, so there’s still some attention paid to their aesthetics. I’ve found that I actually like the look of some of these sets better, and they’re more accessible, too.

If you’re looking for one of these outfits that isn’t at your current level cap, you’ll need to collect the Tome of Poetics, which you can then buy from Mor Dhona (level 50), Idyllshire (level 60), Rhalgr’s Reach (level 70). Take a look at this article, Learn the best way to grow these tomestones.

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Eulmore is where you’ll find the level 80 sets, but these are either obtained via Nuts or one of the two endgame tomestones, depending on which set you’re looking at.

pvp team

While I found some of these scenes quite bizarre, there is a unique aesthetic to it if that’s what you’re after. Check out all these outfits at the Wolf’s Den Dock and collect Wolf Marks if you want to get any of these items.

dungeon loot

I recommend looking up the required equipment in a tool like garlandtools. First of all, I’d like to point out that many dungeons are not dyeable, so be sure to check first if you think this is important to you.

Second, check for shared models, as Square Enix tends to reuse device models from previous expansions. You can grab a similar piece right now from a marketplace board or something simpler, though it might have a slightly different color scheme.

This is the hardest type of charm to get because it comes down to RNG if the piece you want drops or not. Consider asking a friend to farm it for you, or if it’s an older dungeon, come back when your level is much higher so you can easily do it yourself.

If you’re looking for gear to upgrade a dungeon (ex. levels 51-59, 61-69, etc.), be sure to keep the other parts of the same set in your inventory, as completing a dungeon guarantees a software build. you still don’t have

mogg station

If you don’t mind paying real money, the in-game cash shop offers exclusive decorations including charm items. They are located at The Mog Station in the Optional Items tab. Personally, I find enough stylish clothing in the game because there are so many items, but I see the appeal in some of the specially designed outfits that you can buy.


In short, to look like a hero, you’ll need to stock up on Charm Prism and find some pretty clothes to fill your Glamor Dresser. Then you can go big and put together any cool or crazy outfit you can think of.

I have a lot of fun with charms and love finding multiple outfits for different characters. I hope you enjoy playing around with different styles on your characters. It only gets better as you level up and have more clothes to choose from. How long was it before you got into the glam game? Let me know in the comments.

Categories: Gaming
Source: HIS Education

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