Game Of Thrones: The King’s Hands (Ranked Best To Worst)

The Hand of the King, a title associated with Tyrion Lannister, is a position of great responsibility but little honor. Game of ThronesThe King’s Hand is supposed to advise the king or queen they serve, but they are also blamed for the king’s mistakes.

According to Jaime Lannister, the Mad King was clearly the hardest person to be Prime Minister, as his most trusted Prime Minister, Qarlston Chelsted, was eventually burned to death in a bushfire. Playing as the King’s or Queen’s Hand becomes easier after the Mad King’s death, as it just needs to be smart enough to ensure that your master is properly counseled. Not everyone on the show is as good at the job as Tyrion.

Best: Tyrion Lannister (Joffrey and Daenerys)

Tyrion Lannister has long been considered the Hand of the King, but many judge him by looks rather than brains. No one has made the King’s Hand better than Tyrion Lannister, but he has never received the credit it deserves. He faithfully serves Joffrey, covering up his mistakes and maintaining sanity on his small council despite all the skirmishes and backstabbing.

He later moved to Merlin to serve Daenerys, pitting him against his family’s interests in King’s Landing. Tyrion somehow tried to advise the people he worked for to do the right thing, but still blamed himself for the mistakes he had made, some of which were not his fault. He is the only Lannister to live up to his name by paying off his debts, including those of the kingdom.

Davos Seaworth (Stannis Baratheon)

Davos Seaworth as Arm of King Stannis Baratheon

Ser Davos Seaworth was a good adviser to Stannis Baratheon, but his advice was wasted in the ears of a doomed man. Like Tyrion, Davos is loving and responsible. Always consider all options and be open to peace, unlike Melisandre who just wants to kill everyone on the other side. Davos also advised Stannis against relying on the Dark Arts.

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Despite giving the best advice and building a strong alliance, Davos is responsible for all of Melisandre’s mistakes. He got a second chance from Jon Snow, and although he didn’t officially get the job, he became part of the army that saved Winterfell and then the kingdom.

Eddard Stark (Robert Baratheon)

Eddard Stark as King Robert's Hand

Ned Stark is a fool, but he always responds to the call of duty. It is unclear why Robert Baratheon did not seek his help sooner, but he is the best advisor and protector any king could wish for. Ed is so interested in Robert’s reign that he is willing to give up his master’s party to ease the financial burden on the crown.

Ned also investigates the death of his predecessor and is willing to wipe out treachery in King’s Landing to strengthen Robert’s rule. However, he was too ambitious and pure to live in this crooked city, leading to his death at the hands of the crooked Lannister family.

Jon Arryn (Robert Baratheon)

'Game of Thrones' Jon Arryn's corpse with a coin covering his eyes

Like Ned Stark, Jon Arryn is a good man with self-respect, with a strong will to do the right thing. He left the peace of the Vale to come to King’s Landing as Lord of the Eyrie, to serve Robert Baratheon.

He’s also the only one on Robert’s small council who doesn’t have mixed loyalty, and the Lannisters kill him for it. He was also the first to seriously doubt Cersei’s paternity and act. Had he lived longer, Robert’s fate could have been avoided.

Qyburn (Cersei)

Qyburn and White Walkers-GOT S07

In another world, Cersei would be a great queen without Tywin Lannister and Master Pycelle. Love her or hate her, Cersei is smart enough to know how to keep the peace in King’s Landing. Cersei is also the only one smart enough to manage the complex politics of the capital and she could not have chosen a better Prime Minister than Qyburn.

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Qyburn is a spoiled man with a false past, and just needs someone to believe in his talent. In return for his trust in Cersei, Qyburn gave her all, beginning with a vow to serve her at the Mountain. He also created the Scorpion to help her defeat the dragon, and stood by Cersei until the very end. He fought for the wrong side, but he still fought faithfully as the Queen’s Hand.

Tywin Lannister (Mad King and Joffrey)

Charles Dance as Tywin Lannister

Tywin was the king who ruled King’s Landing for many years but did not sit on the Iron Throne. He is the wisest of the Red Keep, and knows the politics of the Seven Kingdoms better than anyone. There’s no flashback to his time as the Mad King’s squire, but it’s clear that the Mad King has been poisoned by his own hands and he’s clearly doing badly.

He was also too harsh with the small council when he gave Joffrey the viceroyalty, and didn’t notice when Olenna Tyrell was planning to assassinate him. He was too concerned with his work and power to notice political change.

Jorah Mormont (Daenerys)

Jorah Mormont, the queen's most powerful hand for Daenerys

Jorah Mormont seeks redemption in time when his house goes out of business after he turns Joer Mormont’s old house into a slave trade ring. Like Ser Davos, Jorah was never officially named Hand of the Queen by Daenerys, but as she would later say, she considered him her Hand before Tyrion appeared.

He protected Daenerys before she conquered any important lands and armies, and continued to do so by advising and protecting her before he contracted gray scale disease. He is the only one trusted enough to be the arm of the Void Queen. When Daenerys lost faith in Tyrion at Winterfell and sided with Dany and died protecting her, he continued on his duty.

Orton Meriwether (Tommen)

Orton Merriweather's Death at Baylor Templar

Orton Merryweather is an ambitious but super dumb Hand of the King. He was appointed Hand of Tommen because Cersei couldn’t stand having another Tyrell on the council, and that quickly spiraled out of her control. His job starts off well, as he has to pay a royal debt, but fails when he is seduced by Cersei.

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Merriweather failed to convince High Sparrow that his allegations against Margaery were not false, and he and Cersei were arrested as a result. If it weren’t for him caring enough to not get Tommen in trouble, he would be the Worst Hand Tommen has ever had.

Kevin Lannister (The Towman)

Kevin Lannister sitting on a chair in Game of Thrones

Besides Tyrion, Kevan was the only Lannister who didn’t deserve to die because he lived up to his family’s oath and protected his brother in his time of need. He really liked Tyrion, and was relieved when the poor elf returned from the Eyrie unharmed. However, he underestimated his niece and didn’t know how powerful and terrifying Cersei really was.

He turned down Cersei’s offer to become a Master of War and accepted Grand Maester Pycelle’s position as Hand of the King, which was a huge mistake. He is just as benevolent as Tywin, trying to bring sobriety to King’s Landing, but his ambitions are too great. When she blew up the Great Hall of Baelor, he eventually died along with the rest of Cersei’s enemies.

Worst: Mace Tyrell (Renly and Tommen)

Mace Tyrell as Master of Coin and Ships

Renly Baratheon’s sidekick, Mace Tyrell, is his good companion, but he’s best described as “dumb”, like his mother Ollena. ) in your header. He failed Renly and headed south to ally with Tywin Lannister. Mace is a bad deal for Renly Baratheon; he could hold the position because when Renly became king he needed the land.

After Cersei was imprisoned by the High Sparrow, he was given the same position as the Hand of the King by Tommen Baratheon. During Mays’ premiership, he served only his own interests, not even the interests of his family. His services and advice never helped any of the kings he served.

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