Salt Papi vs. King Kenny (Round 2)
For the second time in the fight, King Kenny throws his opponent to the canvas.
He seems to think WWE is here tonight too.
When Salt Papi comes in with his big shots, Kenny just looks to duck under them and slide under him.
Nobody hit anything important in that round, it ended with the referee warning both of them about hitting when holding the opponent.
Salt Papi vs. King Kenny (Round 1)
As always, King Kenny is slow to start the fight.
Salt Papi catches him with a big left hook.
The body shot seems to hurt Kenny and he responds with a big kick himself in anger.
Salt Papi keeps trying to get inside while King Kenny tries to use his long reach to keep him at bay.
It’s hard to call him after that first round.
Salt Papi vs. King Kenny
Now it’s time for the main event,
This fight is scheduled for six rounds.
With these two fighters, this one could be explosive.
Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: HIS Education