Godzilla: 10 Hilarious King Ghidorah In A Nutshell Memes That Can’t Stop Bullying Lefty

On June 2nd, 2019, Deviantart user Michael J. Larson posted a cartoon called King Ghidorah in a Nutshell, based on the most recent Godzilla film, King of the Monsters. In it, Ghidorah’s three heads share a group photo, which is ruined by the left head, whose derpy expression breaks any semblance of toughness. The cartoon was inspired by King Ghidorah’s appearance in the movie, where the three heads have their own unique personality. Middle head is the leader, right head is the second in command, and lefty is a complete idiot who’s more of a liability than anything else. This is much to the dislike of middle head, who is constantly losing his patience with lefty’s absent mindedness.

Soon after the cartoon was posted, some clever meme-makers turned it into a template that took the kaiju fandom by storm. Too bad it was all done at lefty’s expense. Here are 10 memes that make us wonder why King Ghidorah even bothered to regrow lefty in the first place.

The Force Is Not With This One

So far, Lucasfilm has had a pretty good track record with their animated Star Wars shows. Both Clone Wars and Rebels have won the respect of fans and critics alike. Sadly, this isn’t the case with Resistance, whose cutesy animation style turned many fans off. While the show has its defenders, most would agree that it pales in comparison to its predecessors. Granted, fans were originally displeased with Rebels when it first came out too, but Resistance hasn’t seen such redemption. Perhaps if the writing and storytelling improves, then fans would appreciate it. But for now, left head is its closest comparison.

Hey Siri, Play Godzilla (Main Theme) By Akira Ifukube

Ever since its launch two years ago, Bixby, the virtual assistant created by Samsung, has had a difficult life. Not nearly as smart as its competitors, Bixby is at an even bigger disadvantage than its competitors, given that Galaxy owners can just use the far superior Google assistant that comes with their device.

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Bixby is so unpopular that many Galaxy users don’t even know it exists. As with our last entry, there is hope it can redeem itself, but for now, it’s the left head of virtual assistants. Though it does run on some refrigerators, so it has that going for it.

What Have We Wrought?

Here at Screen Rant, we don’t like to pick on any one generation of people. Every generation comes with their own baggage that leaves a bad taste in everyone’s mouths for years to come. And to be fair, much of that baggage is a continuation of crap that came before. For example, influencer culture wouldn’t have been a thing for 2010s kids, had their older peers not embraced the whole ‘famous just because’ fad at the turn of the century.

Which, in turn, wouldn’t have happened without the advent of reality TV. It’s really just the next step on the evolutionary ladder. Therefore, on the behalf of the children who came of age during the early 2000s, we apologize for making Survivor and Fear Factor run for multiple seasons. You kiddos wouldn’t have suffered through stupid Morgz challenges had we not been so enraptured by the cult of scripted competitions.

Your Depression Can Be Cured If The Price Is Right

If mental health was a supermarket, Motivational speakers are in the section that sells overpriced asparagus water. They may be charismatic, but their advice is a mish-mash of crowd pleasing drivel meant to sell books and seminar tickets. At best, they may give listeners a warm, fuzzy feeling inside. But at worst, they can ruin lives by turning people away from legitimate mental health service that are actually proven to work. Or, in the more extreme cases, they could turn into a cult. Take our word for it: if your favorite speaker tells you to pack your bags, and move with your peers into a windowless compound in the middle of the desert before ‘judgment day’, it’s time to start seeing someone else.

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Look What They’ve Done To My Boy

It’s become somewhat of a cliché at this point to mock how inferior The Godfather Part III is to its predecessors. The perfect example of the threequel curse, wherein the final part of a trilogy is the weakest of the three, Part III is seen as one of the biggest blemishes on the career of its director, Frances Ford Coppola.

Honestly, its possible to apply this template to any movie trilogy that ended with a whimper. The cannoli is all yours, lefty.

Jump In(To The Shower)

Microsoft’s decision to market a brand of Xbox themed body wash and shampoo is a strange advertisement that pushes the whole ‘gaming as a lifestyle’ thing a bit too far. While we don’t want to get involved with the immaturity that is the modern console wars, even the most die-hard of Xbox lovers would have to admit that the body wash line is just plain weird.

If anything, it conjures up memories of how Microsoft attempted to market the Xbox 360 back in the day, by pitching it as the console for big, brawny macho men, who live on a steady diet of Doritos and Halo 3 Mountain Dew. Back then, selling a brand of bright-green Axe body wash knockoff would make sense, but in this day and age it harkens back to an attitude and set of beliefs that come off as cringy and dated. Just focus on the games, Microsoft.


Do we even really need to go into how disappointing Game of Thrones Season 8 was? Everything that’s been said about it has already been discussed a thousand times or more, add nauseam. Instead, why don’t we think about what it would be like if Daenerys met King Ghidorah. Would she try to tame him, claim him as her own? Or would she see him as a threat?

The idea of the Mother of Dragons teaming up with Monster Zero himself is the stuff of fanfiction fever dreams. But he’s not called King Ghidorah for nothing. He’d rather punt the Iron Throne over the wall and kill everyone in sight, until Westeros truly is just a frozen wasteland of snow and tombstones.

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Why Do Good Girls Like Bad Guys?

Like it or not, TikTok is here to stay, until it becomes unsustainable and dies like Vine. Most of the people reading this have a vague understanding of what TikTok is, though they’ve probably never used it for fear getting ostracized by the internet as a whole. What we’re trying to say is we’re old (which, in internet language means we’re over the age of 24). We already have a wealth of embarrassing baggage loaded in our closets to fill more than a few endless Facebook feeds. We don’t need any more potential blackmail material, which is why most of us old timers leave TikTok to the next generation to enjoy and humiliate themselves. Now, if only we can get King Ghidorah to burn our old posts from 2011.

Please Drink Responsibly

We at Screen Rant don’t condone heavy drinking. However, for a large percentage of us, we have stories of drunken stupors and hangovers that lasted for days. That said, if anyone needs someone to knock back a few Buds with, we know we have left head to join us.

Left head seems like the perfect buddy to go bar hopping with, provided he doesn’t decide to burn someone to a crisp in a drunken haze.

When You Peaked In High School

It happens to many people; they spend their lives in primary school getting straight A’s, only to see everything fall apart in their freshmen year at college. In their defense, college classes are no laughing matter. The culture shock of being confronted by hard, time consuming classes can cause some students to break under the pressure. Perhaps Ghidorah is a metaphor for life itself, with right representing our beginning, middle our peak, and lefty the ultimate deterioration of our minds as things start to wear out. Or, perhaps, the writer of this article is way overthinking things and needs to chill.

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