Harrison Ford: 10 Hilarious Memes Of Hollywood’s Favorite Stoic

Since his breakout role in “Star Wars,” Harrison Ford has become a blockbuster entertainer and is still in shape at nearly 80 years old. For the most recent generation, Harrison’s demeanor is one of his main attractions.

Known for being outspoken in interviews and quiet, this style has led to many memes that gently mock Harrison. True to his popularity, however, the memes have only made him more famous, and here are the 10 funniest memes you’ll find about our favorite Hollywood stoic.

ford face

Harrison’s name is the source of many puns as it is shared by one of the largest automakers in the world. However, it is difficult to understand how his role will fit in with the number of Fords available.

Here we can see how many different roles he plays that can be attributed to the number of brands the Ford line-up offers. If we had to pick one, we’d definitely pick Harrison’s version of the Fiesta.

tell it like it is

When Harrison was asked to describe Han Solo in one word, he thought of “baby”. As for Darth Vader, he just calls him “the devil”. This could easily be applied to the debacle of Sony and Disney, where Spider-Man was caught in the middle of bullets.

We’re pretty sure Harrison would have had a similar reaction if he had actually seen the pictures, as Tom Holland was treated like a child by most people who saw him. Plus, it’s true that the controversial companies have made the problem too much.

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Han is owned by

It wasn’t really a real interview, and Harrison was on Jimmy Kimmel Live! And Adam Driver is on another show. However, the interesting part about this meme is the way the words burn here compared to how Adam’s character, Kylo Ren, kills Han Solo.

Since Harrison doesn’t usually show that many facial expressions, those two opportunities are too good to not take advantage of, and now we have Adam taking Harrison out of the picture twice.

harrison doesn’t care

There’s a lot going on in the movie Solo, and it gives us a pretty good look at a young Han Solo. However, there is one person who doesn’t care about that, and that is the original Han Solo. He made that very clear when he was at this conference.

When the interviewer asked him if he was excited to see the movie, Harrison didn’t stop to care what his answer would be, admitting he wasn’t expecting it. As mentioned in this meme, his brutality is definitely worth mentioning.

acting range

Harrison is known to often play difficult roles, and those tough guys are often the only ones with a sane mindset. For this reason, he needs to point out what others have overlooked.

The downside to this approach is that almost all of Harrison’s characters are stylistically the same, with at least one moment where he points at someone else. It doesn’t do much for show scope, but it does work with memes.

Now that’s talent

In every meeting that Harrison attends, you can tell by his face that he really doesn’t want to be there, and his smile here is often more than just polite. What he didn’t anticipate, however, was how much attention fans would take.

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Here we can see how Harrison clearly expressed his uncomfortable and greeting emotions as Harrison’s two faces contrasted. It seems like he’s also developed a habit of doing more with less, but even so, fans prefer him.

that word game

Honestly, there wasn’t much thought in the making of this meme because it’s more childish than witty, but we can’t say at least we didn’t laugh. We’ve covered how his last name has provided some jokes before, but even Harrison’s last name is no exception.

As you can see, breaking down Harrison’s name can lead to the fact that they also match the memes. There really isn’t much to say other than to laugh at the absurdity of this photo; Sometimes a simple laugh can be the best.

time forever

You can compare Harrison and Ryan Gosling to Batman and Superman, because their brotherhood is exactly how the relationship between superheroes works. During the promotion for Blade Runner 2049, Harrison was annoyed but sympathetic to Ryan’s antics.

Here, we can see how the stoic Harrison senses that the animated Ryan is about to follow him, as he may have done many times before. Even Emma Stone, Ryan’s frequent collaborator, doesn’t care about him as much as Harrison does. Perhaps this is how opposites attract.

Even Indy feels left out

Harrison’s consistent stoic look shows up in any character he plays, and you can use it when creating memes to bring together his popular series. Here we have what could be considered a cross between Indiana Jones and Star Wars.

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As we all know, Episode VI – Return of the Jedi sees Luke separate from Han in search of Yoda, and this bleak Indiana photo shows Harrison’s inner Han displeased about being ripped off. abandoned to inspect a lost temple.

like an old fashioned boss

If someone unfamiliar with Harrison Ford sees this photo, we can guarantee that they don’t know it was taken 40 years ago. At a time when people were known for their uncanny elegance, Harrison dared to be different.

It definitely suits him because he has a timeless quality that makes him look like a total boss even by today’s standards. According to this photo, if someone tells you to dress up like 1978, you’re better off wearing makeup inspired by Harrison Ford.

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