Haunting photos from Epstein’s ‘Paedo Island’ show financier & Ghislaine host famous pals and scantily-clad girls

DOZENS of chilling photos taken on Jeffrey Epstein’s “Paedo Island” show him and Ghislaine Maxwell hosting celebrity friends and scantily clad young girls and women.

Previously unreleased pictures have been released in the latest dossier of them posing at the late Epstein’s US Virgin Island home in 2006.

Numerous photos show young girls on Jeffrey Epstein's island in 2006


Numerous photos show young girls on Jeffrey Epstein’s island in 2006. Credit: The Mega Agency
Sarah Ransome taken in 2006 on the island of Little St.  James


Sarah Ransome taken in 2006 on the island of Little St. James Credits: Mega Agency
Maxwell was seen lounging around the house


Maxwell was seen lounging around the houseCredit: SDNY
Epstein, right, is seen talking to former Labor MP Peter Mandelson on the island in 2006.


Epstein, right, is seen talking to former Labor MP Peter Mandelson on the island in 2006. Credit: SDNY

Convicted human trafficker Maxwell was seen lounging at a Caribbean home – despite previously claiming she wasn’t there at the time.

The images show Epstein on a quad bike, while another image shows the billionaire talking to a man previously identified as Lord Mandelson.

Mandelson was right-hand man to then-prime minister Tony Blair in his Labor administration in the 1990s before he was given the peerage.

Other photos show groups of women on the island in 2006, as well as Maxwell in the house.

Read more about Jeffrey Epstein

The 17 documents released Monday were previously sealed as part of a 2015 lawsuit between Maxwell and Virginia Guiffra.

The images were part of documents attached to the Sarah Ransome filing and give an insight into what happened while Epstein was on his private island, Little St James.

Ransome, who is one of Epstein’s accusers, was not part of the legal proceedings, but played a role in explaining the inner workings of the billionaire’s “massage network.”

She claims in newly released files that Epstein secretly recorded Prince Andrew, Richard Branson and Bill Clinton having sex.

Ransome said that “Epstein was not seen in any of the tapes,” because “he was so smart.”

She also claims in the paper that former President Donald Trump had sex with “many girls”, including one of her friends.

She later retracted the sex tape claims, according to the documents.

It comes as…

  • Jeffrey Epstein allegedly kept sex tapes of Prince Andrew, Richard Branson and Bill Clinton
  • It is also claimed that Donald Trump had sex with ‘many girls’
  • Details of the allegations emerged in recently released emails sent by Epstein’s victim, Sarah Ransome
  • The emails were contained in more than 100 pages of documents unsealed by a New York court
  • It is the fourth batch of files released over the past week
  • The Epstein files previously contained dozens of newly released names of people associated with Epstein
  • Pictures in new documents reveal Epstein’s ‘Paedo Island’ – and he was seen with Labor politician Peter Mandelson
  • Other emails revealed claims Andrew could not have sex with his accuser because he was ‘too big to bathe’
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Guiffre’s lawyers used photos included in the Ransome documents to prove that Maxwell was on the island, despite her claim that she was “barely there”.

Ransome also provided hours of “critical testimony” exposing Epstein’s sexual abuse and human trafficking activities.

In court documents, she states: “I just want to clarify, body massages meant sex, okay? It’s like the keyword for sex.

“So as soon as you stop having sex with Jeffrey and his friends and his girlfriends, you’re out, because otherwise there’s no reason to associate you with Jeffrey, because you’re only there to have sex with him.”

The documents claim that Maxwell ran the house “like a brothel”.

When questioned, Ransome said: “There was a constant flow of girls. There were so many girls.

“There were girls in Miami. Guests were coming.

“It’s like, I’m sure if you go into a brothel with prostitutes and see how they’re running the business, I mean, it’s just a general conversation about who’s going to have sex with whom and, you know – what do you talk about when you’re having sex every other day ?

“I mean, what’s there to talk about?”

She was then asked, “Other than the general conversation, do you remember any specifics about any of the women who reported to Ghislaine?”

Ransome replied, “Yes, I did. And I saw with my own eyes Ghislaine and Lesley Groff and the other girls tipping them off.

“Jeffrey Epstein told us to listen to Ghislaine.

“So Ghislaine was Jeffrey Epstein’s main right-hand man.”

Ransome also revealed in the deposition that the women were on “rotation.”

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She said: “Our rotation changed every day on that particular trip we had in December.

“So, for example, I would be invited. Maybe a few hours when Jeffrey had a little, you know, break, another girl was called.

“Then another girl was called. Every day.

“We tried to hide in different ways, so that they wouldn’t have to call us. We would generally have to sit in the main area.

“It was like a big swimming pool, the main seating area.

“It was a big table. We would sit there and do some kind of art on the table, and we always had to be around.

“We weren’t allowed to go far on the island.

“We always had to call Ghislaine and Jeffrey and tell them if we were going to the beach to swim because they had an inflatable trampoline.

“So they – I mean, we always had to tell Ghislaine and Jeffrey where we were at all times.”

The documents also show that the girls on the island viewed Maxwell as a “mama bear.”

Who is Sarah Ransome?

SARAH Ransome was 22 when Jeffrey Epstein began abusing her in 2006 as part of his depraved sex trafficking ring.

For almost a year she was abused by the disgraced financier and his mistress Ghislaine Maxwell.

In 2017, she filed a lawsuit against them, claiming Maxwell recruited her as a billionaire paedo.

In 2022, Ransome, a friend of Epstein’s other survivors, including Virginia Roberts Guiffre, attended Maxwell’s trial for human trafficking for sexual exploitation.

She gave a victim impact statement in which she said: “I was nothing more than a heartbeat and soul sex toy used to entertain Epstein, Maxwell and others.

“On one visit to the island, the sexual demands, degradation and humiliation led me to try to escape by jumping off a cliff into shark-infested waters.

“I was caught by Maxwell and company moments before the jump.

“At that time, this extremely risky escape seemed more attractive to me than being raped one more time.”

Ransome said: “I saw how she interacted with all the girls.

“You know, if you walk into any — I mean, common sense, if you walk into a company, you know who’s the boss.

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“You know, all the girls were reporting to Ghislaine in some way. Ghislaine was like a mama bear, if you know what I mean.

“She made up her mind; we had to listen to Ghislaine. And Ghislaine was Jeffrey’s right hand.”

Ransome also testified that she saw Epstein’s pilot, Nadia, having sex with him while they were on the plane.

She was asked, “What kinds of sexual relations did Jeffrey and Nadia have on the plane in your presence?”

And she replied, “Well, Nadia’s been following Jeffrey for a while.

“I watched them both ejaculate with each other. They were having quite a good time together.”

The filings all stem from a 2015 defamation lawsuit Giuffre filed against Maxwell.

At the time, Giuffre went public with her claims that Maxwell and Epstein had sex-trafficked her to Prince Andrew.

She also claimed that Maxwell and Epstein abused countless other girls in similar ways.

Prince Andrew, Maxwell and Epstein have denied the allegations.

Giuffre sued Maxwell after publicly calling her a liar.

The case was eventually settled in 2017, two years before Epstein was charged and later died by suicide in prison, and before Maxwell’s arrest.

The documents have now been released to the public after repeated requests from the media and some of those involved in the scandal, who demanded transparency from the court.

A list was expected to be released revealing 187 Janes and Johns whose names were previously protected.

The court did not comply with this request, but published hundreds of pages on which the names had been previously redacted.

The Sun Online has contacted Lord Mandelson for comment.

Unsealed court documents show scantily clad girls at Mali Sveti Jakov in 2006


Unsealed court documents show scantily clad girls on Little St. Jamesu 2006. Credits: Mega Agency
Maxwell with Jean Luc Brunel in 2006 on the island


Maxwell with Jean Luc Brunel in 2006 on the island Credits: Mega Agency
Epstein rides a quad bike in 2006 on Little St. Island.  James


Epstein rides a quad bike in 2006 on Little St. Island. James Credit: SDNY
The documents show a number of women


The documents show a number of women Credit: Mega Agency
The previously unseen images appear to show several young females on the island


The previously unseen images appear to show several young women on the islandCredit: Mega Agency
Epstein and Maxwell were already in a relationship


Epstein and Maxwell were previously in a relationship Credit: The Mega Agency

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: HIS Education

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