House Of The Dragon Makes You Root For Incest Far More Than GOT

Warning: Contains spoilers for House of the Dragon Season 1, Episode 7, “The Mark.”Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen’s marriage Dragon House Season 1, Episode 7 “Driftmark” confirms that the prequels want viewers to actively cheer and invest in incest far more than game of Thrones did.The idea of ​​incestuous relationships has persisted in Westeros ever since game of Thrones In the first episode of Season 1, Bran Stark discovers that Cersei and Jaime Lannister are getting too close in the tower of Winterfell. But in a world where murder, though not entirely with impunity, is certainly a common occurrence, nearly every character can and will take part, incest remains one of the last great taboos, even in more medieval societies in this way.

absolutely not Dragon HouseTo date, the show has presented multiple instances of intra-family marriages: King Viserys married his cousin Emma at the start of the show; Alicente betrothed her son Aegon to her daughter Helena, Rhaenyra had previously suggested that one of her own children might marry Helena. Rhaenyra was married first to her cousin Lannor Velaryon and now to her uncle Daemon. The moral code says incest is wrong, but it’s not, even though it’s inherently weird to the audience. Let Rhaenyra marry Damon, and see it as a politically and romantically wise decision for both characters (one of whom is set to be the main hero of the show), Dragon House Really hope viewers support incest.

Why Rhaenyra and Daemon’s romance is better than Game of Thrones’ incest

Long before Emma Darcy replaced Millie Alcock as Rhaenyla and Damon, House of the Dragon had a romance between Rhaenyla and Damon. It’s clear in both cases that there’s chemistry between the characters, and a spark of desire that ultimately has to lead the two of them together in some way. While Damon’s behavior in Rhaenyra’s youth is certainly questionable (to put it mildly), the show has done enough to make it clear that these two characters are the “ultimate” couple and explain why that’s the case.

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This certainly helps to justify its political importance – for Damon, who has long been denied the Iron Throne; for Rhaenyra, a great and wealthy warrior who helped support her claims; for both men, there is a chance of giving birth to a child who will become the heir to the Iron Throne, and their lineage cannot be doubted. But the same is true romantically: Daemon and Rhaenyra clearly desire and love each other, more like lovers than relatives.They are a rare couple who married out of responsibility and Love, therefore, works in a world where incest has been so normalized.

In contrast, game of Thrones Usually against incest. In that sense, its biggest romance is Cersei and Jaime, but as the former grows increasingly villainous and the latter struggles to redeem, it makes audiences wish they were apart, not together. Even from the start, it’s clear that their affair was an illegal act that shouldn’t be encouraged, eliciting a more natural reaction to the concept (and not just because it was originally tied to the attempted murder of a young child). Since both Jaime and Cersei are villains (for a while) and incest is illegal in Westeros, there is a clearer and easier moral code for the audience to end up wanting Jaime to kill Kill Cersei instead of sleeping with her. Likewise, another example of incest is the relationship with Craster beyond the Wall, who married his own daughter and is one of the show’s most hated villains.

Even though Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen are both great heroes, it all carries over to their love story.because game of Thrones The concept of familial love had never been supported before, it was much harder to support them as a couple, and even Jon himself wasn’t sure about the idea. Suffice to say, there are some chemistry issues between the two, but for the most part, there’s no real basis for this relationship to pop up. game of Thrones So it’s more jarring (and has a greater yuck factor), which is not the same as how Dragon House These things have been introduced.

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Why House of the Dragon Needs Your Support for Incest

In addition to these factors, there is another consideration Dragon House requires the audience to support the relationship in some way game of Thrones No. Cersei and Jaime’s relationship is certainly not shown to be healthy, and viewers shouldn’t want that to happen. Things were a bit muddled with Jon Snow and Daenerys, but in the end, the bigger focus was their claim to the Iron Throne, which ended up doing what he thought was right for Jon, rather than their romance.Still, Rhaenyla and Damon help form the backbone Dragon House’s story, and the key romantic relationship of the show’s main protagonists so far.

And in George R. R. Martin’s fire and bloodan introduction to rival factions in the Civil War — while still showing blacks in a better way than the Greens — is more balanced in a “both sides sucks” way, Dragon House Explicitly supporting Rhaenyla (for now) to make her a more sympathetic and likable character, rather than wanting you to hate Alicente as a villain. In order for this to work, the audience must also be involved in the incest and invested in her pairing with Daemon, seeing it as a triumph rather than a sin. If audiences call off Rhaenyla and Damon’s marriage because of their relationship, the rest of their plot and the emotional response they’re supposed to inspire falls short.

Why Targaryens can get married but Cersei and Jaime can’t be together

Jaime holds Cersei's head in Game of Thrones

Dragon House and game of Thrones It’s possible that both are set in Westeros, but have very different views on incest.However, this is not as clear-cut as it seems: even when Dragon Houseof the timeline, it remains a taboo and considered a mortal sin by major religions game of Thrones‘The World, the Old Gods and the Faith of the Seven. Cersei and Jaime’s romance will be just as illegal as it appears in the movie. game of Thrones, but House Targaryen is considered different. Aegon the Conqueror himself was given a free pass when he arrived in Westeros with his two sister wives (despite facing the double whammy of incest and polygamy), developing a good relationship with the Archbishop (who was also clearly aware of To try to oppose the conquerors) having three dragons was not a good idea).

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Things finally began to change after Aegon’s reign, and the Faith militants eventually rose up against his successor, Aenys, and later his brother, Maegor. It’s worth noting that the Archbishop didn’t speak out against Aegon’s marriages, but didn’t support them either: at this point, incest is still illegal, and it’s believed that even among Targaryen family members, such Practices will also disappear. . The High Septon protested against Maegor marrying Aenys’ daughter Rhaena, but instead encouraged him to marry Lady Selyse Hightower (who happened to be the High Septon’s niece). While the Friar’s advice was followed, more events occurred over the years, leading to tensions between kingship and faith, which were completely overwhelmed when Aenys let his daughter Rhaena marry his son Aegon. A rupture, which would lead to him being dubbed the “King of Hatred” and a military conflict that would end his and Maegor’s reign.

When King Jaehaerys I Targaryen ascended the Iron Throne, he made peace with the Faith of the Seven, but did take steps to preserve the Targaryen custom of marrying each other. This is known as the doctrine of exceptionalism, which states that the incest of the Targaryens is different from that of any other House of Westeros because the gods set them apart due to their Valyrian blood and dragons. Thus, Targaryens were free to marry each other, but incest remained illegal overall. This largely only applies to the most direct relationships though, as cousin marriages are common in Westeros – Tywin Lannister married his cousin Joanna – and there are uncles in the North Example of marrying niece.Still, none of this reaches the level of the Targaryens, and how Dragon House Hopefully viewers will see incest…differently.

Dragon House New episodes are released every Sunday at 9pm ET on HBO.

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