How To Better Manage Your Office Cleanliness (And Your Employees’ Health)

When it comes to getting things back at the office after a long, slow, confusing hiatus where no one was sure where they were coming or going or how to get these remote working tools to work properly, there’s a flood of tasks to watch. There are new rules about spacing between tables, new employee registration requirements, new procedures for dealing with customers and visitors, and new standards of cleanliness.

Here are some tips and tricks to help you tackle one of these many post-Covid tasks: keeping your office clean. Most of us know that staying clean is a big part of improving employee health and reducing the risk of various nasty bacterial and viral situations. That being said, many aren’t quite sure what that purity looks like in practice.

Daily cleaning

First, you’ll want to develop a system for daily cleaning. You probably already have a list of things to do every day, like washing the coffee pot or cleaning the bathrooms. Your new list will likely include those things, but it will also include a checklist for different employees to check off when tasks are complete, as well as a system for things that need to be cleaned multiple times a day, like waiting room chairs or elevator buttons or doorknobs

When creating this to-do list, look for anything that many people touch multiple times a day. This may include railings along stairs or balconies, microwave oven knobs, coffee machine knobs, cabinet knobs and handles.

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You should also check with the employees on whether or not they want to clean certain things themselves. For example, someone in IT might want to clean the devices that everyone touches frequently to make sure their technology doesn’t get damaged. Many staff members will probably have to take on a few extra tasks in their day to keep things clean for everyone. Be sure to keep a list of names of those who have gone above and beyond their normal job to help. You can use this list when preparing year-end awards for your staff. Especially this year, they will need it.

weekly cleaning

Weekly cleaning jobs are those that do not have to be done every day, but must be visited periodically. This probably includes cleaning out the company fridge (ideally the day before garbage collection day so the bin outside doesn’t smell like rotting food). This may also include cleaning out items that are used infrequently, such as hole punches. This is also a good time to moving furniture clean. While we can mop or vacuum every day, at least once a week, we can move chairs and sofas and clean the floor under them. This will not only help keep things clean, but it will also reduce the amount of allergens building up under your furniture. Fewer allergens means fewer allergy symptoms for your staff, and therefore higher productivity rates. Have you ever tried to write a report when your eyes are watery from seasonal allergies? It’s hard.

monthly cleaning

Monthly cleaning includes deeper cleanings that you don’t have to do on a daily or weekly basis and contribute to a clean and fresh work environment. This may include:

  • Wash the walls (even adults run their hands along the walls from time to time)
  • Clean table legs
  • Dusting off the artwork on the walls.
  • Change of water filter and air filter
  • Clean fans and vents.
  • Cleaning the exterior of the refrigerator and microwave oven
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It may be especially prudent to bring in a crew of outside cleaners for this cleaning, as people outside the office are more likely to notice when something is dirty. Many people get used to seeing things that have slowly lost their color over time. Fresh eyes will be able to tell that the panels are covered in dirt, and commercial cleaning services are also able to tell what things need cleaning that the staff may forget. If you’re on a budget, you may want to work with a professional cleaning crew more than once a month. Bi-weekly or weekly cleanings are common.

Solve storage spaces

Storage areas that everyone uses tend to be some of the messiest areas in any office. Cloakrooms and staff rooms that are full of people’s personal belongings are good examples. This type of cleaning is more demanding because it requires the participation of your staff; That is, each one must obtain their own and take it home. You will probably need to send out a memo for this and give people plenty of time. A good idea is to tell everyone who has between now and a certain date (say two weeks from now) to pick up their stuff, otherwise the stuff will be donated.

You can contact local charities to find those that are open to receiving jackets, umbrellas, boots and bags. Many will probably be eager to get these items off your hands. Be sure to send a few reminder emails during the period when staff are required to collect your belongings.

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Office cleaning management.

See air filtration

It turns out that the air in buildings is pretty nasty: surprisingly full of toxins, pollutants, and other particles. Indoor air is actually more toxic than outdoor air due to: perfumes, odors, cooking fumes, mold, dust, VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds are known carcinogens released into the air from new carpeting, paint, and non-combustible furniture, and usually circulate for about a year), and even cleaning products. Installing a good air filtration system can improve people’s mood, energy levels, productivity, memory and concentration levels, as well as help protect staff from viruses and bacteria).

The tips above should help you keep your office clean and safe, and keep it that way for months and years to come. Of course, if your job requires the use of additional chemicals or products, you’ll also want to continue regular safety cleanup of those hazards along with the above.

Categories: How to
Source: HIS Education

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