How To Find All Fizzy Faz Stamina Upgrades in FNAF: Security Breach

Fizzy Faz is a game that players can play in Five nights at Freddy’s: Security breach, giving them a better chance of surviving the night as they escape the mall with Freddy Fazbear and uncover some of its secrets along the way. Unlike its predecessors in the series, FNAF’s Vulnerability There’s free-roaming gameplay that allows the player to explore Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex as a young boy named Gregory, who was locked inside after work. As Gregory tries to survive the morning in the massive building, he’ll have to run away from aggressive animators, protective cyborgs, and the mysterious Vanny, making speed and stamina crucial to him. his survival.

Among several other upgrades, discoverable FNAF Pizzaplex, Fizzy Faz is an energy drink that greatly increases Gregory’s stamina, allowing him to run faster and further with each can the player finds. Players will find four flavors in the game, each corresponding to Pizzaplex’s Glamrock animatronic. Drinking Fizzy Faz gives Gregory a huge advantage when trying to escape the raging animatronics, while also creating more distance between him and his attackers, making it possible to spend the night at the center Shopping just got easier. Also, increased stamina helps FNAF’s Vulnerability Post-match content is much easier because if players choose to stay in the mall after 6am, they won’t be able to save their progress anymore and it can be more difficult to find all 4 in a match a little bit.

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Players can also earn the “Sugar High” achievement by finding 3 out of 4 energy drinks along the way. FNAF: breach of security. It’s worth noting that it’s very difficult to get all 4 drinks without crashing the game or messing up save files, which is probably why this achievement only requires 3. Fizzy Faz drinks have to be collect in the correct order to get all 4 in one play and the only way to get them all is to choose to stay in the Mall after 6am after the player completes the level.

FNAF security breach – Where to find Freddy’s Fizzy Faz

1 am FNAF’s Vulnerability, the player will have the option of going to the loading dock or the prize counter, locking them into one of two missions. If they choose the loading dock, they will be able to enter this area by going to the food court on the first floor of the Pizzaplex and entering the vent next to the salad and side dish counter. After being chased by an animatronic musician who looks like a creepy spider and slides down a vent, the player discovers an old security office with a present on a chair in the back corner. This gift contains Freddy’s Fizzy Faz, which the player must get before going to the next room, or they won’t be able to return later to get it.

However, players can also choose to complete the prize counter quest instead of the loading dock quest, which will prevent them from getting the can of Fizzy Faz in the same round. If they choose the loading dock mission, they can still return to the prize counter after 6am if they choose to stay at the mall, so players who want to collect all 4 must first get Freddy’s Fizzy Faz.

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FNAF security breach – Where to find Monty .’s Fizzy Faz

Monty's Fizzy Faz helps players increase their stamina in FNAF Security Breach.

To get Monty .’s Fizzy Faz FNAF’s VulnerabilityIn the quest to access the prize, the player must enter the El Chip restaurant on the 3rd floor of the Atrium. This is the second mission that opens at 1am, and players who want to explore the mall’s arcade can come here after exiting the Moondrop at the daycare center. Behind the counter in the restaurant, there is a blue door that leads to the kitchen. Inside, there was a gift of a can of Monty’s Fizzy Faz on the stove just past the torch charging station.

If the player chooses to complete the Prize Counter quest instead of the Loading Dock quest, they will be able to obtain this can of Fizzy Faz early in the game, but this will prevent them from receiving Freddy’s Fizzy Faz in the same turn as the player. can only complete one of these two tasks. However, if the player chooses to complete the dock quest early, they will be able to return after 6am to retrieve Monty’s Fizzy Faz, allowing them to collect all 4.

FNAF Security Breach – Where to Find Chica’s Fizzy Faz

Chica's Fizzy Faz helps players increase stamina in FNAF Security Breach.

After earning the Level 2 Security Badge FNAF’s Vulnerability, the player will be able to find Chica’s Fizzy Faz near the main lobby. Just past the central ticket gate, the player will find the Glamrock Gift Shop, and the Level 2 security gate will be on the right side of the hallway. Upon entering this room, the player will find a present on the table with Chica’s Fizzy Faz and another collection announcement. Chica’s Fizzy Faz is the easiest to collect in the game, so make sure to get it as soon as possible for an early stamina boost.

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FNAF Security Breach – Where to Find Roxy’s Fizzy Faz

Roxy's Fizzy Faz helps players increase fitness during the FNAF security breach.

Last can of Fizzy Faz FNAF’s Vulnerability Players can just let Chica or Monty retire after 5am and use their parts to upgrade Freddy. At this point, players will arrive at the Roxy Track, where they’ll find a large construction area right in front of the track’s entrance. From here, there will be a set of stairs leading up to a small path to the right of the save point in this area. Roxy’s Fizzy Faz will wait inside, and if the player has purchased two other Fizzy Faz boxes before this point in the game, they will also unlock the Sugar High achievement.

Five nights at Freddy’s: Security breach Available on PC, Playstation 4 and Playstation 5.

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