How To Get Away With Murder: 10 Hidden Details About Frank Delfino Everyone Missed

Frank Delfino (on the hit ABC series how to get away with murder) is the skillful resident killer/assassin of House Keating. Frank started out as a so-called rude, unflattering assistant at Annalize’s law firm, but quickly proved he was more of a crafty than an assistant attorney.

Frank became an integral part of the plot when in season 1 it was revealed that he had murdered Middleton schoolgirl Lila Steingard at the behest of Sam Keating. By the end of the episode, Frank has become something of a villain, playing a much bigger role in Annalise and Sam’s lives than anyone ever imagined, as it turns out he’s a product of Sam’s incest with his sister Han Na. Here are some details about him that fans may have missed.

Frank is the delgado in the original script

in the first scenario How to get away with murder?, the character is named Frank Delgado. In fact, Frank wasn’t the only one to change his name before the pilot. Laurel is also known as Laurel Wilding instead of Castillo in the first draft.

Frank turns into Delfino to refer to some kind of Italian ancestry. Of course, seeing that he’s actually Sam’s son, he’s totally a Keating.

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Frank was never really a legal assistant, which is how Annalize introduces him and Bonnie to Keating V at the beginning of the episode.

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Frank was ineligible to practice law because he didn’t have a law degree, or any degree, as he spent most of his youth in and out of prison. In season 5, Frank ends up trying to change his life by enrolling in Middleton’s law class, though like most things in his life, that’s bound to go wrong.

Frank tried to kill his father when he was 13 years old

Frank Delfino in HTGAWM

Maybe it’s a good thing Frank didn’t grow up with Sam. The feisty young man tried to kill his father, whom he knew to be his father, and of course, his adoptive father, according to information revealed by Frank’s biological parents in the final season.

Frank planned to kill his adoptive father at the age of 13 and after weeks of preparation, he finally carried out his plan. He ran to kill his father and has been in and out of prison ever since until Sam came to his rescue.

Behaving badly on parole

Charlie Webb as Frank

Frank has always been a gray character. He commits atrocities because of a distorted sense of justice or to correct mistakes. In season 3, when his basic stories are revealed, the truth HTGAWM Style, Sam realizes that Frank never forgave him for orchestrating his father’s murder.

It is because of this deep sense of guilt that he repeatedly commits other foolish acts in prison, even as his pardon trial is given. He sexually teases a female prison warden and instigates fights in his cell, hoping the behavior will prevent him from leaving the prison, which he initially felt he was unworthy of. worth.

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a little bit of food genius

charlie webb and cara souza

After Frank was adopted by the Keatings, he grew up in a large Roman Catholic family in Italy. His excellent cooking skills may have been honed while spending time with his adoptive family.

Frank is shown cooking some delicious-looking meatballs for Laurel, and he’s been in charge of the food several times when Keating 5 hangs out all night researching one of their cases, or just complaining about their life.

The person who picks up the laurel wreath is straightforward

Frank Delfino and Laurel Castillo

During one of Frank’s first interactions with Laurel, the first was a total jerk to the young law student, telling her that sooner or later she would give up law and become a mother.

However, it was Frank who also chose Laurel to join the Keating Five, perhaps because he somewhat regretted his actions, and most likely because he wanted to flirt with her sexually.

Frank never locked the door of Annalize’s house

Frank and Annalise HTGAWM

In the first season, Wes Gibbins arrives at Annalise’s house one night in one of his first personal interactions with the bubbly law professor. That was the first time he saw Nate and Annalise together.

As Annalize followed him to the door, she found her door unlocked, leaving Wes alone. She then calls Frank to warn him about forgetting the rear lock. Seeing how Annalize later gets involved in the most shady things, it’s not the best habit a person can have. In fact, when Wes was murdered and the Keating mansion was set on fire in season 3, people just flashed through the door without blinking.

Frank never spent the money he received to help in Annalize’s accident

Frank Delfino

season 3 of HTGAWM It is revealed that Frank was responsible for the loss of the child when Annalise was pregnant years before working on the Mahoney case.

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Frank receives a suitcase full of money for helping the Mahoney assassin pay for a car for T-bone Annalise. Of course, he doesn’t know that Mahoney really meant to kill his master, but he feels guilty for breaking her trust, especially since she lost her baby in the accident. problem. But Frank never touched the money, apparently out of guilt and remorse.

probably killed bonnie’s father

Bonnie Winterbottom and Frank Delfino

In season 3, Bonnie is seen going to the funeral home after her father’s death. She doesn’t really feel grief, anyway her father is a monster to her and has sexually assaulted her many times.

But when she got out of the funeral home, she found Frank waiting for her. The second, after killing Wallace Mahoney in front of Wes, is on the run, either by law or by Annalize. The funny thing is, when Bonnie saw Frank, he hugged him and thanked him! Now, that implies that Frank may have killed her father to get her attention, but also to punish her father’s heinous crimes against her. The mysterious “thank you” was later confirmed, as he actually murdered Bonnie’s father for his unique sense of justice.

Biggest in the chain

How Frank Delfino Escaped

Fans know Frank is violent from the start, but they may not realize that he’s actually the most populous person on the show, obsessed with murder, and almost everyone a murderer. .

From killing Lila, Bonnie’s father, Wallace Mahoney, Dominique’s killer of Castillo, Governor of Burkhead, to being indirectly responsible for the death of Annalize’s unborn child, Frank shows.

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