How to Make an Educational Video

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Creating an educational video can be a great teaching tool or just a fun way to share your knowledge with the world. With the easy accessibility and enormous popularity of sites like YouTube (which has over 1.8 billion users)[1]
Educational videos are a great way to teach others what you know.[2]
Based on image and sound, the educational video is especially attractive to auditory and visual learners. Whether you want to reach an audience of millions or an elementary school classroom, educational videos deliver information in a powerful and vibrant way.

  1. Image titled Make a viral video Step 15

    Determine the equipment you will need for filming. Do you want to record your educational video on a smartphone or digital camera, or would you rather use a more advanced camcorder and include a microphone? Considering what you need to make your video before you start will ensure that your video runs as smoothly as possible.

    • Pay attention to lighting. Proper lighting is important, so consider shooting in a location with good natural lighting during the day, or consider bringing your own lights on location to give your educational video a bright feel.
    • Find a decent microphone. A good microphone will help your message come through loud and clear in your educational video. Even a small microphone can greatly improve the quality of your video.
    • Consider the goals of your video. Are you shooting this video to show in a professional workshop or classroom? If so, you may want to invest in a higher quality camcorder for more professional recording. However, if you’re making this video for fun, you might be more comfortable recording on equipment you already have, such as a tablet or smartphone.
  2. Image titled Make a Video Step 11

    Make it easy with the video editing tool. After you’ve recorded your video, you’ll probably want to do some editing. A tool like Windows Movie Maker (for PC) or iMovie (for Mac) can be very helpful in editing your finished educational video. This software will allow you to import and edit videos, add and edit audio, and share your movie online.

    • Consider using additional assistive technologies to add interesting features. Tools like Go!Animate (which allows you to create cartoons), Google Story Builder (which allows you to create mini-movies and video stories), and Stupeflix (which will animate images and videos into a slideshow) can make your educational home video more a professional appearance. .
  3. Image titled Make a viral video Step 17

    Visit a website like YouTube. Find a website where you want to upload your educational video for the world to see. YouTube is a great option because it has the best tools for working with your videos and allows you to easily embed or share videos.[3]
    Many people choose to upload their educational videos to YouTube.

    • Watch other educational videos. Before creating your own video, it may help to review other videos to learn what to do and what not to do.
  1. Image titled Have a Yard Sale Step 8

    Choose a recording location. The optimal location for filming will be a place where you feel comfortable and where you can set up the necessary equipment to film your educational video. Also, you’ll need a location where ambient noise is minimal, as it can interfere with your video.

    • Visit the location before shooting if possible. Pay attention to the noise level at different times of the day and choose the desired background to record your video.
  2. Image titled Make a standalone movie Step 12

    Hire someone to film you if possible. While you can make an educational video yourself, it can be helpful if you have someone film the camera so you can focus on the content you want to convey. Also, your videographer can give you instant feedback and can pay attention to things like lighting and sound.

  3. Image titled Dress like a nerd Step 1

    Dress to impress. When making an educational video, you want your audience to feel like you’re an expert on the subject, even if you’re not!

    • Please dress appropriately for the subject of your video. If you’re talking about preparing for an interview, maybe you should dress for an interview; however, if you’re explaining how to fix an oil leak in a car, you’ll probably want to wear different clothing.
  4. Image titled Talk to the camera Step 11

    Keep your video concise. Research has shown that the average attention span lasts from 7 to 15 minutes. Keep this in mind when making your video, and try to keep your video as concise as possible while still getting your message across.

  5. Image titled Transfer Photos from Camera to Kindle Fire Step 1

    Upload your video to your computer. Once you have captured the necessary images, you need to transfer the video to your computer for editing.

    • Be sure to save your raw footage as a separate document so you can edit and change it in the future.
  6. Image titled Edit YouTube videos with Windows Movie Maker Step 9

    Post your video. Post your video on a site like YouTube where it will reach a wide audience. It might even go viral!

    • Check out the wikiHow page on video editing for YouTube as a great starting point.
    • Consider using the “YouTube for Creators” page on the YouTube website. This site will help you develop your video production skills, understand your audience, and improve your YouTube channel.[4]
  7. Image titled Talk to the camera Step 12

    Solicit feedback and suggestions from viewers. Your audience will be a great source of feedback for your video. Pay attention to how many likes and dislikes your video gets, and look for constructive feedback that can be posted.

    • Ignore negative or rude comments. Ignore personal attacks or criticism that isn’t constructive!
  8. Image titled Buy Gold Step 1

    Check your analyses. YouTube, for example, allows you to see who’s watching your video, how long they’ve been watching it, the age and location of the people watching your video, and other useful statistics.[5]
    This can help you understand the demographics of the people you are reaching with your educational video.

  1. Image titled Tune a Bow Step 8

    Select a topic that interests you. Pick something you know best or learn something new and tell the world what you’ve learned.

    • Determine what type of educational video you want to make:
      • Will this be an instructional video or will it provide detailed information on a specific topic?
      • Will there be interactive activities or will it be spoken via video?
    • Make an outline of how you want your video to be before you start recording.
  2. Image titled Research Horse Bloodline Step 10

    Find out what’s already out there and how to make your video unique. A quick search for your topic on YouTube or Google can help you determine what videos already exist on the topic.

    • Don’t let the existence of a similar video discourage you. Many people will watch multiple videos to learn something new.
    • Find out how to make your video stand out from the crowd. Identify anything you want to know that isn’t included in any other video, and be sure to include it in yours.
  3. Image titled Talk to the camera Step 5

    Prepare the script. Proper preparation for your educational video is crucial. Many people (especially those who are shy) feel more comfortable speaking on camera after rehearsing what they want to say.

    • Make sure your details are correct. Before creating an educational video, please verify that the information you will provide is correct. You don’t know how many people will see this video!
  4. Image titled Talk to the camera Step 2

    Practice your script. The key to creating an educational video that makes you look like an expert is to be confident in your message. The best way to gain that confidence is through repetition.

    • Practice in front of a mirror. Going through a script without being judged can be a good way to work out problems and gain confidence.
    • Practice with a friend and let them give you feedback. It may be helpful to have someone else listen to your script before you record and publish it.
    • If possible, practice speaking from memory without the aid of notes.
  5. Image titled Troubleshoot your amplifier Step 1

    Get all the accessories you may need. Think about the message you are trying to convey and find all the elements that will make this message clearer and your video more inspiring.

    • Watch other educational videos to see if props are used and how effectively. While it’s important not to directly copy any other video, you can take inspiration from what you see in other videos.
    • Remember that an accessory can be as simple or complex as you want. There are no specific guidelines for creating your own educational video! The props you use in your video will be unique to the topic you are featuring.
  6. Image titled Talk to the camera Step 13

    Do a dress rehearsal. Don’t forget that the feeling of speaking in front of a camera can be significantly different than speaking in front of a mirror. The more practice you can get, the better your video will be.

    • If possible, record your dress rehearsal. This will allow you to monitor it, review its performance, and identify any mistakes it may have made.
    • Ask a trusted friend to watch your video and give you reviews. A neutral third party can better identify errors or potential interference in your video.
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Categories: How to
Source: HIS Education

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