How To Slide For 30 Meters in Fortnite

Slide for 30 meters continuously on ice” is a weekly challenge in Fortnite Chapter 4: Season 1 that requires players to gain momentum while moving on an icy surface to hold “Crouch” while moving over a 30-meter distance. While this challenge’s objective is straightforward, many players might need help to figure out how the action can be achieved. In addition, the map of Chapter 4 is quite different from previous iterations of the Island, so newcomers, in particular, will likely be confused about the best locations to slide on the ice. Fortunately, the in-game map provides a relatively decent picture of where such spots can be found.

To complete the “Slide for 30 meters continuously on ice” challenge in Fortnite Chapter 4: Season 1, players must open their map and look for the region with lots of ice and snow. Of the nine primary landmarks, the choice areas to clear this challenge would be the frigid wastelands surrounding the Lonely Labs and the Brutal Bastion.

This snowy region contains many mountainous slopes where players can “knee-ski” down the frosty inclines. The distance of many trails is much longer than 30 meters, meaning players should have no problem sliding to their goal.

Sliding for 30 Meters on Ice in Fortnite

For instance, Fortnite YouTuber InTheLittleWood has demonstrated how players can slide off the side of mountains near the Brutal Bastion and still complete the “Slide for 30 meters continuously on ice” quest without coming into contact with ice the entire way. Another great place to slide on ice would be the Ice Islets, a large frozen lake west of the Brutal Bastion landing location in Fortnite. After players arrive at this spot, they need to get a running start by sprinting and building momentum. Next, they need to hold down Left Ctrl on PC or the left shoulder button for PlayStation and Xbox. If they continue holding long enough, their character should reach the 30-meter mark if nothing obstructs their path.

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As noted above, another set of excellent locations for completing the “Slide for 30 meters continuously on ice” challenge in Fortnite would include the ski trails within the mountain ranges surrounding Brutal Bastion. One such location would be the unnamed slope that goes from the northwestern corner of the bastion all the way to Crude Harbor in the far north, near the coast. Accordingly, players can travel to this icy incline from the Battle Bus and slide to the harbor to easily complete the challenge in Fortnite.

Source: YouTube/InTheLittleWood

  • Fortnite Poster Fortnite

    Platform: PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, iOS

    Released: 2017-07-21

    Developer: Epic Games

    Publisher: Epic Games, Warner Bros. Games

    Genre: Action, War

    ESRB: T

    How Long To Beat: 64 Hours

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