How to Start an Art Journal: Entry Ideas, Supply Recommendations & More

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This article is the author of Rebecca Schweiger and the Wikihow staff writer, Raven Mindyard, BA. Rebecca Schweiger is a professional artist, published by the author and founder of Art Studio NY, New York City of Art School and a Global Internet Art Studio with a grade #1. They celebrate TV networks, printing and celebrities, including NBC, ABC, E!, Time Out New York, Kardashians and Jim Parsons, Rebecca, Big Bang Theory, specializing in the creation of abstract works of art and lectures of study arts. Her artistic studies provide 100+ weeks, initial drawing and painting artistic lectures to people around the world. With more than 22 years of artistic experience, she is the author of the edition of your creativity: discover your inner artist with 15 simple painting projects, and her artwork has been exposed to more than 50 museums and gallery around the world. Rebecca holds BFA in painting from the School of Arts at the University of Boston and participated in the famous artistic residences around the world. This article states 10 references that can be found at the bottom of the page. This article is a proven fact, ensuring the accuracy of all the facts cited and confirming the powers of its sources.

Art Journaing is a fun, creative hobby that allows you to express yourself through visual art and a written word. If you are new in Art Journaing’s magazine, it can sometimes be difficult to understand where to start. Fortunately, there are no rules, so you can do whatever you want! For this article, we interviewed the professional artist Rebeccu Schweiger to teach you what an art magazine is, how to start one and the benefits of an art magazine. In addition, get instructions for magazines and recommendations for magazines and stocks.

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Art Journaing combines a written magazine with visual art and Scrapbooking. It allows you to create unique art on the pages of the diary to perfect your technique and express your feelings without fear of judgment. There are no rules when it comes to Art Journaing magazine – you can use any material and techniques you like.

  1. Step 1 Choose a magazine or sketch with thick paper.

    Before starting an artistic magazine, think about what kind of magazine you want. Generally, it is best to choose a magazine, a sketch booklet or other medium with thick pages, as color and ink can bleed through thin paper. Consider how much you want to be a great or small magazine and if you prefer a spiral or hard book.[2]

    • If you want something on the larger side, go to the A4 magazine. For a little less, consider A5.
    • Spirals related to sketches and magazines can be laid or folded, making them a practical choice, especially if you want to take out the pages. Hard magazines, on the other hand, may not lie like a flat, but they offer greater durability and protection.

    • You do not have to use the actual magazine for your artistic magazine. Sketches and notebooks also act, or you can make your own artistic magazine by painting over the pages of the old book. If you want to be creative, bind your magazine.
  2. Collect your favorite artistic supplies and place your work space. You don’t have to have any special artistic stocks to start your magazine. However, some usual materials include pens, markers, colors, acrylic paint and watercolors.[3]
    Gather everything you want to use and place your workspace, such as a table or table. Cover the surface with newspapers or old towels so you don’t make a mess.

  3. Decide what kind of art you want to put in your magazine. There is no correct or wrong way of artistic magazine, so what an art is you want to work on. Some people include many different types of art, such as painting and collage, in one magazine, while others prefer to keep different magazines for different types of art. If you are not sure what you want to do, go with the flow![4]

    • Feel free to look for different artistic magazines spreads online to get a sense of what you love. Check out the “Art Journaling” tag on social media websites such as Pinterest, Instagram or YouTube.
  4. Make a background. To start your first art magazine, design your background. Many people rather do this by painting the pages of the magazine with acrylic paint, but you can use any medium you want. If you prefer, use a ScrapBooking paper or cut out a magazine page and glue it to your magazine to use as the first layer of your piece. Creating a background removes some stress or anxiety to stare at the empty white page, and it gives you an open area to start the magazine.[5]

    • If you don’t want to make a final background, that’s completely fine! It’s your magazine to work as you want.
  5. Add layers with different art of art. Once the background is dried, give more depth and colors by adding layers with different stock of art. Podium on the design, the pattern trademark or add some stickers. Paste in some pictures from the magazine or some loose papers you have to add texture.[6]

    • When you decide what you want to paint or draw, Schweiger says, “Ask [yourself] What types of techniques, tools, colors, lines and shapes [you can] Use to really express your message. [Choose] Specific colors brushes, specific brush strokes and a certain composition that really supports what you want to say, what you want to express. ”
  6. Create a focal point. If your expansion feels incomplete or as if it is missing something, add a picture to make your focal point – a place that attracts your eyes first. Draw or paint the image yourself, or if you prefer, cut a big picture to complete your collage. As usual, your focal point can be everything you want.

    • For example, if your background and layers are mostly blue, consider the focal point of the thematic ocean, such as dolphins.
    • Consider following the “third -third rule”. Imagine your image is divided into 9 equal parts, like a TIC-TAC-TOE board. The imagined lines indicate a third of the image, and adding objects to one of these lines will naturally attract the eye.
  7. Write your entry into the magazine. Once you have finished spreading and let it dry completely, you may decide to write something. Like all elements of an art magazine, this is not necessary, but it can be a nice touch, especially if you like the aspect of Art Journal. Write about your day, include your favorite quote or song texts or write everything you think you write.[7]

    • If you are not sure what to write, try to look for some inquiries for writing or magazine online.

Categories: How to
Source: HIS Education

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