How To Turn On TikTok Post Notifications For A Specific Account

Keeping up to date with all the latest TikTok happenings can be difficult, but turning on post notifications is one way to make sure users don’t miss out. With the video-sharing social networking app having grown so much over the past couple of years, it is now one of the primary sources for short-form video content. While the abundance of videos is ultimately a good thing, it can make staying up to date with favorite content creators that little bit harder, especially considering the nature of TikTok’s AI-driven recommendation algorithm.

Notifications can become annoying when too many are activated at the same time. However, when it comes to the apps that are most frequently accessed, enabling push notifications is a great way to keep up with everything that’s happening in the app. What’s more, the TikTok apps available on Android and iPhone allow users to customize the notification experience to ensure that users only receive the notifications they care about.

Turning On TikTok Notifications

Provided push notifications are enabled on the device in general, the first thing to do is make sure that notifications are turned on inside the app. To do this, open the TikTok app and sign in. Once signed in, tap on ‘Profile‘ in the bottom-right corner to access the account profile. From here, tap on the three-dot menu in the upper-right corner. Then, find ‘Settings and Privacy‘ and tap on ‘Push notifications.’ This will then open a new page allowing the user to customize the notifications experience by toggling on or off the different notification options.

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Once the general TikTok notifications are granted and enabled, the actual process of setting up notifications for specific TikTok accounts is fairly easy. Users will need to go to the account they are interested in keeping up to date with and make sure to follow them. Next, in TikTok push notifications settings, enable notifications for ‘Videos from accounts you follow.’ To stay up to date with new TikTok Lives, tap on ‘LIVE Notification Settings‘ and make sure ‘Get LIVE notifications from accounts you follow’ has been enabled. The app should now send a notification every time a favorite TikTok content creator has uploaded a new video or starts a live stream.

Other TikTok Notification Settings

TikTok logo next to a camera icon

Under the Push Notifications tab in Settings, users can also customize all the other notifications they want to receive on the app. Getting too many notifications at once can be overwhelming, so it’s best to only enable the ones that are useful. Among the many options available, users can choose to enable or disable notifications for likes, comments, new followers, mentions and tags, profile views, and reposts. Direct message notifications for new messages and message previews can also be enabled from this menu. Finally, there’s the option to enable notifications from ‘People you may know,’ which sends notifications about accounts from a user’s contact list, Facebook friends, and more.

If users are having trouble with TikTok notifications, there are a few things they can try. The first is making sure that notifications are enabled on the phone. Depending on whether the user is using an Android phone or iPhone, they will need to search for Notifications in Settings and make sure TikTok notifications are turned on. The next step is to check whether the phone is in Do Not Disturb mode. Swipe down from the top of the screen to open Quick Settings (Android) or Control Center (iPhone) and make sure the Do Not Disturb icon (crescent moon) is disabled. Finally, users should make sure that their TikTok app is up-to-date to continue receiving any new notifications.

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Source: TikTok

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