I had incredible sex with a woman twice my age

DEAR DEIDRE: The woman I had amazing sex with is old enough to be my mother.

She wants to meet up and do it again, but I’m not sure if I should get involved.

I am 23 years old and she is 46. We met in a pub where I went with some friends and talked. She offered me a drink.

I knew she was older than me, but I had no idea by how much. I assumed she was in her thirties and she didn’t correct me.

She was extremely attractive and confident, not like women my age. I also liked the fact that she had an opinion on things and wasn’t obsessed with her looks.

In the end, my friends went to the club without me. By then I was already quite drunk and she invited me to come back to me.

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We barely got in the front door before we kissed. We ended up having amazing sex on her sofa, before she took me upstairs for more. She was so experienced and at ease with her body.

It was the best sex I’ve ever had.

In the morning, at breakfast, she admitted that she was 46 years old – only two years younger than my mother.

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I felt shocked and a bit taken advantage of. She said that my age is not a problem for her. In fact, she likes younger men.

She told me she was recently divorced and would like to see me again. As much as I’d love to do it again, I’m not sure it’s a good idea.

DEIDRE SAYS: Although you enjoyed sex with this much older woman, the experience made you feel uncomfortable.

She is 23 years older and, although you are both adults and well above the age of consent, this is a very large age difference.

She wasn’t being completely honest with you. It sounds like you might not have gone home with her if you knew her real age.

No sexual experience should make you feel like you’ve been taken advantage of.

I would advise you not to sleep with her again, unless you decide that the age difference suits you just fine.

The best thing to do would be to be direct but kind, thank her for a great night but say you don’t want to meet again because there is no future in this.

If you want to talk to someone about your feelings, contact themix.org.uk, which provides support for under 25s. You may also find my Age Gaps Support Pack helpful to read.

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: HIS Education

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