I stood beside Princess Kate at shop and saw her laughing with staff – trolls are delusional, says dad who filmed royals

A DAD who filmed Kate shopping with William told conspiracy theorist trolls: “What else do you need to fire her?”

Nelson Silva, 40, saw Kate “with his own eyes” looking relaxed in Windsor.

Nelson Silva, 40, snapped Princess Kate out and about and says she 'looked relaxed' in Windsor


Nelson Silva, 40, snapped Princess Kate out and about and says she ‘looked relaxed’ in WindsorCredit: Simon JonesPrincess Kate shopping with Prince William at Windsor Farm Shop


Princess Kate shopping with Prince William at Windsor Farm Shop Credit: The Sun / TMZBut trolls continue to spread rumors about Kate's health


But trolls continue to push wild rumors about Kate’s healthCredit: Splash

Nelson says his encounter with the Princess of Wales in the meat department should put to rest wild rumors about her health.

But yesterday the trolls were still making their bizarre claims – despite The Sun publishing Nelson’s exclusive video of her photographing herself at the Windsor Farm Shop for lunch on Saturday.

Incredibly, some said it was a Kate lookalike. Others that she is too tall to be her.

Another crazy claim was that the video was taken in December because there are “Christmas decorations” in the background.

In less than 24 hours, the body double rumors garnered more than 12 million views on X/Twitter and more than 11 million on TikTok.

Engineer Nelson accused conspiracy theorists of being “deluded”.

Speaking from the home he shares with his wife and daughter in the city, he said: “I’m not so much shocked that these comments have continued, I’m just confused as to exactly how they can continue.

“This is a video that clearly shows her and William. I saw them with my own eyes. It was a completely relaxed situation.

“What else do you need to fire her? I thought it would go quiet after this was posted. But these people are so invested in the drama now.

“They have invested so much time and energy into these rumors and lies that they cannot back down.

Princess Kate looks happy shopping with William for the first time since the operation in the video

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“Even famous people are guilty. People with a big internet platform — now they can’t admit they’re wrong because they look so deceptive.”

US accounts are dedicated to posting about Kate every hour. They often carry an X’s blue “authenticity” tick, which can be purchased to ensure the content is more noticeable.

One post on a US-based TikToker got 2.9 million views with its body double claims.

Nelson, 40, added: “People across the pond are invested and have certainly never seen Kate in real life.

“But all these people in the UK also say it’s not her, it’s a fake person.

“Well I can tell you it’s not. Will they now question whether I am a real person too?

What else do you need to fire her? I thought it would go quiet after this was posted

Nelson Silva

“Are they going to say that I made this video? Did I put a fake Kate in there? That’s funny.

“At what point are they going to pull back and realize they’re caught up in something that’s crazy?”

Nelson was buying a steak when he saw the royal couple.

He said they looked “relaxed and happy”, adding: “I had about 40 minutes to kill and decided to grab some produce. I entered the store and the first thing I noticed was their figures, they were standing next to the bread.

“Then I saw Kate turn her head slightly, I said, ‘Oh, I know her’. They went to the meat section and I was standing behind them. They were talking to the staff and laughing.

“I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but the staff seemed overwhelmed in a nice way. When I went to pay for my products, the girl behind the counter was so shocked she could barely breathe.

“Everyone there was very excited. It was a really nice atmosphere. I went to my car and decided to take a video to share with my family in Portugal.

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Nelson said: 'I saw them with my own eyes.  It was a completely relaxed situation'


Nelson said: ‘I saw them with my own eyes. It was a completely relaxed situation’ Credit: Simon Jones


By Rachel Dale

CRICKET star Kevin Pietersen says he sees the Princess of Wales most days – as he shot down internet conspiracy theories about her yesterday.

The batsman-turned-TV pundit, 43, and his family live near the Windsor Farm Shop where Kate and William were seen on Saturday.

He wrote on X/Twitter: “Conspiracy theories about Kate are absolutely absurd!

“We see Will and Kate most days and the last few days!”

“I started filming as they (Kate and William) were walking towards the car park. They looked very happy and relaxed together.

“William was clearly protective of Kate and I quickly stopped filming because I didn’t want to embarrass them.

“They went to the fields in the back. I suppose they could get back to Windsor Manor that way.”

Nelson shared the video with his family in Portugal via WhatsApp.

He added: “They said, ‘Oh my God, she’s alive! She hasn’t been seen since last year’. I’m not really into gossip and famous people, I like to go fishing and do my part.

“I had no idea Kate was in the news so much. I just wanted to share the video to tell my family,

“‘Look, I just saw them. A normal couple shopping at the farm store’. Not like they’re usually seen in ball gowns in public.

“My family sent the rumor tapes. I couldn’t believe how delusional people could be.

“On Monday, my colleague said, ‘Do you realize that this video could debunk all the rumors if released?’

“It shows that (Kate) is fine and that she is getting better. To be honest, making a video was completely out of my comfort zone, but it was only for my family at the time.

“I’m still not comfortable in the spotlight. But I figured this video of two happy people shopping might help put all these rumors to rest.”

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Asked what he would say to conspiracy theorists, Nelson said: “Find a hobby. Find something better to do with your day than this.

I figured this video of two happy people shopping might help put all those rumors to rest

Nelson Silva

“I’m sorry Kate, after seeing her it really hit me that, look, these are just two human beings.

“This is a mother who was operated on and she should not be talked about in this way.

“People who say ugly things and jump on the bandwagon, I think they just want to get likes. That is very sad. I’ve been to surgeries and I know what recovery is like.

“Kate just wanted to walk with her husband. It looks good. I would say, ‘Now draw the line under it.'”

Kate, 42, was last seen on public duty on Christmas Day. She then scheduled abdominal surgery at a London clinic on January 17.

Kensington Palace has always said it will be out of commission until April.

It is now believed she could return in mid-April after an Easter holiday for her three children.

Kate was seen for the first time after abdominal surgery on Saturday


Kate was seen for the first time after abdominal surgery on SaturdayCredit: The Sun / TMZWindsor Shop Farm where royals have been spotted


Windsor Shop Farm where royals have been spotted Credit: Doug Seeburg


By Ryan Sabey

A BBC journalist is facing charges after claiming it was a lookalike and not the Princess of Wales spotted at Windsor Farm Shop.

Sonja McLaughlan, the Beeb’s rugby expert, said: “It’s clearly not Kate. Some newspapers report this as fact. But that’s not her. There are no conspiracy theorists, but everything is very strange.”

Tory MP David Morris said Kate should not have to face “ridiculous conspiracy theories” from national television employees.

The BBC declined to comment.

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: HIS Education

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