I’m A Celebrity star ‘goes missing’ as he’s edited out despite £65,000 a day fee – as fans say ‘shame on you ITV’

FANS of I’m A Celebrity were left baffled after one star ‘disappeared’, despite his £65,000-a-day.

Viewers of the hit ITV endurance show were left baffled as Nigel Farage was seemingly ‘kicked out’ of last night’s edition.


Some viewers noticed that Nigel Farage didn’t appear often on last night’s I’m A CelebrityCredit: Rex
Fans were divided as they took to social media in droves


Fans were divided as they took to social media in drovesCredit: Getty

Some of the I’m A Celebrity crowd were angry because they wanted to see more of their favorite camp friend.

Social media users took to X – formerly known as Twitter in droves to express their anger.

One fan asked: “ImACeleb why nigel farage has no airtime today come on ITV he brings the fun we want to watch more of him.”

“ImACeleb where is Nigel tonight?” asked another user.


And a third declared: “Shame on you ITV. No time for Nigel? #ImACeleb”

But other users liked the fact that other stars were shown more on the screen instead of the broadcaster.

One fan remarked: “Love the lack of Nigel in this episode. #ImACeleb.”

Another chimed in: “Nigel didn’t get his 25% time on the program tonight and I’m all for #ImACeleb.”

A third added: “Nigel fans in the comments getting mad about his lack of airtime 😂😂😂 I can’t even say anything because I was the same when they slept on Danielle. The editors are really playing God with this. #ImACeleb”

The former UKIP politician became the “highest paid” star in I’m A Celebrity history when he entered the jungle.

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It was previously reported that Nigel was paid a whopping £1.5 million to stay in the jungle.

That’s significantly more than the previous highest-paid star, presenter Noel Edmonds, who received £600,000 in 2018.

On top of that, Nigel has also previously expressed his strong desire to compete in the Bushtucker Trials so he can get in front of more people.

He previously told food critic Grace Dent: “If you’re doing challenges, it’s 25% of airtime. I’m looking at reaching a whole new audience.”

Nigel Farage was reportedly paid £1.5 million


Nigel Farage was paid £1.5 million. Credit: Getty
He had previously expressed a strong desire to participate in Bushtucker's trials


He previously expressed a strong desire to participate in the Bushtucker TrialsCredit: Rex
The politician admitted that he wants to reach a new audience after becoming the highest-paid star in the history of the series


The politician admitted he wanted to reach a new audience as he became the highest-paid star in the series’ historyCredit: AFP

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: HIS Education

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